the elusive davidT



By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!
> By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
> the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
> like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
> not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
> never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
> his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!
You're wrong, Mister T often replies when his ego is in danger.
Re: the wise davidT

> By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
> the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
> like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
> not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
> never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
> his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!

If he gave his views here he'd be bashed to hell, just like Chris at A.O. Cheers to David for not making the same mistake.
Re: the wise davidT

> If he gave his views here he'd be bashed to hell, just like Chris at A.O.
> Cheers to David for not making the same mistake.

Well, David shouldn't open his mouth and just keep his work, that is enough. Chris is boring to death, David is boring to death, but they have nice web sites. Keep the good work, Mister T, and never open your mouth, for your own sake. YOU'RE BORING.
I love how you clearly assert that David never, ever reveals himself on this site, then turn around and use the lack of evidence as evidence to slur him. That's just the kind of specious reasoning that's so rampant on this board, and precisely the reason David probably doesn't even read let alone respond to any of this garbage.

Grow up. If David hadn't given you a public forum in which to speak, you'd still be flinging shit on your bedroom walls like a spastic monkey. Maybe if you and T_Rex had just half the dignity, brains, and integrity David has on a bad day, this message board might actually be worth a damn.
> I love how you clearly assert that David never, ever reveals himself on
> this site, then turn around and use the lack of evidence as evidence to
> slur him. That's just the kind of specious reasoning that's so rampant on
> this board, and precisely the reason David probably doesn't even read let
> alone respond to any of this garbage.

> Grow up. If David hadn't given you a public forum in which to speak, you'd
> still be flinging shit on your bedroom walls like a spastic monkey. Maybe
> if you and T_Rex had just half the dignity, brains, and integrity David
> has on a bad day, this message board might actually be worth a damn.

im sure in YOUR mind that makes sense public school boy
to the rest of us he is just a midget chink on an ego trip!
Vile bastard!

> im sure in YOUR mind that makes sense public school boy
> to the rest of us he is just a midget chink on an ego trip!

You should be forced to drink a pint of your own piss.
Give 'em enough rope...

Your credibility was totally obliterated by your last post.

Of course, you never had any to begin with. That's the point, I guess.

I wonder how many people are posting on these boards just to take the piss?

You drew me out. Congratulations. Now I hope that David does read these boards, so he can delete this entire, useless thread.

In the end, I suppose it was all worth it to be summarily dismissed as a "public school boy". I'm glowing inside.
> I love how you clearly assert that David never, ever reveals himself on
> this site, then turn around and use the lack of evidence as evidence to
> slur him. That's just the kind of specious reasoning that's so rampant on
> this board, and precisely the reason David probably doesn't even read let
> alone respond to any of this garbage.

> Grow up. If David hadn't given you a public forum in which to speak, you'd
> still be flinging shit on your bedroom walls like a spastic monkey. Maybe
> if you and T_Rex had just half the dignity, brains, and integrity David
> has on a bad day, this message board might actually be worth a damn.

This is the funniest (and best) post I've seen in quite a while. Well done!
Re: elusive to who?

> By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
> the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
> like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
> not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
> never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
> his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!
Im sure that if your brain could work you could realise what kind of person David is , he doesnt have your time ,he's busy , you think this is his only job?

Dont be bitter beacuse he doesnt reply your groupie crap,he can read and answer to whom he pleases, AND usually the answer of almost all the regular questions are here in the site ..not in the message board.
If you knew how to read you could find them -- and "no one knows his views on anything"?-- ha ha ha We wouldnt share them with an ignorant multi-nicknames like you.
> By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
> the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
> like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
> not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
> never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
> his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!

David created a website about Morrissey, not himself.

If you have a question, why not try emailing him privately? He DOES get out of the house, he DOES have his own views and he DOES respond to your questions if he chooses to. Everybody is entitled to be treated with respect, but they are also entitled to their privacy and their personal choice of whether or not they would like to reply to questions posed to them.

I'm a little embarrassed for treating this like a serious post, as it most likely is not, but there you go - I'm treating you with respect.
> im sure in YOUR mind that makes sense public school boy
> to the rest of us he is just a midget chink on an ego trip!

Wow! You're quite the scholar. Speaking of public school...perhaps you should attend one and touch up on your grammar. I think it would be wise of you to do something besides talk shite about people you obviously know little about.."heis just a midget"(David's rather tall actually). People such as yourself are terribly boring and clutter up the board. How about doing something besides sitting about..licking your own arse?
> im sure in YOUR mind that makes sense public school boy
> to the rest of us he is just a midget chink on an ego trip!

That's it, you're so correct!!!!!!!
davidT is too busy to entertain you!

> By his lack of response to any questions i concur that
> the man is up his own asshole and he is trying to act
> like morrissey by never venturing out of the door and
> not answering questions put by fans. Jesus the man
> never replies to any messages on his own site. No one knows
> his views on ANYTHING, mr sun shines out of my ass pipeage!
Dude, you are nuts... David Tseng spends somewhat between 20 and 40 hours every week to maintain this wonderful website, and you have enough arrogance to blame him for not chatting up with you every day? If you need a conversation partner, ask your auntie from Oklahoma... :)
Re: the wise davidT

I have to disagree with you on that. Chris is very entertaining. Why would he get so many mentions in this mesageboard if he was just as you put it 'boring'. As for David, he is a reserved kind of guy.
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