Lady of Seattle - new Moz song?

Morrissey often says he doesn't watch US TV programmes.

I don't blame him, but he has said that Roseanne was his favorite tv show; that "it's very witty". I didn't believe it when I read/heard it and still don't.
It wouldn't surprise me if he did like Roseanne. It's the only show I can think of that realistically portrayed working class Americans, which would be right up his alley.

My parents were from a town just like Lanford. Exactly like it, in fact. If they hadn't gotten out, that would have been my life.
Roseanne? What the hell are you guys talking about? Hahah


Amanda Knox -[Aka The Dark Lady of Seattle]- the University of Washington student implicated in a shocking slaying in Perugia, Italy -- reportedly has told investigators she was in the next room as her female roommate cried for help and her throat was cut.

"The only thing I can say is that at a certain point I heard Meredith screaming," Knox told authorities, according to leaked police reports obtained by Corriere Della Sera, a Milan newspaper.

"I was scared and put my hands over my ears," she said. "I can't remember anything else. ... I was in shock, but I could imagine what was going on."

Knox's statements contradict her earlier claims that she wasn't in the apartment the night of Nov. 1 during the slaying of her roommate, 21-year-old British exchange student Meredith Kercher. Knox did not say whether she had any involvement in the killing, or a sexual assault that police say led to the bloodshed.

The sensational murder/sexual assault involving two young, attractive American and British women sparked front-page headlines across Europe.

The 20-year-old from West Seattle was arrested Tuesday by homicide investigators. Police also arrested Knox's Italian boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, 23, and Congolese musician Patrick Diya Lumumba, 37, who owned a bar in Perugia where Knox worked.

British media reported late Wednesday that police had collected a pocketknife from Sollecito's home. Police had said previously that a murder weapon had not been located.
Ooh! Im from Seattle!
And went to WSU for a time, before transferring! I dont think I have slaughtered anyone in Italy though...

Perhaps its about me!:p

Somehow I doubt it...
It's The Lady Of C-attle. He's into the bovine thing. :)
Oh I'm too lazy to dig up old quotes but I believe it was in a US magazine interview. Maybe Word?

He didn't say "I like her" but I extrapolated that he was a regular viewer from his comment. I think I only ever saw the show a few times. Scary.

Does he really like Judge Judy? Where did you hear that?

I LOVE Judge Judy.
Oh I'm too lazy to dig up old quotes but I believe it was in a US magazine interview. Maybe Word?

He didn't say "I like her" but I extrapolated that he was a regular viewer from his comment. I think I only ever saw the show a few times. Scary.

I was gonna say she's a guilty pleasure but I'm not even guilty about it. :D I love most of those court shows, but she's in a league of her own. She got me through many a looong afternoon when my kids were younger, back when they both napped. It was my "collapse on the couch and veg" time.

I like Cops too.

Sorry to hijack...that Judge Judy thing gave me a little thrill.

I love it when she calls a litigant "Madame!" in disgust. Simple pleasures.
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