Free Stoner Kebab!

SK, I'm gonna email AM and tell her you've been banned. She loves a good underdog story.
my turn:

But sweet Stoner Kebab, aliant Stoner Kebab, and therefore more valiant
being as she is, fine Stoner Kebab, banish not she from solo's company.
Banish lovely Stoner and banish all the world
! :o
lol seriously, everytime someone gets an infraction is there going to be a whining waaaa thread? is there?

get over it, grow up. Name calling really "belongs" in the playground.

whining bitches

ooops *goes to playground*
Don't care, you ain't gunna braid mah hair!

Stoner Kebab is the Queen/HBIC!!!
The new timeout feature actually allows users to still use their PM's.

It also lists the user as on a time out.
Was it the Kewpie or Mugabe reference that did it?
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