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[[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Film and Television]] [[Category:Concert Backdrop]] [[Category:Tour Iconography]] [[File:Doris Speed.jpg | 200px | right | thumb |Doris Speed]] ==Relevance== Her image was used as part of the 2019 tour backdrops. <gallery> File:Elsie Tanner dartboard.jpg | with [[Pat Phoenix]] File:Montreal 2019.jpg </gallery> An animated loop played during [[Mention::The Loop]] circa 2022 ([ video]): <gallery> File:Doris speed the loop animation.gif | [ source] </gallery> Also used as a singular image by Morrissey Central: <gallery> File:44877_44875_IMG_4310_gf9dsr.jpg </gallery> Shirt worn during the encore in Los Angeles (December 28, 2024): <gallery> File:Doris speed shirt 20241228.png | [ source] File:Losangeles 20241228.jpg | [ source] </gallery>
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