Morrissey interview in FasterLouder - "Cakes, Brexit and country music"

Cakes, Brexit, and country music: We chat with Morrissey - FasterLouder
by Lachlan Kanoniuk
21 October 2016

...As he touches down in Australia, we sent Morrissey a range of questions. He dutifully responded. Enjoy.


Not to frivolously conflate mortality and artistry – but do you see yourself as a survivor, both in health and as a musician with a long career?
I think it’s already happened if anyone took the trouble to chart my personal journey since The Smiths ended. But few do. Factually, I would trade the entire Smiths catalogue for World Peace Is None Of Your Business, but it’s also true that you are continually seen as however you were when you first appeared. That’s life. That’s death!

I am continually dismayed by his UKIP tendencies. "As for Brexit, the result was magnificent". Well it's a f***ing good job you don't have to live with the falling exchange rates, companies leaving in their droves, a huge rise in racial attacks and years more of uncertainty. Tit.
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I have an attachment, as you put it, to every single record Morrissey has put out, not just the early ones.
However, even though I am generally objective when it comes to this sort of thing, to say that WPINOYB is better than anything The Smiths recorded, let alone ALL of it, is quite simply ridiculous.
And a lie.
He never said it was better, just that it's dearer to him! And he's said the same thing about every record since Vauxhall and I, and it's the most healthy stance a still recording artist can have, or they may as well join the nostalgia circuit.
I'm just struggling to think which Smiths album could have been improved by replacing a couple of tracks with such witless stodge as 'The Bullfighter Dies', 'Kick the Bride Down the Aisle' or 'Kiss Me A Lot'. Err...none of them?
He rates WPINOYB higher than all of The Smiths' catalogue?


I love WPINOYB but not that much. It's certainly not better than Smiths albums.
Depends on when exactly you mean...
Mondays to Fridays at school usually, weekends out with friends, listening to music from really great bands such as The Smiths, New Order, The Cure, P.I.L., The Banshees and several others, and generally messing about without a care in the world. In other words, living the life of a typical teenager back then, I was 14.

A fellow "Class of 88," as well.
I feel M's next record is the best he's ever done. :thumb:

Even if it was a rerelease of WPINOYB ?
Cause of the new Joan of Arc front cover style?
Yes. I agree. :)
I'd say, the one after that.
It's written. And in the stars. :pray:
I completely agree; I think that all artists, musicians, writers, singers, actors think that their most recent work is their best because it speaks to what's currently important to them. The problem is that the audience may not always agree because they have an emotional attachment to the work that first attracted them to that particular person.

I love WPINOYB because it seems to have an outwardly reflective view of the world rather than Morrissey's usual more introspective content. I admire him for striving for growth and diversity as a lyricist, but I could never give up my Smiths collection. Luckily, I can have both, I can have both.

Personally, I have affection for every record from the first to the last, which is why I still hold him in the highest regard. There have been a lot of other song writers who have captured my attention, but none have been as consistently relevant to me as Morrissey.


Let's face it Dorothy if he released a cover version of " nah nah nah nah nahhhhhhh ! I'm lovin it"
you'd throw your weight behind it and write a 4 page essay doh:

Set the Boy Free by Johnny Marr Dorothy ! :laughing: No doubt you and the bots will be burning your copies at protest meetings.
Come ! Come ! Nuclear Set the Boy Free ! :guitar::bow:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife::jackolantern:
Even if it was a rerelease of WPINOYB ?
Cause of the new Joan of Arc front cover style?
Yes. I agree. :)
I'd say, the one after that.
It's written. And in the stars. :pray:
He has much greatness left in him. I wouldn't mind a couple of covers, country or otherwise (the type that have popped up on tour, but really not on album since what...Moon River? Don't recall...)
What's puzzling is how anyone can be surprised at M's use of hyperbole. It's like being shocked that the sun rises.
I think I listened to WPINOYB for about a month solid when it came out. Haven't picked it up since.
I think Kiss Me A lot and a few others are one of his finest ever from WPINOYB. His voice is best on this album. The engineering quality is the best i think too.
I am continually dismayed by his UKIP tendencies. "As for Brexit, the result was magnificent". Well it's a f***ing good job you don't have to live with the falling exchange rates, companies leaving in their droves, a huge rise in racial attacks and years more of uncertainty. Tit.

I am continually dismayed by the kneejerk "attack Morrissey for everything" tendencies of the few voices which do their best to dominate this site. About a third of Labour-voters voted for Brexit too, so it's not exclusively a UKIP thing, in fact it's not a party political thing at all since many Tories voted Remain. Get your facts right. Tit.
I think I listened to WPINOYB for about a month solid when it came out. Haven't picked it up since.

That swords quarry and maladjusted are my morrissey go tos these days. I was never a giant fan of vauxhall and viva, though of course I'm a fan. I think I just played them to much and came to enjoy the morrissey phase that started around the time of maladjusted. My opinion like everyone's changes but I think world peace is the best out of those four at the moment. I really hope he does put out a new album as I think he is on an upswing and seems in a forceful mood these days. like he's ready to pick a fight and is ready to engage. I don't know if I felt that way about the refusal period
Cakes, Brexit, and country music: We chat with Morrissey - FasterLouder
by Lachlan Kanoniuk
21 October 2016

...As he touches down in Australia, we sent Morrissey a range of questions. He dutifully responded. Enjoy.


Not to frivolously conflate mortality and artistry – but do you see yourself as a survivor, both in health and as a musician with a long career?
I think it’s already happened if anyone took the trouble to chart my personal journey since The Smiths ended. But few do. Factually, I would trade the entire Smiths catalogue for World Peace Is None Of Your Business, but it’s also true that you are continually seen as however you were when you first appeared. That’s life. That’s death!

I am continually dismayed by his UKIP tendencies. "As for Brexit, the result was magnificent". Well it's a f***ing good job you don't have to live with the falling exchange rates, companies leaving in their droves, a huge rise in racial attacks and years more of uncertainty. Tit.

Personally, I can't agree with Moz on Brexit. It's just plain wrong. If anything the media were skewed towards the Leave camp, especially Sh(I)te TV news.

But nevertheless, this site could do without a similarly skewed editorial stance. Do we need a not-so-mastermind to tell us how we think? As long as these digs continue to get top of page billing, this site can never claim to be anything over than an anti-Moz channel.

Sorrow of Stamford Bridge
I think Kiss Me A lot and a few others are one of his finest ever from WPINOYB. His voice is best on this album. The engineering quality is the best i think too.

Meant to agree with this as well. The production/engineering on world peace was one of his best in a while. Whole album had a diverse sound and it consistently sounded great. Hope he's retained
I am continually dismayed by the kneejerk "attack Morrissey for everything" tendencies of the few voices which do their best to dominate this site. About a third of Labour-voters voted for Brexit too, so it's not exclusively a UKIP thing, in fact it's not a party political thing at all since many Tories voted Remain. Get your facts right. Tit.

I am continually dismayed by your knee-jerk gainsaying of my posts. So go f*** yourself.
Moz's interviews since 2010 have been redundant, lacking of wit and just plain boring. What happened? I used to hang on every word he said but now I read them and am bored witless. What happened to this charming and witty man?

I'd say his interviews from Ringleader onwards have been redundant. Best not to read them these days as it's like having to listen to your embarrassing uncle spouting off about immigrants etc.

Morrissey would probably fit in well with all the ex pats living in Spain who want to go back to living in the 1950's. At least they can rejoice in "taking their country back". From who, we're not sure. Brexit should never have gone to a referendum as it was voted for by people totally unqualified to make that sort of decision. I'd include myself in that. Why meddle in something you don't understand?

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