Do you think Morrissey will marry someday?

No. Even if he does settle down, eventually, he'll never get legally married. Morrissey doesn't believe in it, nor does he believe ingoing along with the will of others (fictional spouse). Maybe he'll have a kid one day and be an oldie Dad like David Letterman. I had that thought today randomly, oddly.
NOPE. He idolizes his mother. No woman could even come close to her perfection. And he is not likely to share equal 50-50 with any man. In the special "The Importance of Being Morrissey" he made it clear he didn't believe humans were meant to live together. If the person agreed with him all the time, he'd get bored. If the person was a cantankerous, disagreeable crabby-ass like himself, the competition would drive him to distraction. Sad, actually. A self-imposed life sentence of being on the outside looking in.
Dammit, am I gonna have to dig out my birth certificate for when we go to elope in Vegas? It's in a cigar box somewhere...

Can you imagine? Lol. :p
Dammit, am I gonna have to dig out my birth certificate for when we go to elope in Vegas? It's in a cigar box somewhere...

Can you imagine? Lol. :p

with Julia bawling her eyes out as a witness and Kristeen screeching here comes the bride!
I think he will.

Why? For what reason? Don't most people marry because they want to raise a family? He doesn't seem interested in doing that. What other motive would he have to get married? He has more to lose than gain if a marriage failed.
I'd totes sign the prenup. :cool: That's how I roll, homey!
Popular music experts: I've often wondered if there's ever been another figure in the history of pop/rock aside from Morrissey who's never been a publicly recognized relationship (gf/bf/common law/married). Can't think of one.
Popular music experts: I've often wondered if there's ever been another figure in the history of pop/rock aside from Morrissey who's never been a publicly recognized relationship (gf/bf/common law/married). Can't think of one.

Popular music experts: I've often wondered if there's ever been another figure in the history of pop/rock aside from Morrissey who's never been a publicly recognized relationship (gf/bf/common law/married). Can't think of one.

Cliff Richard :eek:

Was the Sue Barker 'thing' publicly recognised? Or was Sue Cliff's Jake? ;)
Ohhh, knew he never married but didn't realize his singledom was almost to Morrissey levels.
But a glance at Wiki does have quotes he's made about the relationships he's been in.

Morrissey has mentioned being in love (mid 90s, Jake?) but never names names in interviews. We have some songs -- William, Girlfriend, Come Back.. etc.
I'm still amazed that to this day nobody has ever spilled the proverbial beans about our kid.

There was that girl who worked at a hotel front desk where a slightly drunken Moz hit on her. It was too weird not to be real...

Cliff Richard :eek:

Was the Sue Barker 'thing' publicly recognised? Or was Sue Cliff's Jake? ;)
I wish Morrissey could experience love.

Sometimes I wonder if he's completely emotionless and too selfish to love someone, but then again he writes the most emotional poetry ever with love being one of the main topics he likes to write about...He's weird.
He is waiting for the right one...whoever that may be...
He is romanticising, as alot of us do. But most of us settle for someone because we don't want to be alone.

I suppose 'being bound to one but wanting another' is the worst possible life.
So he has just learnt to accept his own company.
He is waiting for the right one...whoever that may be...
He is romanticising, as alot of us do. But most of us settle for someone because we don't want to be alone.

I suppose 'being bound to one but wanting another' is the worst possible life.
So he has just learnt to accept his own company.

People in that situation obviously haven't found the right one yet...or promiscuous
People in that situation obviously haven't found the right one yet...or promiscuous

Or they have met the right one, but the right one didn't want them...or it didn't work out.
Sometimes there is only one person you want and that person is unavailable to you.

Therefore you find yourself married/living with someone for the sake of it/habit/because you don't want to be alone, however you still love that other person but will never have them.
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