John Entwhistle has died


Vauxhall Driver

The Who's John Entwhistle died of a heart attack in Las Vagas last night.
> The Who's John Entwhistle died of a heart attack in Las Vagas last night.

That is very sad. I have to be honest and say the few Who songs he did write were not exactly great but he was a very nice man and The Who are up there with the best ever of British bands.
Let us also remember that Morrissey is a HUGE fan of the early Who.
My favourite? The "Who's Next" album. I shall play it tonight in his memory.

A truly ace bassist who along with Keith Moon surely made up the best rythym section that has ever played together.

Genuinely cool too, it's worth watching footage of his reticence whilst Townsend's smashing up the set. It's almost better than the destruction itself.

Brilliant and sadly missed.
Re: John Entwhistle RIP

> The Who's John Entwhistle died of a heart attack in Las Vagas last night.

I only liked the Who for Quadrophenia.. 'Love Reign O'er Me' is a wonderfully rich song.. For that I doff my (pretend) quiff in his honour..
> The Who's John Entwhistle died of a heart attack in Las Vagas last night.

In Vegas....? Somehow, that doesn't surprise me.......

Take care, Morrissey......
First Dee dee, and now this, Andy Rourke, look out.

But seriously, the Who were great. The Who Sell out and Happy Jack are faves, as of course is Who's Next. Brilliant.
> First Dee dee, and now this, Andy Rourke, look out.

> But seriously, the Who were great. The Who Sell out and Happy Jack are
> faves, as of course is Who's Next. Brilliant.
I heard the Who is going back on tour on monday and they are looking for a Bassist so maybe Andy might be able to get a gig.
> I heard the Who is going back on tour on monday and they are looking for a
> Bassist so maybe Andy might be able to get a gig.

I wouldn't be surprised. the Who 'farewells' are a joke. Well, let's see Zach Starkey played drums with them one on tour, and he is in Johnny Marr's Healers, so 7 degrees of Morrissey, there you go.

I hope Roger and Peter finally retire the name, but they probably won't. Andy and Mike (and for that matter, Bruce and Rick) are available.
Re: Andy Rourke's hero is dead he is very upset

HOW IS DEE DEE? One of Andy Rourke's heros John Entwhistle was.
Re: Andy Rourke's hero is dead he is very upset

> HOW IS DEE DEE? One of Andy Rourke's heros John Entwhistle was.

Dee Dee Ramone, bassist from the Ramones, if you haven't; check them out
Re: Andy Rourke's hero is dead he is very upset

> Dee Dee Ramone, bassist from the Ramones, if you haven't; check them out
Oh, I thought Andy's hero was the heroin dealer on the street corner
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