all the incriminating messages have now been deleted, thanks david/skinny

nevermind ian (who only posts as heywood jablowme) it's still early eh?
Actually the posts were deleted for being utterly pointless. I can see who is posting and from where, so I can see what is going on.I'm not going to get involved in personal arguments - what I am saying is I can see who is who and what is trying to be achieved. And it is pointless vendettas, pointscoring and has no place here.
i thought YOUR post was pointless actually.

Are we going to get metaphysical about the perceived "point" of posts?
If you're deleting pointless stuff, why do you let all the kestrel / whirly d stuff go?
Re: If you're deleting pointless stuff, why do you let all the kestrel / whirly d stuff go?

Because there is a very big difference between good-natured banter and vindictive personal attacks. It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate - it's takes guts to be gentle and kind.

Fair enough, I should have read the rest of your message (about the people being vindictive) rather than reacting to the 'I deleted them because they were pointless' bit. As a regular user / lurker, there's nothing more pointless than people just talking to each other that would be better done on an IM, or in the chat, or by email. But I guess you guys have your policy *shrugs*

Thanks for the reply anyway :)
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