B Sides that *definately* should've been A sides. . .

Ganglord (first and foremost)
Sister I'm A Poet
My Dearest Love
Hairdresser on Fire
Jack the Ripper
Most people keep their brains between their legs. ;) They are both classics!!!

I'm not denying that. I just think that Interesting Drug is MORE of a classic and deserves A-side status.
My Dearest Love, Ganglord, Jack The Ripper. All tremendous songs.

I thought about Jack The Ripper, which I think is one of Morrissey's top 10 songs, but I just think that the version on the B-side of "Certain People I Know" is musically very underwhelming. The band honed it to perfection when they performed it live - and I always wished THAT version would have been re-recorded in the studio. That would be a definite A-side - probably Morrissey's greatest single. But I don't think that live versions belong on A-sides, so that's why I didn't include it. Such a lost opportunity...
How Soon Is Now? ...oh, wait. :rolleyes:

"Such a Little Thing Makes Such a Big Difference" and "Interesting Drug" should have switched sides.

Completely agree with this, although Interesting Drug may have aged slightly better.

I hate to join the majority but My Dearest Love, Jack the Ripper (live from Beethoven although I don't generally like live singles) and Lost.
I understand your points on Lost NRitH but I think it could have been a more powerful Sunny-esq single. That would be a cracking piece of vinyl :thumb:
"Dear God Please Help Me"
I know its not commercial-sounding but its truly glorious. Especially with all the strings included in the fan remix :thumb:
First few that jump at me are...

Whatever Happens, I Love You

Such a little thing makes such a difference

Hairdresser on Fire

The Slum Mums
I'm not denying that. I just think that Interesting Drug is MORE of a classic and deserves A-side status.

Oh no no... that was a dig at NRITH. I agree with you!!
b-side b-sides
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