Would you go to a fan organised Morrissey show in Manchester?


New Member
This is actually from my blog, KenzieW suggested I take it to the forums, so here goes!
I'm just going to copy paste the entry to avoid paraphrasing or quoting myself....
This is longer than a typical forum post, so if you're pressed for time, skip to the last paragraph:D

"Hire Morrissey for your private event"....Really?!

Purely hypothetically, of course....

Booking Entertainment, whose website has Morrissey listed as a client, seems to indicate that you can hire him for private events. So, this has me thinking, if enough tickets could be sold, a venue hired, and insurance was actually affordable for the occasion, a group of fans could conceivably orchestrate their own private show. Surely, this has been done. I think it would be tremendously cool to be able to pull off such a thing. And why not, I mean, all those things in place, why couldn't this be done?

The city would have to be Manchester, so, the next question is, would you attend a purely fan organised gig, if the tickets were reasonable? I have no earthly idea what he would cost, nor have I any small clue what it might cost to hire and insure a venue. But I would definitely start posing the questions to the appropriate people if there is enough interest to justify doing so.
I suspect this is terribly impractical. But, there's always the remote possibility that he would actually be keen to turn up to this kind of thing. I don't know if this has been done, I'm not claiming to have an original idea here. It just struck me as something that IF possible, totally needed to be done, by "someone, somewhere, oh yeah!"

I figure most people don't care who's putting the show on, as long as it's Moz they're going to see, but this is meant to determine the viability of this idea, so...
Would you be willing to come to Manchester for it, and what would you be willing to pay for tickets?
And if you really feel like it, what venues in Manchester have any of you seen him play that were particularly brilliant locations, great acoustics, etc.?

Thanks very much for tolerating the verbosity.:thumb:
And, for indulging me in this enquiry.
This is such a beautiful idea.
I would pay for tickets, trains and everything!
Yes (presuming I'm in the country). The 22nd seems the perfect day to fit in the extra gig. Well, most convenient for me :D.
Depending on the size of the venue...£100? More? I'd volunteer to help with errands, making sure the rider is fulfilled :p.
haaa, they REALLY have him listed?
i'd deffo be up for it.
(when i win the lottery) ;-)
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