Copenhagen - Operaen (July 11, 2011) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in. Beware of anonymous set list trolls!

Set List:

First Of The Gang To Die / I Want The One I Can't Have / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Shoplifters Of The World Unite / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / You Have Killed Me / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / You're The One For Me, Fatty / The Kid's A Looker / Action Is My Middle Name / I Know It's Over / Satellite Of Love / Alma Matters / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / People Are The Same Everywhere / Meat is Murder / Speedway / Irish Blood, English Heart // There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

set list provided by @WorldWontListen from, link posted by an anonymous person

Morrissey website owner thrown out of gig - TalkTalk. Link from an anonymous person.
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If he wants to be-have like a tit lets treat him like one!!
From now on lets refer to him as MAURICE E until he gets a grip.

Show your support MAURICE E!!!!!! are you with me or agin me?????

You say MORRISSEY we say MAURICE E.......................
It's true, I was ejected before the show started by several of Morrissey's security / crew. They didn't give a reason other than 'you know what you did' which I assume is running this website. I went to get a refund at the ticket office but the Live Nation promoter denied it saying I had to take it up with the band.

davidt, I am so sorry to read what happened to you.

I can't imagine how you feel & I just hope that you're able to ignore the mean-spirited comments written in this thread, but get the positive vibes from those of us that feel for you.
I haven't been on here in awhile because nothing has really been going on and I've been busy but HOLY SHIT this main page is a bunch of f***ing retards now. The actual forum is still ok, but this front page used to be a fun place. Now its rotten and you can tell its a bunch of new ppl that are only here talking shit because their almighty god Morrissey wear a shirt with the website on it.
If Morrissey all of the sudden started eating meat, would you start? If Morrissey started to pick his nose and eat it, would you.
Please people, you are making me sick. Thanks for ruining a place where REAL fans used to have fun.
Disgusted at Morrissey. Giving someone my ticket for Dublin for free. I don't even want money for it. The champion of the underdog has become the champion of censorship. Oh, does that hurt your feelings Morrissey. Dry your eyes with the 50E a pop you get for your 70 minute sets. Goodbye and thank you for meaning so much at one time. Now you're an absolute stencher!
It's true, I was ejected before the show started by several of Morrissey's security / crew. They didn't give a reason other than 'you know what you did' which I assume is running this website. I went to get a refund at the ticket office but the Live Nation promoter denied it saying I had to take it up with the band.

Unreal , at first i thought it was funny (the t shirts)
but that ungrateful mother f er !!!, my honest opinion, although its been said is :
without this site and the updates no one would have a clue to whats going on ..
releases , tour dates ,ect . for him to throw you out is beyond belief !
I dont know how you keep going and since alain left ,its been a slow downward slope
Quarry was great, ROTT was good, YOR just plain sucked - and yet you continued to
support him for yrs ~ to do all you have done and to get thrown out is so low
julia is a joke ~met her , and that sad,sad site- throw her ass to the back of the crowd
the chant when and he will comes back to the states, should be " SOLO SOLO SOLO"
because when he says f solo - he's saying f*** us
Morrissey hates the chinese, hates the royal family, hates newsreaders, hates meat eaters, hates .......well, you all know- the list is too long now.Oh, but you must never disagree, no, nor anyone express anything other than an obsessed love for him. No- he gets very upset.He has Julia sort it. He- who has applauded those irregular choice types, those misfits -who don't run with the pack butthose he has praised because they can see through the hype- the quest for fame and money- at the cost of integrity.Morrissey you are regularly coming across as a two faced double standard dimwitted man-and to many now -who can see that you are just and act, using, people and situations, depicting people and situations to your own ends. James Dean, who knows, may have wanted to take a piss aei over your overwieght, uninspiring,tired, act. His image used on the t-shirts of your band- James Dean like the animals you pose with can't speak out so continue having yourself photographed with defenceless animals afterall they can't speak freely on message boards such as this one -which is admirable in that -however anyone wants to express themselves-either named or anonymous they can do so. You have said that not many go against the flow these days,but can't you read?You are starting a revolution of sorts.Loads of people are thinking....... maybe Morrissey is a real..........maybe Morrissey is a real..........Maybe morrissey is'nt real.Maybe Morrissey is ........a jerk.
Kewpie is the worst and most responsible for the collapse of this forum I feel.

Any good fans who could have harmless banter were banned by Kewpie who just seemed to go against anyone vaguely human. If Kewpie had not banned the good members then this place would still be half decent, instead it is a shit hole and Morrissey is right.
Oh boy... Morrissey kicks his male fans out of the venue. His mexican guitarist picks another female fan up each night ...
How much longer till no fan will be there anymore?
Kewpie is the worst and most responsible for the collapse of this forum I feel.

Any good fans who could have harmless banter were banned by Kewpie who just seemed to go against anyone vaguely human. If Kewpie had not banned the good members then this place would still be half decent, instead it is a shit hole and Morrissey is right.
What, let's start place where strictly only lovely things can be posted. Whilst Morrissey uses the worlds media to vent spleen on a wide spectrum of things in a childish unreasonable way. Grow up .
What, let's start place where strictly only lovely things can be posted. Whilst Morrissey uses the worlds media to vent spleen on a wide spectrum of things in a childish unreasonable way. Grow up .

You see it's ignorant posts like that are the whole problem with this rancid site: every issue is viewed in childishly extreme and polarised terms, there's never any shades of grey: "strictly only lovely things" or vicious, moronic bile. You really think those are the only two options? You are the one who needs to "grow up" my friend.
Hugh Clark
David Tseng. Wank. Wank. Wank.
July 4 at 9:43pm

Hugh Clark Heard this kaunt plans to go to the Scandinavian gigs.
July 4 at 9:46pm · Like

Hugh Clark - WE just just need to make sure he doesn't get in. Tonight he is allowing posts attacking Julia to be posted. The censorship on his site is more wank than he is. That is a whole lot of big wank.

Des Mcanulty - who is he shug?
July 5 at 6:17am · Like

Sus Lew Rude Hugh. Don't agree with the idiot ppl attacking Julia by any means, but David is a good egg.
July 5 at 6:55am

Robert- Action Winning Nostradamus
15 hours ago · Like

Paul-Viva Morrissey I dearly hope that Uncleskinny/Joseph Goebbels is next on the hit list. A vile excuse for a man, who has neglected his wife and children for many years to sit at Tseng's right hand and do his dirty work. A truly despicable creature.
We should start an immediate boycott of Morrissey American Tour. In America we don't believe in the narrow minded racist views that Morrissey continues to voice in the media. There is only one way to stop this asshole and that in the pocket book. Look around people there are much better ways to spent your money.
We should start an immediate boycott of Morrissey American Tour. In America we don't believe in the narrow minded racist views that Morrissey continues to voice in the media. There is only one way to stop this asshole and that in the pocket book. Look around people there are much better ways to spent your money.

i'm in. no more morrissey for me. going to go see johnny marr and the healers instead -- new material and tour soon.
Been a fan since The Smiths, and this is ridiculous. He is a hypocrite to the largest degree. I still have a picture of him and me from his Kill Uncle tour, and I am holding a McDonald's beverage--he did not give the picture a second thought.

If you disagree or criticize him, you are banished. Sounds like censorship--dictatorship, etc.


Brother what Morrissey did to you in Copenhagen was awful. You did not deserve that at all. Very saddened by this shameful and petty act to evict you from his show out of spite. We all know you are not among the Anonymous Hateful Trolls that really truly deserve to be banned from his shows with no refund. Bless you for being a loving true fan my friend. I am proud of you. I hope one day soon Morrissey understands just how much good you have done for him with this site. I hope an agreement can be reached so Morrissey is once again championing your fine efforts here as a devoted fan.


Jay Tando
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