Morrissey Central "DO YOU REMEMBER … FAR BACK IN TIME …" (October 22, 2020)

There's no reason for him to do so, quite clearly you know sod all about him if you think he should or will after 40 or so years in the public eye....know what I mean Angeltitz?

I listed some possible reasons, but point taken -- I don't think he ever will either. Just wishful thinking on my part.

....know what I mean Angeltitz?

Lame. You can do better, Mandingleberry.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't ignore them... and I suspect the "others" you refer to don't either. We're simply able to separate such reprehensible incidents from the group at-large. Islamic terrorists ≠ Muslims as a whole, just as pedophile priests ≠ Christians as a whole. Our dear Moz, on the other hand, vociferously supports a bigoted anti-Islam activist, Anne Marie Waters, who makes no such distinctions.

Actually she's more complicated than that. And he's not been vociferous. He's mentioned her a couple of times & made it clear he thought everything against her was a press smear.

This week The New York Times & Washington Post claimed that Macron clamped down on Muslim groups & individuals, when in fact, France has arrested people who were directly calling for the death of the teacher who was beheaded 'for blasphemy' & has shut groups & Mosques directly involved in calling for the death of the teacher.

There are lot of people unable to separate violence or bigotry from the larger group & some of them think they're being liberal.





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Actually she's more complicated than that. And he's not been vociferous. He's mentioned her a couple of times & made it clear he thought everything against her was a press smear.

“I think Anne Marie Waters is the only British party leader who can unite the left and right. I don’t know any other party leader who even wants to do this. The UK is a dangerously hateful place now, and I think we need someone to put a stop to the lunacy and to speak for everyone. I see Anne Marie Waters as this person. She is extremely intelligent, ferociously dedicated to this country, she is very engaging, and also very funny at times.” -- Morrissey

If not vociferousness, then zealousness. 🤷🏻‍♂️

What matters is that he supports her at all. 👎
This weren't much of a debate.
Just some old timer tryin' to convince James Baldwin that racism
didn't exist in the US and Mr. Baldwin havin' to explain it to'em.
It was more like a test of patience for Mr. Baldwin.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't ignore them... and I suspect the "others" you refer to don't either. We're simply able to separate such reprehensible incidents from the group at-large. Islamic terrorists ≠ Muslims as a whole, just as pedophile priests ≠ Christians as a whole. Our dear Moz, on the other hand, vociferously supports a bigoted anti-Islam activist, Anne Marie Waters, who makes no such distinctions.

You mean like Hitler and the Germans?

And bye the bye......I don't think there's much moral equivalency between killing people and sucking someone off.
I'm guessing you aren't very old.

I'm guessing you're very young -- developmentally, if not in years.

My point was: answer your own f***ing question by taking 10 seconds to look it up. Asking "WTF is LBGTQIA" makes you look ignorant in more ways than one.
I'm guessing you're very young -- developmentally, if not in years.

My point was: answer your own f***ing question by taking 10 seconds to look it up. Asking "WTF is LBGTQIA" makes you look ignorant in more ways than one.

The only people that use that terminology are freakoids under 30.
There's no reason for him to do so, quite clearly you know sod all about him if you think he should or will after 40 or so years in the public eye....know what I mean Angeltitz?
This site is over-run with plebes and rubes that will stop at nothing to deny or place weak-spin on direct quotes from their “hero“. It’ll prove a cornucopia of material for an academic course on tribalism, the internet and their effects on the human condition, someday.

Naturally, a study - as such - is only relevant after the death of said “hero” and a full accounting of the reactionary actions of his minions - in the time following his departure. In modern-western civilization, humans have done this with several pop-cultural icons. John Lennon, Lou Reed, etc. Obviously Morrissey rates nowhere in that realm but - if you’re wondering why both non and former fans come here, it’s because you’ve provided them a forum to watch a shit-show. It’s almost like a sitcom, at this point, isn’t it?
I'm guessing you're very young -- developmentally, if not in years.

My point was: answer your own f***ing question by taking 10 seconds to look it up. Asking "WTF is LBGTQIA" makes you look ignorant in more ways than one.

Ask most of the population what that means and you'd get blank looks. Not everyone lives in your social justice rainbow nation.

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