Southpaw Grammar 2009: Digipack?


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So I know that the reissue of Maladjusted came in a digipack book style format and I was wondering if Southpaw Grammar came in such packaging. I often see "Legacy Edition" versions but this is online, and they have nothing but stock photos of the album sleeve. Any help?
yes there is a digipack version of southpaw, much like the maladjusted one. i have both. the southpaw digipack has a sticker saying 'legacy edition' but i'm not sure if that sticker is used exclusively for the digipack version. but it is different from the sticker that's on maladjusted.

hope that helps.
The word they were using for Southpaw was "ecolbook" instead of digipack. If you search for "Southpaw Grammar ecolbook", I'm sure you'll find it.
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