You guys are all the same, in most respects...



I have been outta here for about a week now (my family is in town, and I have been busy). I come in here and see fake Morrissey sightings, and only a few smart people who DON'T fall for it. Though I found the info of seeing Morrissey at the Wild Oats rather pleasing- and with such a nice vegetable!

Whomever is pretending to be Wendy Wu, FYI- She never POSTED under that name folks. She posted under Aurora-George. Look for THAT authenticity...

And BTW, to the person who said Morrissey was at El Vez on a totally different night than he played:

#1. Check your fu*kin' facts before you post such close-but-no-cigar dribble,

and #2. Morrissey is almost ALWAYS seen with ONE asian woman (Wendy) and ONE white/caucasian, whatever woman. Don't know her name...I don't recall him ever being seen with two asian women. NOT to say he WOULDN'T be seen with two Asian women, but I think it's only fair to assume from other reports that they are usally one and one.

Hey, glad to see almost everyone else is still around. With the way the Taliban is reproting it, we Americans are killing everyone but us these days!


Laura is a Miss Know it All

Ever get the feeling she name drops? (by the way, are these even names to drop, I think not.)

I know Wendy Wu, she posts as George (she hates you by the way), I know Mimi (who cares), I know Morrissey's house address (so what), I like greasetea (again, who cares), I tricked Suzanne (I think not).

Please go away, you are making Morrissey worried that his fans are psychopaths.
> I have been outta here for about a week now (my family is in
> town, and I have been busy).

>I come in here and see fake
> Morrissey sightings,

oh the indignation!

>and only a few smart people who DON'T fall
> for it. Though I found the info of seeing Morrissey at the Wild
> Oats rather pleasing- and with such a nice vegetable!

> Whomever is pretending to be Wendy Wu, FYI- She never POSTED
> under that name folks. She posted under Aurora-George. Look for
> THAT authenticity...

Oh yes. Like it's completely not within her grasp to blank out the field and put her real name in it's place.

Look what I've done now. She's probably sitting at home, hitting the side of her head going "STUPID! STUPID! ALL THIS TIME I COULD HAVE USED MY REAL NAME!!!"

Not that I think the moron running around posting this stuff is her, but still...

> And BTW, to the person who said Morrissey was at El Vez on a
> totally different night than he played:

> #1. Check your fu*kin' facts before you post such
> close-but-no-cigar dribble,

> and #2. Morrissey is almost ALWAYS seen with ONE asian woman
> (Wendy) and ONE white/caucasian, whatever woman. Don't know her
> name...I don't recall him ever being seen with two asian women.
> NOT to say he WOULDN'T be seen with two Asian women, but I think
> it's only fair to assume from other reports that they are usally
> one and one.

"Morrissey has exactly TWO friends on this planet. I think one of them is a shape shifter. One of them might have had the night off and they called Asians R Us for a late substitution, but I assure you, he didn't even catch her name before sending her back at the end of the evening."

> Hey, glad to see almost everyone else is still around. With the
> way the Taliban is reproting it, we Americans are killing
> everyone but us these days!

Hey, THAT'S why we sent all of those missiles and fighter jets over there for!

C'mon, admit it. Even the mention of someone else possibly having seen the Mozzer is sending you into Jerry Springer mode.

"he's MINE, bitch!"
OMG! How many times have people posted THEIR ideas on what someone has said here?!

> Ever get the feeling she name drops? (by the way, are these even
> names to drop, I think not.)

> Example:
> I know Wendy Wu, she posts as George (she hates you by the way),
> I know Mimi (who cares), I know Morrissey's house address (so
> what), I like greasetea (again, who cares), I tricked Suzanne (I
> think not).

> Please go away, you are making Morrissey worried that his fans
> are psychopaths.

And I get attacked! You are an idiot.

You apparently keep CLOSER tabs on ALL of us, as I haven't mentioned knowing people like Mimi in a long time, nor have I mentioned liking Greasetea either...

as far as having Morrissey's address, yes, I do, along with about 500 other fans. It IS a so the f*ck what...I don't get you people.

I did NOT trick Suzanne (and if this IS you Suzanne, who writes under other names sometimes and then has the nerve to TRY to name Jay Mudd as someone who writes under OTHER names, grow up!). Suzanne is a little neurotic about a LOT of sh*t and I was just one more person who fell under her "She-didn't-really-DO-anything-wrong-but-I'll-try-and-humiliate-her-with-lies-anyway" crap. It didn't work, and she is just one less important person that I am glad I never met.

Wendy Wu has never laid claim to hating me, and she has no reason to. If she DOES in fact 'hate' me then I would say she has no right to having never met me formally, and is a bit too defensive over a MAN...he is a MAN you freaks.



Oh and BTW, HEADLINE: I am NOT a psychopath! I am the farthest thing FROM a psychopath! Believe me, if someone like Morrissey can't look at reason over matter, and realize that what I went through was tiny potatoes compared to what he has and will go through, then he has the problems in the head- THAT'S for sure.

I am glad he suddenly has an idiot for a spokesperson. Email me if you have issues you would like to discuss. Otherwise, don't post what you don't know.
OH the constant 'tardation!

> oh the indignation!

> Oh yes. Like it's completely not within her grasp to blank out
> the field and put her real name in it's place.

No, it isn't- but the messages and content are clearly NOT how she posts. Duh.

> Look what I've done now. She's probably sitting at home, hitting
> the side of her head going "STUPID! STUPID! ALL THIS TIME I

Ha ha.

> Not that I think the moron running around posting this stuff is
> her, but still...

Ok, then why bother with this post at all?

> "Morrissey has exactly TWO friends on this planet. I think
> one of them is a shape shifter. One of them might have had the
> night off and they called Asians R Us for a late substitution,
> but I assure you, he didn't even catch her name before sending
> her back at the end of the evening."

No, no, you are right. I just thought I would bring up the fact, and TRY to back up why I think the report of seeing Morrissey is definitely a false one...

> Hey, THAT'S why we sent all of those missiles and
> fighter jets over there for!


> C'mon, admit it. Even the mention of someone else possibly
> having seen the Mozzer is sending you into Jerry Springer mode.

No, I couldn't care less, Suzie. You never have understood that. I live about 45 miles from the man. However, the traffic to LA from Orange County, esp. where I live, is horrific. It is a ridiculous thought that I would hope to be somewhere in OC and see him. In fact, it would be a very nice surprise, but I have ALWAYS had bigger things on my mind. I have no jealousy in me for someone who has most likely made up a story about someone I could go sit outside his house and watch come and go with no bother, you know? But I've never even done THAT. It's so funny how you twist your own little feelings around to try and make someone else look bad. ME jealous? Ha.

> "he's MINE, bitch!"

No one is one.

Re: OMG! How many times have people posted THEIR ideas on what someone has said here?!

> And I get attacked! You are an idiot.

> You apparently keep CLOSER tabs on ALL of us, as I haven't
> mentioned knowing people like Mimi in a long time, nor have I
> mentioned liking Greasetea either...

> as far as having Morrissey's address, yes, I do, along with
> about 500 other fans. It IS a so the f*ck what...I don't get you
> people.

> I did NOT trick Suzanne (and if this IS you Suzanne, who writes
> under other names sometimes and then has the nerve to TRY to
> name Jay Mudd as someone who writes under OTHER names, grow
> up!). Suzanne is a little neurotic about a LOT of sh*t and I was
> just one more person who fell under her
> "She-didn't-really-DO-anything-wrong-but-I'll-try-and-humiliate-her-with-lies-anyway"
> crap. It didn't work, and she is just one less important person
> that I am glad I never met.

hey, nigglenuts, my post to you is one below this person.

Given what i freely attach my name to, why on Earth would I even bother to try and come up with an alias so I can repeat myself?

> Wendy Wu has never laid claim to hating me, and she has no
> reason to. If she DOES in fact 'hate' me then I would say she
> has no right to having never met me formally, and is a bit too
> defensive over a MAN...he is a MAN you freaks.

so, how do you know she is defensive?

> Sheesh.

> Laura

> Oh and BTW, HEADLINE: I am NOT a psychopath! I am the farthest
> thing FROM a psychopath! Believe me, if someone like Morrissey
> can't look at reason over matter, and realize that what I went
> through was tiny potatoes compared to what he has and will go
> through, then he has the problems in the head- THAT'S for sure.

> I am glad he suddenly has an idiot for a spokesperson. Email me
> if you have issues you would like to discuss. Otherwise, don't
> post what you don't know.
Nigglenuts here...

> hey, nigglenuts, my post to you is one below this person.

> Given what i freely attach my name to, why on Earth would I even
> bother to try and come up with an alias so I can repeat myself?

> so, how do you know she is defensive?

The ONLY reason I know she is defensive is because she TOLD me she gets defensive in one of the few emails she wrote to me. I NEVER laid claim to being a friend of Wendy's, only that I felt she was being friendly towards me in some emails.

I don't know why you would try to have an alias. I just don't know who would have such a negative attitude towards me besides you and one other. And if it IS that other person, then they are more demented than I thought; if it ISN'T that other person, I don't know who the f*ck else tries to care when they shouldn't.

Don't most of you realize I don't KNOW you and I don't have the TIME to either?

I liked the "Wendy Who?" post, but almost everyone ignored it!

Laura, tired and well deserving a good night's rest!
Must I waste my energy on comments like these? Why the hell not?

What is the fuggin' point of sh*t comments like this one? Of COURSE I will come in here and say what I want! I do NOT need some little idiot cretin to tell me to shut up! The last time I was told to shut up was when I was 12 and some girl in a debate had no better retort for my comments. You miserable vomitous mass.

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