Recent content by BabyBlue0

  1. B

    Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

    I've posted under different usernames for years. I was more into chat,never used the forum too much.
  2. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs song hints at a need for revenge,it's my personal opinion on it,it just causes discomfort and quite frankly speaking,I'm gonna repeat myself: the issue isn't so much this song on its own but the bigger picture where morrissey is backing the far right, backing Nigel farage and...
  3. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs

    It's just my opinion that anger would most likely lead to revenge in his mind and that doesn't feel right.
  4. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs

    The supports the far right,end of discussion.he hates Islam,hates himself,hates the world and I don't care anymore because he hates this world for all the wrong reasons.
  5. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs

    I posted years ago.anyways,it's not bonfire he is talking about a terrorist attack which he feels should be avenged,he makes that clear.i don't agree with this.You don't need to take it so bloody personally.I'm a pacifist,do you want me to just drop my moral principals or something???
  6. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs

    I'm calling him Stephen because I hate him so much.I was huge fan of morrissey for a long time.,I really was a nutter for him but the guy is a far right pig and it's over for me.There is nothing in his lyrics I relate to anymore, just hate and rage and more rage,no pathos or sensitivity,no...
  7. B

    Lyrics of the four new songs

    I have resigned as a morrissey fan.He wants to promote war now? That doesn't sit well with me. Stephen is a talentless nobody and a disgusting human being.
  8. B

    Punk Rock Hurts Peoples Feelin's

    This isn't a satire, i swear to God, queen bee is over, idiot.f***ing idiots.
  9. B

    Punk Rock Hurts Peoples Feelin's

    You're an idiot.see a doctor.Punk is 40 yrs old and today you got your comuppance when the nineties generation apologised for britpop today.Hip hop is far more versatile,subversive and working class than the shit you're posting,it's not even relevant to todays' feelings..oh wait...sorry...
  10. B

    hiya there

    hi i'm schizophrenic bye
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