Recent content by boy

  1. boy

    Hur komme det sig att du frågar.

    Hur komme det sig att du frågar.
  2. boy

    I have started a brad called....

    I have started a brand called.... Lemon and Lillies, and has it's main stand on moz and smiths. Everythng is printed on eco friendly made tees and eco friendly printing. I know since I have seen it through everything, myself. Hope it has grown some curious. To be.... // Boy...
  3. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    thank you l'aer en ciel is not likley to sound like the smiths since i do know them and have listened to them, strange that he said johnny marr, he doesn't sound a bit like him. the other i most certainley have never heard of, so i will look them up, a whole bunch of thank you. // J
  4. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    Kyo from Dir en grey are totatlly different from Mr Moz in every aspect. Actually i like the japanese music but i prefer things like flipper's guitar and number girl in front of the visual kei genre. But i do have listened to Dir en grey and bands alike when i was 4 years younger.
  5. boy

    What's Everyone Reading At The Moment?

    Låt den rätte komma in. translated "let the right one in" it is referred to the moz song "let the right one slip in" it is a book about a boy who falls in love with a vampire girl in the 80s in sweden, but it's more of a relationship book with vampire elements than a vampire book...
  6. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    thanks I will check it out.
  7. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    to bad she don't want to promote her in here, i would really like to talk to a japanese moz/smiths fan. I will try to find them on the auction sites but they are most certainly to expensive for me on those type of sites.
  8. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    yeah I know but not that push? I was in Tokyo this summer seemed more push daikanyama. I tried to contact the one that made luck lisp but the mail was no longer in service. Thats really to bad. Thanks for all the information, i am truly greatfull.
  9. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    that would be great!
  10. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    They/he sounded good. cornelious when he played in flippers guitar sounded more like the song elephant stone by stone roses, or like orange juice. a very diverse sound. i like japanese music, and in a book called japanese school girl inferno there is some text about some typ of...
  11. boy

    Japanese artists that sounds like Moz/Smiths.

    Hi Does anyone know any japanese artists that sounds like the smiths or morrissey, or have them as inspiration in their music making?
  12. boy

    Morrissey's Male fan frink thread

    Re: Morrissey's Male fan frink thread! Awfully old picture, taken ages ago. I am at work, and have nothing to do. So I might aswell post a picture out of boredom.
  13. boy

    Looking for a moz fan that was on the Beckmans party in stockholm last Friday.

    Well yeah, maybe. But what if. the worst thing with me is that little things like that makes me go around for days wondering why the even uttered those word and on what grounds, even if it was just for doing something silly.
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