
From Morrissey’s Cat - Morrissey Central (April 17, 2018):
From DUDE dies - Morrissey Central (January 20, 2020):
"the perfect cat … to be loved forever." -Morrissey.
From SO LITTLE TIME - Morrissey Central (January 21, 2020):
"My deepest thanks to all the loving messages that reached me on the sudden death yesterday of my son, Dude. Of course, I'll be an emotional wreck for months and months to come. But … haven't I always been? Dude will always go wherever I go. He is me.
Believe me, heartfelt thanks." - Morrissey.
photograph S.E.R.
Image used as a backdrop during "Love Is On Its Way Out" in 2020 and also during El Cóndor Pasa in 2015.
screenshot from video source - David Prior / YouTube
In 2023 (Leeds concert), Morrissey wore a necklace featuring Dude made by "locketdogs":
Related Forum Threads
- Morrissey's Cat - Morrissey Central - Morrissey-solo (Apr 17, 2018)
- Morrissey's (?) cat died today - Morrissey-solo (Jan 20, 2020)
- Morrissey expresses gratitude for loving messages after his son Dude's death - "so little time" - Morrissey-solo (Jan 21, 2020)