Do ye ken John Peel?

  • Thread starter RIP John Ravenscroft
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RIP John Ravenscroft

A shame for the man that he got lumbered with a name from a song about a man (John Peel) going fox hunting with hounds. He said he always hated people saysing 'D'ye ken John Peel?' to him as though it were the first time he might ever have heard it.

As a vegetarian it must have cut him up.

RIP John Ravenscroft.
Re: Yeah - Lyric

Do yea ken John Peel - Tune Based on an 18th Century Ballad
"John Peel"

D'ye ken John Peel with his coat so gay,
D'ye ken John Peel at the break of day,
D'ye ken John Peel when he's far away,
With his hounds and his horn in the morning.
For the sound of his horn brought me from my bed
And the cry of his hounds which he oft times led,
Peel's 'view hullo' would awaken the dead
Or the fox from his lair in the morning.

Yes I ken John Peel and Ruby too
Ranter and Ringwood and Bellman and True,
From a find to a check, from a check to a view
From a view to a death in the morning
Then here's to John Peel with my heart and soul
Let's drink to his health, let's finish the bowl,
We'll follow John Peel through fair and through foul
If we want a good hunt in the morning.
Re:Thanks for that John Robert Parker Ravenscroft!!!!

Do yea ken John Peel - Tune Based on an 18th Century Ballad
> "John Peel"

> D'ye ken John Peel with his coat so gay,
> D'ye ken John Peel at the break of day,
> D'ye ken John Peel when he's far away,
> With his hounds and his horn in the morning.
> For the sound of his horn brought me from my bed
> And the cry of his hounds which he oft times led,
> Peel's 'view hullo' would awaken the dead
> Or the fox from his lair in the morning.

> Yes I ken John Peel and Ruby too
> Ranter and Ringwood and Bellman and True,
> From a find to a check, from a check to a view
> From a view to a death in the morning
> Then here's to John Peel with my heart and soul
> Let's drink to his health, let's finish the bowl,
> We'll follow John Peel through fair and through foul
> If we want a good hunt in the morning. ======
Nice to see the folk song in full!!! some people think John Peel named himself after this??
Re:Thanks for that John Robert Parker Ravenscroft!!!!

Well he was 'given' that name by his radio station (Radio London|) - or so the story goes. They said that 'Ravenscroft' was too much of a mouthful. Perhaps it was because his programme was then started at midnight i.e the break of day.

> Do yea ken John Peel - Tune Based on an 18th Century Ballad
> Nice to see the folk song in full!!! some people think John Peel named
> himself after this??
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