TTY: Hate-rosexuality; Morrissey on the Orlando massacre

Hate-rosexuality -
13 June 2016

Although the gunman who massacred 49 people at an Orlando gay club is said to have been 'repulsed' by homosexuality, he nonetheless left behind a slew of self-adoring 'selfies'; a handsome man gazing enchantedly at his own face. It is therefore acceptable for him to lovingly admire his own maleness, but it is not OK for other men to like other men. Does Islamic scripture say it is fitting for a man to sit alone taking adoring photographs of himself? I doubt it.
Meanwhile, Donald Thump, probably America's next President, reacts to the Orlando massacre by explaining how, if the people within the club were themselves armed with guns, then there would have been fewer casualties. This, of course, is his way of avoiding any words of support to the Orlando gay community (it is their own fault for going into a nightclub without hand grenades). Donald Thump would therefore probably claim that the massacred children of Sandy Hook would still be alive today if only they'd had the common sense to carry sawn-off shotguns to school. The Thump response to Orlando is therefore anti-gay and pro-gun possession. Ann Coulter will be waving her baseball cap and cheering. It's all going so well for America!
Unfortunately, CNN obliged the gunman once again with a flashing flood of publicity - which is all he ever wanted, and which will encourage the next shooter to prepare for international fame. Why show the gunman's face? Nobody needs to see it.
The larger disaster is the two leading faces in the presidential race, as the world prepares to shake its head in disbelief when the new president is named. Clinton is the face and voice of pooled money (and will therefore repay the established elite with whatever they want if she is elected), and Donald Thump is George Wallace - hating just about anyone who doesn't happen to be Donald Thump. Surely this is not 2016 America?
Thump's only achievement so far is in making Sarah Palin seem intelligent, which, admittedly, is so difficult as to be a colossal strike in his favor.
The true victory of the presidential race has been the independent success of Bernie Sanders, whose approach has been so sane and intelligent and measured that he has been therefore all but entirely ignored by the U.S. media, who cannot understand anyone who is not blood-thirsty. This is because Bernie Sanders is human, and one who unusually did not gain his position because of several billion invested dollars. His many primary successes in the presidential race have been headlined as LOSS FOR CLINTON, whereas a Clinton win has not ever been headlined as LOSS FOR SANDERS. Bernie Sanders has been pushed out by the media because the idea of a self-made man who does not crave international war is completely alien to such as Fox News. The idea of a man who is popular because he calls for world peace and for rescue of the environment cannot provide outraged headlines for CNN, who have devoted their online news page to Donald Thump long before Thump was even a logical contender. Thump doing absolutely nothing has been more newsworthy to CNN than Sanders' state-to-state victories.
Ballot papers for 2016 should include a NO CONFIDENCE IN EITHER NOMINEE box, and it is this box that would collect the most votes.
Clinton and Thump may be popular with the party faithful - but the party faithful aren't that large, and are not America, therefore a sad day looms in November - a day that only Bernie Sanders could have saved - had he been allowed his rightful share of media support. But, clearly, the presidential election really is none of your business. Did you ever seriously think it was?

June 2016.
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That's true. I personally have no interest in owning a gun. I have never fired a gun in my life. Thank God. But I am torn regarding an individuals right to bear arms to protect themselves and their family in their own home. There was a reason why our forefathers had the insight to include this right into our Declaration of Independence, but they could not have foreseen how just over 240 years later America would be filled with the kind of idiots, deviants, hateful souls and mentally ill individuals capable of doing such harm and damage with the implement that offers protection from just such persons.

Gun lovers hold the second amendment to be God's law and those that hate guns use every violent outburst of a crazed gunman to seek to regulate gun ownership into extinction. The answer always...somewhere in the middle. And given our history as a nation finding the middle ground is not one of our strong suits. Guns will never go away, and so we need to deal with it. How that will be done will take more than the typical rhetoric we hear from politicians after each mass shooting. The sad truth is that if a single person decides to carry out a destructive act of any sort there is really very little that can be done.

The term "radicalization" has come into vogue recently, but in actuality our society has been becoming more radicalized even before the recent terrorist activities. We are becoming angrier, short tempered, and less empathetic as a nation. Parents have been made absentee due to the need to make enough money to survive. But what about the children? What about the troubled souls? What about those in most need of help? Who can they turn to for help when society has seemed to turn its back on them?

I used to be a person who wouldn't own a gun but then I got married and moved to a city with a lot of violence that can sometimes strike anywhere so I got one and then one for my wife as the original I realized she was unable to fire without possibly hurting herself in the process. Having a child makes me even more so inclined to have one in the house but these are small fire arms with limited range an ammunition capacity. One holds five bullets while the other holds seven. I don't own an assault rifle that has a super long range with ammunition that can do max damage with a forty or fifty round mag. The founders of American civil society couldn't have also foreseen just how much gun tech would advance or how much they would proliferate. I'm for being able to own a gun but I'm also for registration extensive and detailed background checks required training on firing and storage. I'm also super for the crime of possessing an unregistered firearm to come with an automatic year in prison as well as a ban on certain firearms and there sale also coming with the automatic sentence of a year. Federalize the laws surrounding gun laws as well so that it doesn't vary. Pass the bill about those on the terror watch list being barred from buying a gun like the democrats have already tried to pass. The ban on assault rifles that Clinton signed in ninety four should have been renewed
Everyone seems to want it to be either homophobia or radical Islam when the two are very clearly related. Good post.
I think gun laws is a secondary thing but as more comes out about the shooter it's obvious he shouldn't have been allowed to own a gun. Now they are saying he threatened to shoot up his school in 5th grade and was suspended for two weeks. I wonder if the school felt pressure to let him off with such a light punishment. People are in such denial about the issue that his religion was a factor in this that I wonder if that was even more so when he was a child. The teachers are afraid of the pupils'... lawyers. Later in high school he claimed Osama Bin Laden was his uncle, which shows this wasn't just homophobic.

Probably because he did many other things that weren't religious and didn't follow religion that much. When it was convenient for him and his hate lined up with religion he probably used it for justification in his mind like many people do. I doubt he was very ideologically motivated but rather it a secondary cause like when people who don't follow Christianity but claim it as motivation or justification when they shoot up an abortion clinic
They refer to it as a "gay club" because it was a gay club.

If a terrorist with a track record of expressing hatred of and disgust at Jewish people had walked into a synagogue and murdered 50 Jewish people, we would rightly refer to it as an anti-semitic attack.

If a crazy gunman had walked into a mosque and shot 50 Muslims, we would rightly refer to it as an islamophobic hate crime.

But when a terrorist with a track record of expressing hatred of and disgust at gay people walks into a gay club and murders 50 people in cold blood we cannot call it an attack on gay people?

You seem to be over reacting to what I said. Also I never once said you couldn't call it whatever you want to call it. You are making up things that I never said. The fact the nightclub is a gay nightclub is relevant, of course it is because it seems to have been the motivation of the lunatic gunman. I just think the overall headline is about loss of life at a nightclub. I don't really care what motivated the gunman. If he didn't have an issue with gay people he would probably have found another excuse eventually to target others.
Blah blah blah, shut up Benny!
I fully agree.

But I have found the option on this site to ignore certain people and all anonymous posts (the last refuge of people like him, writing "named" anonymous posts). This results in losing all anonymous posters, even the few that post sensible stuff(*) but gives an enormous amount of peace in return and is worth the loss IMO.
(*) but then again, if their posts are really interesting they will be promoted anyway.

Sadly, named users quoting the git will only result in bringing his drivel back. So not specifically to @Pokey personally but rather everybody who takes the effort to log in (well done!), can we please refrain from quoting BBBBB?
This is a far cry from his response to the Utøya slayings. The clarity, lack of sensationalism and agenda pushing in this statement is refreshing.

However, the one thing that strikes me over and over again is the way the News and indeed Moz himself refers to it as a 'gay' nightclub. I know it is germane to the tragedy but the real story is the terrible loss of life on such a large scale, regardless of the orientation or otherwise of the poor victims.
I understand your point, and if the victims had been murdered at random, indiscriminately, it would be fair to say that their sexuality and the location of the shooting were incidental to a larger narrative of loss. But they weren't.

Gays are frequently used as political pawns in the media and by politicians to further agendas, and their very existence is constantly politicized for the personal gain of others. Now, when they have been deliberately targeted and brutally slaughtered en masse, people want to beat around the bush about the nature of this bloodbath. Suddenly, queerness is too precious a subject to politicize.

This was a direct attack against LGBT people for who they are and how they live, and it should be acknowledged as such. Attempting to downplay this is, at best, misguided, and completely dismisses hundreds of years of persecution, fear, and violence and the pervasive and dangerous ideologies---religious and otherwise---still endemic to so many societies that enable such senselessness to continue.
Anyone see the news about the gunman being a club regular and using gay dating apps. Regulars at the club said he tried to pick up men and his old police trainee friend or something along those lines also claimed he asked him out on a romantic date. That's an interesting twist on motivation
I used to be a person who wouldn't own a gun but then I got married and moved to a city with a lot of violence that can sometimes strike anywhere so I got one and then one for my wife as the original I realized she was unable to fire without possibly hurting herself in the process. Having a child makes me even more so inclined to have one in the house but these are small fire arms with limited range an ammunition capacity. One holds five bullets while the other holds seven. I don't own an assault rifle that has a super long range with ammunition that can do max damage with a forty or fifty round mag. The founders of American civil society couldn't have also foreseen just how much gun tech would advance or how much they would proliferate. I'm for being able to own a gun but I'm also for registration extensive and detailed background checks required training on firing and storage. I'm also super for the crime of possessing an unregistered firearm to come with an automatic year in prison as well as a ban on certain firearms and there sale also coming with the automatic sentence of a year. Federalize the laws surrounding gun laws as well so that it doesn't vary. Pass the bill about those on the terror watch list being barred from buying a gun like the democrats have already tried to pass. The ban on assault rifles that Clinton signed in ninety four should have been renewed

All valid points and yes these would address some of the issues surrounding mass shootings, but if a severely mentally damaged and unstable individual wants to carry out the execution of one person, ten or an unlimited number getting a gun for the job is often times the least of their problems...a family member careless with storage, a friend, etc. More has to be done to try and identify those individuals displaying signs that they might want to do harm to themselves or others. Speaking up can be difficult especially if the person is a family member, but more can be done to try and help these people before it gets to the point of picking up a gun in the first place.
Probably because he did many other things that weren't religious and didn't follow religion that much. When it was convenient for him and his hate lined up with religion he probably used it for justification in his mind like many people do. I doubt he was very ideologically motivated but rather it a secondary cause like when people who don't follow Christianity but claim it as motivation or justification when they shoot up an abortion clinic
We don't know and don't have to decide right now but I doubt he was born with a hatred for homosexuals so it's logical to assume he was taught this hatred. When it turns out that he also admires radical Islam and has for years, it seems that denying the connection is purposeful and has some sort of motivation which I find misguided.
If he had been a member of the KKK or some radical Christian fundamentalist group no one would suggest that he only was drawn to those organizations through some whim or because they provided a convenient justification.
We don't know how he came to his beliefs exactly and it's possible that the "radical" part was more appealing to him than the "Islam" part.
The point remains that Islam, like Catholicism, Christianity, the Mormon Church, and many other acceptable belief systems, is homophobic and that's not acceptable.
I understand your point, and if the victims had been murdered at random, indiscriminately, it would be fair to say that their sexuality and the location of the shooting were incidental to a larger narrative of loss. But they weren't. Gays are frequently used as political pawns in the media and by politicians to further agendas, and their very existence is constantly politicized for the personal gain of others. Now, when they have been deliberately targeted and brutally slaughtered en masse, people want to beat around the bush about the nature of this bloodbath. Suddenly, queerness is too precious a subject to politicise. This was a direct attack against LGBT people for who they are and how they live, and it should be acknowledged as such. Attempting to downplay this is, at best, misguided, and completely dismisses hundreds of years of persecution, fear, and violence and the pervasive and dangerous ideologies---religious and otherwise---still endemic to so many societies that enable such senselessness to continue.

Exactly this. 100%

Don't depoliticise LGBT deaths when you have politicised everything about LGBT lives.
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"Ann Coulter will be waving her baseball cap" Stop using my catch phrases Colton. Internet Research Specialist II at The Morrissey Marketing Group LTD-Sherman Oaks office. I guess imitation is in sincerest form of flattery.

Morrissey cares about America so much because it is the country he lives in and is raising lil' Sammy in. Do you think he wants some lunatic with an assault rifle busting in to the Sunset Marquis while he is having lunch or at a Patti Smith concert at The Wiltern. I sure don't.

I've said this a hundred times, "America is the not the World" and the line "if the USA doesn't bomb you" was written so all you anti-American people will buy tickets, like for the upcoming (non confirmed) dates of the Nazi 2016 Summer Tour. He goes where the money is now. Tuition for USC film school is really expensive.

As much as I agree with you that this Benny fella is a "pathetic prick" it is probably better to simply ignore him. He is nothing. He says nothing. He is the balding and dull man at the bus-stop who everybody avoids.

This made me smile. It makes sense then that I read Benny's posts, because I'm the first person people talk to at the bus stop.
They're not dull though. I once got a dishevelled man claiming to be a shaman at 7.15 AM. I listened, mildly interjecting from time to time ("Are you sure?" "I don't think that's totally true" etc). When I got on the bus, he told me "people like you are very rare", just because nobody else ever listens.
Well, a broken clock is still right twice a day. :D
(and Benny is not always totally wrong either).

I would even give a dull, balding man a chance, (providing of course I'm not alone with him and it's not the middle of the night cos "bald and dull" screams "serial killer" like nothing else does.)
You never know, listening to a strange man might make him change his mind about butchering somebody or bringing a machine gun into a club (to neatly bring back post on topic)...
We don't know and don't have to decide right now but I doubt he was born with a hatred for homosexuals so it's logical to assume he was taught this hatred. When it turns out that he also admires radical Islam and has for years, it seems that denying the connection is purposeful and has some sort of motivation which I find misguided.
If he had been a member of the KKK or some radical Christian fundamentalist group no one would suggest that he only was drawn to those organizations through some whim or because they provided a convenient justification.
We don't know how he came to his beliefs exactly and it's possible that the "radical" part was more appealing to him than the "Islam" part.
The point remains that Islam, like Catholicism, Christianity, the Mormon Church, and many other acceptable belief systems, is homophobic and that's not acceptable.

Agree with your last sentence but I don't know about the being taught bit. Many followers of those religions don't pick up guns and kill people and many who follow those religions are accepting of people who don't follow there religion including gay individuals. Many of those religions have conflicting statements about how to treat people which is understandable when people realize they evolve like anything else. I don't think this incident, and yes we shouldn't and don't have to decide now, is so much about religion and more so about this mans hate. It's also coming out that he might have had some self hatred which would explain a lot if true.

To even now, yes it's true I think that more needs to be done by people to identify those who are unstable or just unable to be trusted to be responsible and capable with weapons. I just read a very interesting article about having a conversation with your aging parents about it being time to give up owning guns
You're being too literal about my word choice. The statement isn't about Bernie Sanders' stance on guns really. Disliking my post feels like censorship. You'd probably prefer Kim Jong-un.

but if he says that bernie is the right choice and linked it the orlando shooting, it has a lot to do with it. Bernie has been publicly been voting against gun control laws since the late 80's and in particulary voting agains the damaging brady bill law. Saying that i'm too literal is just another nive comment of a bernie bro
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To moss media concern about the campaigne coverage. This was interesting and very true as I read a lot of it

Study: Media Coverage for Trump and Sanders Was Positive Because They Were Beating the Odds

From the daily intelligencer

An excerpt

A new study from the Shorenstein Center at Harvard looking at the quantity and tone of media coverage in the months leading up to the 2016 caucuses and primaries casts new light on these contentions. It suggests that candidates who defied early expectations in order to position themselves as competitive candidates — principally Trump and Sanders — received heavy and disproportionately positive media. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, who had almost nowhere to go but down and who was drawing regular fire from both parties and from media sources themselves, had far and away the most negative coverage.
Note to Steven.
Now that your into politics perhaps you'd like to give us your opinion on the European Union referendum ! Should we remain ? Quit and get out ? Or not bother supporting the process and put our heads in the sand ? I note your other political friend Mr Braindamage has been keeping his pie-hole shut on the matter. Do hurry with your statement we're going to be voting on June 23rd. Even better why don't you accept BBCs Question time invitation to get your points put across the table. ( It could raise your profile/status to all the major record labels).

In your own time Stevey lad !

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Thank you, Mozzer. Manages to move me, make me cry (and even make me laugh with the line about Palin)... And also make me think about the state of the world.
Moz never did anything for the gay community and is still such a coward in so many ways. He spoke too soon and that terrorist was as gay as he is.
Anyone see the news about the gunman being a club regular and using gay dating apps. Regulars at the club said he tried to pick up men and his old police trainee friend or something along those lines also claimed he asked him out on a romantic date. That's an interesting twist on motivation

I am not commenting on the validity of this article, but it does point to what you suggest above...
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