Golden lights

Re: Golden lights...

Cool. I'll never remember that. :tears: (I was just shown the wonders of the new iLife with the map that charts using the GPS everywhere you took a photo. Have you any idea how convenient that would've been to organize my mind babies? :rolleyes:)

Oh, I love that map thing... when I upgraded my iPhoto I spent a few hours going through my photos and putting them in the right places.

If you like that, you might want to buy a special SD card for your camera, that can determine your location according to wireless networks around you. So when you take a photo, the card will automatically embed the latitude and longitude in your photo.

By the way, we totally destroyed this thread.
Re: Golden lights...

I Keep Mine Hidden Crap? It is a brilliant song, not well produced i think but when Moz sung it at the 'live @ bbc' thing in feb, it was brilliant.

I agree, funny lyrics and a good tune that may hover on the verge of losing momentum but manages to just stay afloat.

Re: Golden lights...

Why do people think Johnny's opinions are the last word on The Smiths? Whether you like them or not, those pop covers were exactly in tune with the Smiths aesthetic.

Just because Johnny later became embarrassed about it and wanted The Smiths to be a more rockist lads band doesn't mean that's what they were originally.
Re: Golden lights...

Here's the problem, I was a Billy Bragg fan before I was a Smiths fan & I heard his version of NHNOE first.

And I just find it to be superior in every respect.

I like Bragg a lot but I don't like his cover, the subject matter doesn't exactly conjur up Billy.
Re: Golden lights...

Why do people think Johnny's opinions are the last word on The Smiths? Whether you like them or not, those pop covers were exactly in tune with the Smiths aesthetic.

Just because Johnny later became embarrassed about it and wanted The Smiths to be a more rockist lads band doesn't mean that's what they were originally.

I don't think people dislike the songs because Johnny dislikes the songs. We're just quoting Johnny because it's these covers coupled with Moz's unwillingness to "take a break" after Strangeways came out that was the final straw for him being in the Smiths.
I really like this song. To be honest, I never knew that there was such hatred towards it until I started coming here. Considering that it was later added to 'The World Won't Listen', I always assumed that it was a popular song. I also like 'Work is a Four-Letter Word' and, to a lesser extent, 'I Keep Mine Hidden'.
Re: Golden lights...

By the way, we totally destroyed this thread.

(I know but there's this other cool story I have to tell. You know the face recognition software that groups all the photos of one person's face into a file? It recognized my friends face from his Wii character that was playing on the television in the BACKGROUND of a photo of two people posing for the camera!!! :eek: How awesome is that???!!)

Yeah, ahem, Golden Lights is a great song. Totally.
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