TTY: Morrissey, Brasilia 2015

Morrissey, Brasilia 2015 -
1 December 2015


The dying moments of Morrissey's concert at Brasilia in Brazil as a fire broke out on the stage.


Picture taken from Matt Walker instagram account, as noted by Raphael Lambach in the Brasilia post-show thread.

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Great shot! Very poetic too, fire waited until last song to start.....
Oh dear God. I think that's probably enough to bring a certain Birmingham native out of 'retirement' and get the rest of them foaming at the mouth...

My thoughts exactly. I think it would have been fine if he didn't include that picture with his claim. Now he is sexualizing a sexual event that supposedly traumatized him. Makes no sense whatsoever. My guess is when this hits the main boards...over 100 comments right quick! Get ready for KS to pick up the "support Moz at any cost banner" and to start waving it at all the supposed "haters" predictable.
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There really is no limit to the foul, thoughtless, "outrageous" shit he'll say for attention, is there? And then, in the same breath, he wonders why no record label will touch him with a bargepole. Baffling.
he looks poffier than normal on that kissy kissy photo.
older and poffier with the eye shadow.

i thought it was the anal cleavage that was poffed? now its the testicles like the book.

isis would shoot him on the spot after taking one look at him.
Morrissey has to go back to San Francisco this month, i hope the airport learned their lesson , i would video take the screening if i was him. They better leave him alone this time.
Well obviously it was British secret agents carrying out their duty for singing T Q I D.

God save the Queen.


Excellent, many thanks.
Next up the meat free yacht club !

Canapés anyone ? Tootle pip !

onto the paraguay yacht and golf club where moz will be performing before a seated audience, waiters serving the patrons while our fearless leader sings his gimmick songs fresh from his award for the worst sex scene in a book 2015.
it cant possibly get any worse for our man action.
Oh dear God. I think that's probably enough to bring a certain Birmingham native out of 'retirement' and get the rest of them foaming at the mouth...

shit, don't need a crystal ball to make that prediction. Anyhow, On the nose again.:thumb:
There really is no limit to the foul, thoughtless, "outrageous" shit he'll say for attention, is there? And then, in the same breath, he wonders why no record label will touch him with a bargepole. Baffling.

But he doesn't WANT to be touched with a barge-pole. That's not his bag. :straightface:
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