Word Magazine



I has a quick look at the interview at the Cannon Street branch of the WHSmiths - he talks about the iraq war, bono, the gallaghers, radiohead, coldplay, nancy sinatra, the court case, mike joyce, robbie williams, chances of a smiths reunion, his mexican fanbase, welsh cheese, vegetarian food in LA, why he lives in LA, his sister, mother and father, a new record contract, how he likes his tea and the interviewer gives a good description of his house.
> I has a quick look at the interview at the Cannon Street branch of the
> WHSmiths - he talks about the iraq war, bono, the gallaghers, radiohead,
> coldplay, nancy sinatra, the court case, mike joyce, robbie williams,
> chances of a smiths reunion, his mexican fanbase, welsh cheese, vegetarian
> food in LA, why he lives in LA, his sister, mother and father, a new
> record contract, how he likes his tea and the interviewer gives a good
> description of his house.

I am sorry to be so obtuse... what is the name of the mag and/or the website? I just tried a search and had no luck...
Re: http://www.wordmagazine.co.uk/

Thanks! Is it available in the States? I tried to click on the morrissey story online... but it doesn't come up... I guess they want people to buy the mag to read the articles!
Re: http://www.wordmagazine.co.uk/

>I guess they want people to buy the mag to read the articles!

Do they? the nerve of these people.
Anyway, you can read parts of it from posts on this boards.

There was a post regarding the magazine's availability,
made earlier - see link bellow.

WORD magazine - availability
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