posted by davidt on Monday October 30 2000, @11:00AM
coulter writes: I was recently watching the most current BMX videos (X-Games) that my bike shop received for the 2000 season, and was utterly gobsmacked to hear "The Operation" play during one segment in a video called "Standard Country" I know that this is trivial at best, but let's face it, is there any more UNLIKELY place one would ordinarily hear Morrissey than in a BMX video?

Chris C. also writes: Just flipping through the channels, and decided to watch the Bike Street Finals for this year's Gravity Games on NBC. This highly commercial display of the "extreme sports" is the last place I'd expect to hear a Smiths or Morrissey song, but I got a pleasent surprise. During an Olympic-like piece of some of the riders, "How Soon Is Now" came on when talking about Dave Mirra and how he missed the finals. The song played for a while, and it was nice to see some coverage of Dave Osato for a change on the BMX scene. I guess I see now why there are all those Morrissey and Smiths shirts in some bike and skateboard magazines and stuff.
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