Is Lana Del Rey the American Morrissey? by Marc Hogan - Pitchfork

Is Lana Del Rey the American Morrissey? - Pitchfork
by Marc Hogan

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I really like some Lana del ray songs, born to die/young and beautiful, while the rest is kinda middle of the road mood music. I think pitchfork is just trying to find angles and premisses in order to talk about her at he moment. They had another piece on her today
Admit it people, you are confused over which one you would shag. As for me I am just confused as always.
She does look like Kristen Stewart had a bath and put some make up on. My inner lesbo is just excited she will get to see her in "Personal Shopper" some time very soon.
Admit it people, you are confused over which one you would shag. As for me I am just confused as always.

So you are also confused over which one you would like to shag.
You admit it but not really saying it but you want other people to admit it, then you would feel much more understood?
I always had the impression you'd rather liked it to be misunderstood. Am I wrong?
Just curious, don't kill me.
So you are also confused over which one you would like to shag.
You admit it but not really saying it but you want other people to admit it, then you would feel much more understood?
I always had the impression you'd rather liked it to be misunderstood. Am I wrong?
Just curious, don't kill me.

You know Gerrit, for once I handed over the attention to others. Think I lived out my Moz fantasy long ago.


No, honestly I never viewed him like cheap meat but her on the other hand...
I like Lana del Rey, not a fan, but this comparison seems too forced, based more in aspirations than in facts or feelings. Many younger singers want to be a little like Morrissey.
Lana is a combo of Moz and Elvis as a female. She is like a living chupa chups and I want a lick.
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