Smiths Indeed



Just back from Germany, and waiting for me were the first six Smiths Indeed zines. Very nice indeed. What do others think? By the way I picked up one of those free arts mags in Munich and there's a big Moz article - my German is not the best, so would anyone be able to translate?


oh I've got some of them, not sure what issues though, I think they're still packed away somewhere. I'll dig em out one day, I've got quite a few of the A Chance To Shine fanzines & a few others.
I did german at skoo but dropped it as soon as I could, the teacher she just didn't understand me. So I wouldn't have the foggiest on your Munich mag mate.



> Just back from Germany, and waiting for me were the first six Smiths
> Indeed zines. Very nice indeed. What do others think? By the way I picked
> up one of those free arts mags in Munich and there's a big Moz article -
> my German is not the best, so would anyone be able to translate?

> Cheers,

> Peter
Re: Anything else on the doormat Skinny? ;-)

Of course - much appreciated! Didn't you get the message I sent yesterday? Ah well, ta very much!

Re: Anything else on the doormat Skinny? ;-)

get tomoz's Independent & Sundays, you'll be translating German in 6 weeks (apparently)


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