Recent content by bluemask68

  1. bluemask68

    TTY: Boulder (Gustavo update, tour to start again in Detroit?)

    YES! I thought the same thing. Given that the stage was set up and the band seemingly ready to go- maybe as a small consolation the band could have played just a few songs before leaving. I'm not sure if there would be any liability with this in terms of the promoter or the contract. But it...
  2. bluemask68

    Akron, OH - Akron Civic Theatre (June 29, 2015) post-show
  3. bluemask68

    Akron, OH - Akron Civic Theatre (June 29, 2015) post-show

    FANTASTIC SHOW! I've seen him over a dozen time and this one was phenomenal. Straight out of the gate with the nod to Chrissie Hynde, then into Suedehead. He looked in great health- voice was booming- he was interacting with the front of the stage fans. Early in the show a fan in the pit...
  4. bluemask68

    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    He's not a child for Christ's sake!!! He's a grown man and should act like it. You're a Morrissey apologist. I'm a Morrissey realist. He's a caricature of himself nowadays.
  5. bluemask68

    Miley Cyrus and her band do The Smiths

    .......does anybody have Bradley Steyn's address or contact info?????
  6. bluemask68

    "World Peace..." - looks to chart in US in lower teens

    You reap what you sow I suppose. Take a look at the Billboard charts today Can he chart above the latest Neil Diamond Hits package, the CSNY 1974 deluxe issue, or Judas Priest's recent redux? IMO the songs aren't really accessible, the song titles...
  7. bluemask68

    The Bullfighter Dies - full audio

    This song is rubbish. How can he unload this crap on his fan base and expect them to eat it up? Has he lost all creativity? Has he no more material? I guess he's lost all source of interesting topics and themes. Sad to see.
  8. bluemask68

    Cliff Richard to play free New York show to make up for Morrissey cancellation (June 21, 2014)

    C'mon, seriously??? That Wolverhampton show in '88 had Morrissey licking his wounds after Johnny split and was simply a PR ploy, not a genuine gesture to his fans. He needed affirmation from his Smiths' fan base that he was loved and wanted Johnny's attention. It's like asking out your...
  9. bluemask68

    Cliff Richard to play free New York show to make up for Morrissey cancellation (June 21, 2014)

    Very classy indeed. No way, no how would Morrissey even think about making this type of gesture to his fans.
  10. bluemask68

    Johnny Marr in Interview, British Masters, Sound Opinions

    He's brilliant. Very honest. Johnny doesn't have to be clever, coy, political, or controversial. Mozzer should take a page from his playbook. Looking forward to seeing Johnny live in the states.
  11. bluemask68

    Morrissey statement on South America tour, food poisoning at TTY: "See the luck I've had"

    Here we go again!!! Post after post after post exculpating Morrissey. I thought I heard it all the last time he cancelled shows. Add to the long list of reasons for cancellations----- behind #47 My mummy's sick...... #48 my tummy's sick......
  12. bluemask68

    "Morrissey Hospitalized in Michigan" -

    Why in the world woud his rep release such a foolish statement. I sure wouldn't want it to be public knowledge if I has a bladder infection. Just say he's in the hospital.
  13. bluemask68

    Flint, MI show cancelled; Minneapolis, Chicago postponed (updated)

    He made it to Pittsburgh. I guess no good deed goes unpunished. Sorry Flint, I feel your pain.
  14. bluemask68

    TTY ~ Morrissey returns to England due to his mother's illness

    Yes, interesting indeed. It's crappy to question him because it's his mum, but he's done these things so often that you have to wonder. Let's make a list--- throat, sniffles, bad back, lightening, ear ache, bum knee, hives, sniffles, meat being served in the venue, bottle to head, sniffles...
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