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[[Category:Morrissey Statement]] [[ Statement]] ==Summary== Morrissey ranks his own singles. ==Statement== <blockquote> Of Which I Am Most Proud / singles: List from Morrissey # [[Mention::First Of The Gang To Die]] (2004) #6 UK # [[Mention::Irish Blood, English Heart]] (2004) #3 UK # [[Mention::I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris]] (2009) #21 UK # [[Mention::That's How People Grow Up]] (2008) #14 UK # [[Mention::Panic]] (1986) #11 UK # [[Mention::Girlfriend In A Coma]] (1987) #13 UK # [[Mention::Let Me Kiss You]] (2004) #8 UK # [[Mention::Everyday Is Like Sunday]] (1988) #9 1988, #42 2010 UK # [[Mention::You Have Killed Me]] (2006) #3 UK # [[Mention::All You Need Is Me]] (2008) #24 UK </blockquote> (original article had single images included). Archived [ original post here].
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