Do you really love Morrissey?

That's not a good starter. I saw when I was 12 or 13 and I thought: "Yikes, that is so gaaaay!" So I ran away and didn't look back until last year... :o

so, what happened last year ?:rolleyes: :D ;)

I love morrissey for his poetry and artistic freedom. As already said, in his songs he says so many things I can't :) also I find him (his music) comforting :almost like an old friend, that you know you can always count on when you need.:o
Ah,ah,ah :D

and did he get a chance to listen to them (after you came to your senses? :p:rolleyes:;))

We listened to them together. :) I can tell exactly how, where and when it happened, but I won't bore you with the details. Then things got out of control.... :o
I do have very strong feelings for him. But I've never been "in love" with "real" people (don't know if I'm even able to...), so I can’t compare.
Are these feeling "real"? I don't know, and I don't care.:rolleyes: :)
Yes, I do.

"Well, it's not like any other love, this one is different..."

Exactly. Moz really has influenced me and impacted my life... but those things are way too personal to discuss here. Or anywhere, with anyone.
Thank you, Morrissey!

Call me a weirdo if you wish
, but 4 years ago a certain song (by a band that means a lot to me) made me finally give my notice to quit my job. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life!!
No and Yes

No: I feel great affection, infinite respect, gratitude and, yes, lust for The Man, but love, real love, is an entirely different thing.

Yes: As far as artistic love goes, which is one of the most important and sacred kinds of love there is to me. I love him the way I love Oscar Wilde, or Jock Soto, or Charlotte Bronte, or Edward Gorey, or Jean Tinguely, or W. G. Sebald, or David Lynch, or any number of glorious eccentrics who have changed and enhanced the way I see the world.

Morrissey is different, however, because he gave me back something that I had lost. He is also seductive, and his physical presence is pleasurable in an almost overwealming way (although seeing Jock Soto dance over the years has been one of life's great joys).

Morrissey's voice is essential to me, and I use him as a touchstone, but that is as far as it goes (which is far enough for me).

:D :guitar: :horny: :tears: :cool: ;)
A lot of people are responding that they aren't "in love" with Morrissey. That wasn't the question, was it? I mean, no... I'm not "in love" with him, but I do love him.

There are so many ways one can love another that it shocks me that more of the responses here aren't affirmative.

I love people based on what they mean to me and what kind of impact they've had on my life. I have family members who are horrible people and I am supposed to love them anyway simply because we are related. Well, I don't. It's considered silly to love a pop star, but what if the pop star has given you reason to love him time and time again?
i'd say that as love has no meaningful definition, it's entirely subjective, if you say you love someone, then to some degree you must.

i love morrissey.
Not like I do a family member, but definitley as far as loving someone I don't know can go! His muisic reached out to me when I needed it most and for that i'll be eternally grateful :)
Certainly , even question offends.
It is so certain as that the smiths never regroup again .
Nope! I just pretend too for all the super sweet benefits it brings!

okay, I'll stop being a smart aleck, yes, I do love Morrissey. It's that simple. He makes me happy, and I love him for it. I'm sure my dad, my friends, and everyone I talk to can certaintly attest to how much I love him. Haha.
I don't know him personally so I really can't make that statement. The music is what I love and Morrissey has said he *IS* the music, so ...yeah, I guess I do love him. :confused:
I don't know him personally so I really can't make that statement. The music is what I love and Morrissey has said he *IS* the music, so ...yeah, I guess I do love him. :confused:

if you would know him , you say the same thing.

Finally we all love his songs . :D
emo love sycophancy your own personal jesus
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