Is Morrissey a maladjusted dyslexic?



Many of the accepted symptoms of dyslexia appear to conform to Morrissey's personality. Difficulty in social situations, reclusive or extravagant behaviour, awkwardness, and his handwriting appears 'childish'.
Is it possible that he is one of the millions of people who never quite adapt to 'normal' life due to their undiagnosed dyslexia?
Many of those people go on to achieve great things in varied ways - Einstein, Richard Branston, Orlando Bloom, Eddie Izzard, Ben Elton, Whoopie Goldberg, and one of Mozzer's new connections... Henry Winkler.
Just a thought....
Re: It's a bit interesting who many musicians have disabiltes.

Physical disablites.
Mental disablites.
Are blind.
Mental health problems and adictive personalities.
Re: It's a bit interesting how many musicians have disabiltes.

Physical disablites.
Mental disablites.
Are blind.
Mental health problems and adictive personalities.
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