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[[File:44727_2000x0w.jpg | thumb | right]] {{Songbox | Name = Never Again Will I Be A Twin | Album = [[Low In High School|Low In High School (Deluxe Edition)]] | Length = 4:15 | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / [[Writer::Mando Lopez]] | Producer = [[Producer::Joe Chiccarelli]] | Recorded = Circa mid 2017 | Release = December 2018 (Deluxe Edition) | ArtistType = Morrissey }} [[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] ==Information== == Lyrics == <poem> Never again will I be a twin The operation went well, but the patient died Never again will there be a smile To wipe off my face once it's too much In a twin-like realm, in the plastic arts Of falling in love, what a joke that was What a joke that was Never again, because the human race is obsolete Has faded away just like it sated in Let the blood not freeze, let the blood not freeze Let the blood not freeze, what's that supposed to mean? Tell the depressed I've cast in the bath Shit on the heads of the working class Who must die in the dark at ten-past-ten The outcome remains, always the same It's always the same </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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