To eat or not to eat ... ?



Does anyone know the extent of Morrissey's ethics on animals and vegetarianism? I've just finished reading a book called 'The Pig Who Sang to the Moon' and having been a recent veggie convert, partly due to the Moz himself, i'm now seriously considering going vegan. Apparently, cows go through horrible pain to give us milk; they're constantly kept pregnant and then their udders are so full they can hardly walk. Being a woman, i know that's gotta hurt. Also, so called free range eggs mean chickens might get a few extra inches of space to move and probably still never see sunlight. And did you know chickens can fly and they're supposed to roost in trees? I'm actually feeling pretty despondent right now, because i've come to the conclusion that not only are we all buggered as a species, but i'm going to have to give up chocolate; although it does seem a bit weird that we've been brought up to live on the menstrual products of other animals. yuk. Anyways, thoughts very much appreciated on everything from Morrissey's dining habits to freaky vegans.
If cows have just given birth then surely they would need to be milked. they don't seem to be in any discomfort when being milked on tv, akthough i'm sure it must be humiliating.

> Does anyone know the extent of Morrissey's ethics on animals and
> vegetarianism? I've just finished reading a book called 'The Pig Who Sang
> to the Moon' and having been a recent veggie convert, partly due to the
> Moz himself, i'm now seriously considering going vegan. Apparently, cows
> go through horrible pain to give us milk; they're constantly kept pregnant
> and then their udders are so full they can hardly walk. Being a woman, i
> know that's gotta hurt. Also, so called free range eggs mean chickens
> might get a few extra inches of space to move and probably still never see
> sunlight. And did you know chickens can fly and they're supposed to roost
> in trees? I'm actually feeling pretty despondent right now, because i've
> come to the conclusion that not only are we all buggered as a species, but
> i'm going to have to give up chocolate; although it does seem a bit weird
> that we've been brought up to live on the menstrual products of other
> animals. yuk. Anyways, thoughts very much appreciated on everything from
> Morrissey's dining habits to freaky vegans.
> If cows have just given birth then surely they would need to be milked.
> they don't seem to be in any discomfort when being milked on tv, akthough
> i'm sure it must be humiliating.

Humiliating? For a cow? That is just too funny
I'd suggest that you read 'The Pornography of Meat' by Carol J. Adams.
And forget about Morrissey's ethics on the subject, but listen to your heart.

the pornography of meat
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Vince Overeager is back...

Vince Overeager is if you cared!!!

Eat meat, don't eat meat, do what u want just don't put your decisions in the hands of the MOZ-SOLO MORONS!


Morrissey is a lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means he eats eggs and milk products.
Freely, I might add!
Being a vegan can be very dangerous if it's not done properly and with much attention paid to one's diet.
Vegetarianism is a much more accessible option for most people.
Re: Vince Overeager is back...

The only moron around here is you vince. f*** off back under that rock you have just crawled from under!
> Being a vegan can be very dangerous if it's not done properly and with
> much attention paid to one's diet.

Oooo, it's sooo dangerous!
And so is listening to a Morrissey record, kneeling down in front of a homosexual, or rollerskating.
Fear is a man's best friend.
Moooooooooooooooooooooooo the cows love it!

Share some grease tea with mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmilk!

the cows Does anyone know the extent of Morrissey's ethics on animals and
> vegetarianism? I've just finished reading a book called 'The Pig Who Sang
> to the Moon' and having been a recent veggie convert, partly due to the
> Moz himself, i'm now seriously considering going vegan. Apparently, cows
> go through horrible pain to give us milk; they're constantly kept pregnant
> and then their udders are so full they can hardly walk. Being a woman, i
> know that's gotta hurt. Also, so called free range eggs mean chickens
> might get a few extra inches of space to move and probably still never see
> sunlight. And did you know chickens can fly and they're supposed to roost
> in trees? I'm actually feeling pretty despondent right now, because i've
> come to the conclusion that not only are we all buggered as a species, but
> i'm going to have to give up chocolate; although it does seem a bit weird
> that we've been brought up to live on the menstrual products of other
> animals. yuk. Anyways, thoughts very much appreciated on everything from
> Morrissey's dining habits to freaky vegans.
Um, okay.
But you're missing the point entirely.
It's not dangerous at all, healthful even, if done p r o p e r l y.
Seriously, it is disgusting.
I'm sure it is a "relief" to a cow to be milked after suffering gestation for years on end. That does not excuse the reason for the excuse though.

Pigs are treated even worse. A sow is tied to a metal grid for its entire life, never seeing daylight, used as a whore for The Improper Pork of the neighbourhood and then the young taken away from her so heartlessly for the tender bacon.

Don't even go where young calves have to die!

If you have ever ever ate VEAL...SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

As an aside, chickens really can't fly in the true sense of the word.
They are too heavy for their wings.
Have you ever seen a chicken in flight? Real flight?

No, neither have I.

They can flutter, they can't fly.

Sadly, that is why they are treated like chickens.

> vegetarianism? I've just finished reading a book called 'The Pig Who Sang
> to the Moon' and having been a recent veggie convert, partly due to the
> Moz himself, i'm now seriously considering going vegan. Apparently, cows
> go through horrible pain to give us milk; they're constantly kept pregnant
> and then their udders are so full they can hardly walk. Being a woman, i
> know that's gotta hurt. Also, so called free range eggs mean chickens
> might get a few extra inches of space to move and probably still never see
> sunlight. And did you know chickens can fly and they're supposed to roost
> in trees? I'm actually feeling pretty despondent right now, because i've
> come to the conclusion that not only are we all buggered as a species, but
> i'm going to have to give up chocolate; although it does seem a bit weird
> that we've been brought up to live on the menstrual products of other
> animals. yuk. Anyways, thoughts very much appreciated on everything from
> Morrissey's dining habits to freaky vegans.
> Also, so called free range eggs mean chickens
> might get a few extra inches of space to move and probably still never see
> sunlight.

im not a veggie/vegan but youre right there about free range chickens, the conditions theyre kept in are not much better than battery chickens, but a lot of people are misled by the name "free range" and think it means they get to walk around outside on a farm like you imagine as a kid or something. if i ever eat chicken/eggs i always try to get organic, not free range, cos the standard of the living conditions are higher for "organic" than for "free range", like they have to be fed organic food instead of growth hormones, that sort of thing. free range and battery chickens are fed growth hormones that make them grow so fast that their legs can't support their bodies and they can't walk. sometimes u see frozen chickens with black marks on them, those are ammonia burns from them lying in their own waste when they were alive because they were too fat too move.
as for becoming a vegan... i dont know cos im not one but i guess you have to make sure you get a balanced diet (get enough protein etc) so theres probably recipe books available for vegans that can help you.
as for chocolate... thats a huge sacrifice! but my brother once said he's heard of vegan chocolate (it probably uses soya milk or something like that, instead of cows milk) so maybe you can eat that instead?
> Does anyone know the extent of Morrissey's ethics on animals and
We all know grim doesnt have any trouble in the "eating" dept. Course, neither does GU either. Infact, their kids are a couple of fat little f***s too.
Hey Pimple...

> We all know grim doesnt have any trouble in the "eating" dept.
> Course, neither does GU either. Infact, their kids are a couple of fat
> little f***s too.

He was asking about MORRISSEY. Just because you are obsessed with Grim, doesn't mean all questions on this board are about him.

Have you and Smegan not worked out how to use Google yet? It's a simple search engine, and you type in the name of your subject (that would be MORRISSEY) remember to spell it right on your Speak and Spell keyboard, then press "Enter" and lo and behold, thanks to the wonder of the interweb, you have thousands of pages of information, lyrics and fascinating facts at your fingertips.
oi moron what's with this "we", you are a sad lonely little boy!

> We all know grim doesnt have any trouble in the "eating" dept.
> Course, neither does GU either. Infact, their kids are a couple of fat
> little f***s too.
Re: Hey Pimple...

> He was asking about MORRISSEY. Just because you are obsessed with Grim,
> doesn't mean all questions on this board are about him.

> Have you and Smegan not worked out how to use Google yet? It's a simple
> search engine, and you type in the name of your subject (that would be
> MORRISSEY) remember to spell it right on your Speak and Spell keyboard,
> then press "Enter" and lo and behold, thanks to the wonder of
> the interweb, you have thousands of pages of information, lyrics and
> fascinating facts at your fingertips.

I know how to and talk about morrissey. You know how to "go f*** yourself"??? maybe you should try "googling it"??
> oi moron what's with this "we", you are a sad lonely little boy!

And you're a club armed tubby pigf***er.
If you want to be a vegan, be one.

Whether or not Morrissey is a vegan should make no difference.

I am not a vegan, I like steak.

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