'We're married, we just don't have sex'

I remember a long time ago- back in high school, so nearly twenty years ago- there was a study published in which it was suggested that homosexuality is a response to overcrowding behaviors. They found increasing rates of same-gender sexual behavior among mice as population density in a habitat increased.

I know it is human nature to try to figure out everything, but the drive to find out why people are or are not homosexual smacks of wanting to fix those who are, and I resist that idea. Who cares why? Just let people be who they are.

I had a very good friend early on who was struggling to come out, and that (and Hand in Glove, to be honest) cemented my support for anyone who is having a hard time fitting a nontraditional sexuality into life in this very segmented culture.
Hi, I totally agree with your statement yet, for f'ugly people such as myself who don't get it....you must feel sorry for us...

omgggggggg *bangs head against keyboard repeatedly* :doh::doh::doh:

Anybody can get sex if they so desire it. If you have doubts that so called 'f'ugly' people cannot get sex, simply look at some of the more run down neighbourhoods (which, if you live in NJ shouldn't be hard to find) and see the unwashed, sweaty, 300 lb fat rolls walking around with their 10 welfare babies.

Some man hit that, seriously.

hey! :mad:....*thinks* ok I guess you have a point....

and you're right about fuggos gettin laid. it happens all the time. :cool:

There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part I think people of similiar levels of attractiveness usually get together.

so, ATTN: Mozzy1, if I may be so blunt, if you really consider yourself that FUGLY, don't worry, there is some equally FUGLY dude out there, just waiting for you to have sex with him.
I have to tell you, most of the things written there made me lol.

I couldn't really find there anything about a growing percentage of homosexuals in a growing population. (obviously, more people mean more homosexuals but I'm talking about frequencies- and I think that's with NRitH meant)

Again, I'm saying if these things are true

there was a study published in which it was suggested that homosexuality is a response to overcrowding behaviors.

Blanchard and Klassen (1997) reported that each older brother increases the odds of being gay by 33%

If five boys are born to the same mother, chances are greater that one of them will be gay than if they were born to five different mothers all other things being equal. Get it?
I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with this!

People have a broad selection of sexual orientations and this seems perfectly natural to me. Some people are just interested in companionship and not sex.

Adoption sounds like a great idea and I wish them all the best.
I know it is human nature to try to figure out everything, but the drive to find out why people are or are not homosexual smacks of wanting to fix those who are, and I resist that idea. Who cares why? Just let people be who they are.


You are absolutely right.

(but sometime I just can't control my scientist-glands :))
Where is the "We have sex, we're just not married" thread?

I can respond to the original article. If I was that guy, I would just put a bullet in my head right now, because sex and my next paycheck is all that I live for. And that whole "love" thing is pretty important too.

EDIT: But as long as this couple is happy, then I think it's awesome.
that is pretty funny:D

It's funny because It's true.

hey! :mad:....*thinks* ok I guess you have a point....

and you're right about fuggos gettin laid. it happens all the time. :cool:

There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part I think people of similiar levels of attractiveness usually get together.

so, ATTN: Mozzy1, if I may be so blunt, if you really consider yourself that FUGLY, don't worry, there is some equally FUGLY dude out there, just waiting for you to have sex with him.

That is correct. Generally speaking, attractiveness has little to do with the attractiveness of ones mate. There are other factors such as money, power, fame, attitude, how you present (market) yourself to them etc.

I've seen hideously fat and ugly men with women that would be a 7 or 8/10 and visa versa. I've seen huge, fat, sweaty, stinky, bitchy welfare chicks with multiple kids and the boyfriend of the week tending her to bastard children. Somehow, she got that man to not only stick his junk in her, but to tend to her bastard children. Did she do that based on how hot she is? Hell no. Her money, power or fame? I'm guessing not. She probably marketed herself in a way that man found desirable and 'hooked' him.

It sounds cliche, but in my experience it's about 99% mental. Sure, there is a certain element of physical attraction needed, but it's not necessary, and I'm sure we've all seen examples of this on a daily basis.

The point I'm trying to make is, that if people who put themselves down with terms like 'f'ugly' and other self-depreciating comments keep doing so, then what is the incentive for me or anyone else to want to sleep with them? They don't even like themselves, so why the hell would I be attracted to them? If you put yourself first, market yourself correctly and keep a positive frame of mind about it then you can and will get sex. It's not rocket science, it just takes a certain understand of how people think (I'll give you a hint, they pretty much all want sex, and under the right circumstances they will take/give it to nearly anyone).
The point I'm trying to make is, that if people who put themselves down with terms like 'f'ugly' and other self-depreciating comments keep doing so, then what is the incentive for me or anyone else to want to sleep with them? They don't even like themselves, so why the hell would I be attracted to them?

Because sometimes, girls/women with low self esteem will be promiscous and do things sexually that other girls won't.
Because sometimes, girls/women with low self esteem will be promiscous and do things sexually that other girls won't.

Very true, but those girls are the ones with low self esteem (which is great for picking them up) who do care about themselves and have some self worth, they just don't have the confidence to show it.

The type that this user seems to be is the one that keeps putting themselves down in fits of self loathing and self depreciation/pity, has no self confidence, no sense of self worth and a sort of self hating attitude that (unless they are completely hot) will turn most people off of them completely.

Let's face it, the hottest girls out there usually have the lowest self esteem and this is great for getting with them, as they will often settle for whatever comes along, and if not, a few backhanded compliments combined with a drink or two will usually do it, but a ugly, self hating, self loathing girl who has seemingly no positive or redeeming qualities? It can happen, but unlikely.

As I said, it's all bout how you present yourself, and someone as negative, self loathing and attention seeking online as this, would be utterly repulsive to most men in real life. Unless they find a better way to present themselves, then I suggest finding a really drunk one and supplying the paper bag.
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