David ,have you tried this?



David ...
I´m sure there are lots of ways to ban people , and a friend of mine who runs a site also had this problems , dealing with insulting people , so everytime you go to his site, the adress of the person who´s writting appears on the top telling the IP adress and which host is using , which takes us to determine wether if it´s the same person using two names , and from *where* is he/she writting.
help us.
true to you.
oh no!

It used to be that way on this site, and it was no fun. Having your IP and stuff displayed to the world is a violation of privacy. Viva anonymity!

> David ...
> I´m sure there are lots of ways to ban people , and a friend of
> mine who runs a site also had this problems , dealing with
> insulting people , so everytime you go to his site, the adress
> of the person who´s writting appears on the top telling the IP
> adress and which host is using , which takes us to determine
> wether if it´s the same person using two names , and from
> *where* is he/she writting.
> help us.
> true to you.
> UrsoMoz
Re: URsula, have you tried this?

Ursula, How about this: anytime you see a posting that is rude, obnoxious, stupid, sad, or ignorant JUST IGNORE IT and get on with your life. At everyone of life's corners, there is at least one idiot standing there. SO....IGNORE them. People post stupid, silly, rude messages just to get everyone all fired up. And 9 times out of ten, people fall for it hook, line and sinker. Everyone is too
uptight these days, too concerned about being policitcally correct. Everyone just relax, enjoy this site, behave like civil people and ignore those who don't.
Re: URsula, have you tried this?

> Ursula, How about this: anytime you see a posting that is rude,
> obnoxious, stupid, sad, or ignorant JUST IGNORE IT and get on
> with your life. At everyone of life's corners, there is at least
> one idiot standing there. SO....IGNORE them. People post stupid,
> silly, rude messages just to get everyone all fired up. And 9
> times out of ten, people fall for it hook, line and sinker.
> Everyone is too
> uptight these days, too concerned about being policitcally
> correct. Everyone just relax, enjoy this site, behave like civil
> people and ignore those who don't.

Nosey, dear ,
Thanks for that , No,I haven´t tried , coz I have a quite naive(silly soul)
But I should´ve quit from long ago right?
I take your advice ,the better to do it´s ignore.
and I´ll switch to decaf too.
thanks buddie!
I´ve always been true to you
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