Why troll? If people don’t change their behaviours then animals will always be exploited because the exploitation is normalised.

Liking a video of an abused elephant is not helping the elephant or any other animal for that matter. If you don’t want elephants to be harmed stop normalising them as product. If you liked it because it entertained you well, then .....

If you care about elephenats/aniamls do that by being vegan not by hypocritically ‘liking’ a video while maintaining behaviours that assist in their harm i.e. the normalisation of animals as product.
troll :poop:,
stop abusing me...
From logging to flogging a Morrissey album. Poor thing.
From supporting tourists on their back to being supported by tourists to give them back the life they deserve. Perhaps some of the 1.4 million viewers of this video will feel compelled to speak up for animals used and abused until it is considered no longer acceptable to treat them like this.
Morrissey must be pretty dumb to endorse that. Doesn't he see the bad press that could come from such bad judgement.
Elephants hunted for tusks to make those piano keys.
Something sick as this post
Morrissey must be pretty dumb to endorse that. Doesn't he see the bad press that could come from such bad judgement.
Elephants hunted for tusks to make those piano keys.
Something as sick as this post can only come from a white supremacist brain. Morrissey is justly abhorred these days.
From supporting tourists on their back to being supported by tourists to give them back the life they deserve. Perhaps some of the 1.4 million viewers of this video will feel compelled to speak up for animals used and abused until it is considered no longer acceptable to treat them like this.
Who would have thought that Morrissey would be endorsing this to promote his tour and new album. MORRISSEY PERPETRATOR OF ANIMAL ABUSE. He sold his dead cat on T-shirts so fast it left us questioning his morals, so we shouldn't be shocked. He has become so terribly, terribly undefendable.
never mind the ivory keys the poor thing is being subjected to bleeding of his big ears listening to that.

P.S. Lots of tickets still remaining for Leeds/London performances.

?? :knife:
que decis ?? Hablas como si The Smiths hubiera tenido otro cantante.... sitio renovado , pero gente redundante a la carga con Moz ,ya empezamos!!!!!????
No hay nada de malo ahi el video muestra como el elefante disfruta de la musica de piano que le estan tocando ,no busquen la 5 pata al gato no la tiene ..ese es el mensaje que al animal le encanta y se relaja ,no que las teclas podrian ser de marfil y que Morrissey es poco inteligente al publicar eso y bla bla bla todo para criticar !!! Si Moz llegara a cantarle al elefante ese seguro que se emocipnaria???
Me gustaria que Moz viviera en otro lugar Inglaterra o cualquier otro pais,no en Los Angeles para alguien como el antisistema? Es algo contradictorio vivir ahi es un lugar muy ostentoso de lujos y esas cosas...el necesita ser mas modesto...el es ingles por accidente sus padres son irlandeses algo que para los ingleses es de menor nivel,pero en Inglaterra el se siente destratado por eso se fue a un lugar equivocado para mi gusto,pero ahi el esta a gusto porque es demasiado cholulo con Holliwood!!
Haha. ! Tu eres. la Cholula. La gente nace dónde se le pega la gana. Y si tienen tremendo talento como morrisey mil veces mejor ! Lo importante es tener respeto uno con otro. Y a Hollywood me lo tratas bien también porque es la Meca. De el entrenamiento y los vegetariano por si es que no te has enterado.

Elephants love music. All animals love music - it is a proven fact. And you can bet those are acrylic plastic or wooden keys. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Who would have thought that Morrissey would be endorsing this to promote his tour and new album. MORRISSEY PERPETRATOR OF ANIMAL ABUSE. He sold his dead cat on T-shirts so fast it left us questioning his morals, so we shouldn't be shocked. He has become so terribly, terribly undefendable.
Speaking for myself, instead of the "we", I don't feel the need to defend Morrissey. I simply like his posts about animals and if it garners a little publicity for the elephant sanctuary then Good! Animals are featured in his songs, videos and his life. Dude was in his life and he can remember him whatever way he wants. It's not for me to judge.
From supporting tourists on their back to being supported by tourists to give them back the life they deserve. Perhaps some of the 1.4 million viewers of this video will feel compelled to speak up for animals used and abused until it is considered no longer acceptable to treat them like this.
Well, yeah.
Who'd wanna be in a Morrissey album promotion.
That elephant is being abused.
By Morrissey.
Awe look at these elephants. Not only do they love music but they like to have a dance as well.

There is no difference between this video and the one above which so called animal lover Steven Morrissey has used to promote himself and his new album.


?? :knife:
This thread had been enlightening. The new look meant some registered users could be identified when they left like, dislike etc. icons on other users posts. They didn't like that at all and much preferred when they could make these 'opinions' anonymously. These are some of the same users who dislike anonymous users.

The glitch has been remedied and now the registered users can once again make their opinions known anonymously. Odd.
Hermoso,,!! Vi un video donde Joaquin Phoenix entro a un matadero en Los Angeles y rescato a una vaca y su hijito,y tuvo que discutir con varios empleados pero finalmente los saco de alli los cargaron en un camion y se los llevaron a un santuario !! Un divino Joaquin ,que raro que Moz no publico nada al respecto en su central..excelente accionar la de Joaquin P Moz quisiera verte en accion a vos tambien estaria bueno y que lo publiques en tu sitio!!Viva Moz Y Joaquin!!!

What's the meaning of your nickname Luji? Is it Japanese?
This thread had been enlightening. The new look meant some registered users could be identified when they left like, dislike etc. icons on other users posts. They didn't like that at all and much preferred when they could make these 'opinions' anonymously. These are some of the same users who dislike anonymous users.

The glitch has been remedied and now the registered users can once again make their opinions known anonymously. Odd.

- an anonymous said.
[QUOTE = "189a, post: 1987259713"]
Jaja. ! Tu eres La Cholula. La gente nace dónde se le pega la gana. Y si tienen tremendo talento como morrisey mil veces mejor! Lo importante es tener respeto uno con otro. Y a Hollywood me lo tratas bien también porque es la Meca. De el entrenamiento y los vegetarianos por si es que no te ha enterado.
Bueno no se quien sos.pero no tengo nada con Hollywood..simplememte di mi opinion con respecto a que Morrissey podria vivir en otro lado..pero si es feliz bueno esta bien,re quiero a Morrissey, soy una de las defensoras de el..creo que esta mas que obvio,disculpas si te molesto ,no fue mi intencion agraviar a nadie ni a ningun lugar solo que quisiera que el sea un poco mas humilde,es todo
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Asombro mira a estos elefantes. No solo aman la música, sino que también les gusta bailar.
[MEDIA = youtube] wpNY5g800Dc [/ MEDIA]

No hay diferencia entre este video y el anterior que el llamado amante de los animales Steven Morrissey ha utilizado para promocionarse a sí mismo y a su nuevo álbum.


?? :cuchillo:
Que pelotudez estas diciendo el elefante del del video es un animal rescatado no entendes que esta en un santuario??,los elefantes de tu video son de un malvado circo que los esta explotando,bailan obligados,bajo genuino maltrato,estas comentando esto porque buscas peleas
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Morrissey has form posting dubious images that portray animals as little more than entertainment. This is just another one.

The cover of It’s Over is a badly cropped image of Robert Mitchum, as a rodeo rider, culled from the film ‘Lusty Men. A film which seeks to glamorise the barbaric acts of Rodeo; events that involve horses and other livestock that generally comprise the following events: tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback bronc riding, bull riding and barrel racing.

When I first saw the cover of It’s Over, within these very pages, I was quite taken aback. Why would someone who claims to loathe barbaric acts of animal cruelty use such an image? Why would he attempt to glamorise it?

There has been some debate lately about whether Morrissey is vegan or not and the response from some is that he doesn’t label himself – Morrissey has said the same thing – he won’t label himself on this specific issue. This from a man who used the label vegetarian as a rallying cry for a considerable number of years? Why so coy?

The phrase ‘the contrarian strikes again’ springs to mind.
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