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  1. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Do not grow a bread if you can only grow a scraggly one! Leo has the same problem and I just can't stand it! Of course, there is worse facial hair (I don't have a poignant photo for example, but look to any boy band from the 90s).
  2. Gigi

    Members Pics

    I did, but then I got paranoid. Sometimes I get worried when I post photos online.
  3. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Why thank you. I was told my somebody today that I could totally play her in a movie. We were watching 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops at the time too, meaning she was making a fool of herself and my roommate was alluding to the fact that I could pull that off very well. Gee, thanks.
  4. Gigi

    Members Pics

    It's almost always boring, especially if it's a bad production b/c everyone does it and everyone's probably seen it tons of times. I say that b/c they made me look too old compared to the 5th grader who had naturally red, curly hair! I didn't even have large ones back then. I'm going to...
  5. Gigi

    Members Pics

    It's not your fault. But I spent my entire life training for the role of Annie! You don't understand how perfect I was. My boobs held me back! Curse.
  6. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Brag brag brag. I'm still bitter over the fact that I scored the highest on acting and singing, but I didn't get either of the parts I went for. It was the cliche known as Annie and I was too old to play Annie, but too young to play Grace. So I got stuck being Tessie-you know, the one that says...
  7. Gigi

    Members Pics

    See, if I had been involved with anything besides my own little world, taking those pictures would have been much easier. I was in a play when I was in 8th grade and it was such torture that I gave it up all together.
  8. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Haha...sorry. My friend's an artist and had all her award winnning art displayed around her and I guess if I had something good like that I would have got the pictures. I had no reason to really get them done.
  9. Gigi

    Members Pics

    That's probably a good idea. See, I didn't want to be made ot stand in any silly poses.
  10. Gigi

    Members Pics

    The one of my in the yearbook is horrible! To make it worse, they put them on on a video and projected them for the entire school to see on the last day. My smile looks painful.
  11. Gigi

    Members Pics

    No-well, as far as senior photos go they don't. I'd just felt cheesy doing it b/c it was so un-me. I had to get the one for the yearbook done and I was already about to punch the photographer in the face after the first 5 minutes. My friend and I wanted to get our photos done together...
  12. Gigi

    Members Pics

    I felt like it was a waste of money. Everyone's always looked so cheesy.
  13. Gigi

    Members Pics

    I never got my senior pictures done. I was lazy.
  14. Gigi

    Members Pics

    I carry a picture of 12-year-old Noel Gallagher in my purse and take it out often and stare at it longingly.
  15. Gigi

    Members Pics

    That doesn't count! I mean real dresses! It's b/c my dad does. You know how you're supposedly attracted to people that remind you of your parent of the opposite sex. I can't help it. That photo is very cute, but ew, nothing sexual would go on there!
  16. Gigi

    Members Pics

    To be honest, I really want a man who likes to wear dresses. I think I shall begin dominatrix training soon. My mother would be glad b/c she says I need to "get involved" in something.
  17. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Everyone says I'm bossy. My mom says it's why I have no friends.:( I just want a man who wants to me dominated. I so see a future career for myself. Hey, I've watched enough E! True Hollywood and Biographies on porn stars to know they're real people.
  18. Gigi

    Members Pics

    I'm aware of this. But it's just a fact that he's unattractive. What I say goes. Who cares about porn stars? Okay, so that was a stupid question I guess. I know a few.
  19. Gigi

    Members Pics

    Dr. Evil isn't attractive in the least! Grotty!
  20. Gigi

    Members Pics

    B/c you have no hair? Hiar is a big deal for me. If someone has bad hair, I really don't want to talk to him/her.
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