houston, texas - venue - jones hall


...with an N.
two local sources of mine confirmed today that morrissey would be performing at jones hall in houston.
it would be part of a music concert series that houston society for the performing arts is going to to be having.

looking at the venue's schedule and the gap in the tour booked so far, i predict it'll be in march.

right around sxsw.
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Fart! I don't want him to play SXSW. I want a ticket in me hands. I want to show up and get in.

I might be driving to Houston.
two local sources of mine confirmed today that morrissey would be performing at jones hall in houston.
it would be part of a music concert series that houston society for the performing arts is going to to be having.

looking at the venue's schedule and the gap in the tour booked so far, i predict it'll be in march.

right around sxsw.

Yay!!! I sure hope he comes to Texas. I have become obsessed with checking ticketmaster for new dates posted. :p
two local sources of mine confirmed today that morrissey would be performing at jones hall in houston.
it would be part of a music concert series that houston society for the performing arts is going to to be having.

looking at the venue's schedule and the gap in the tour booked so far, i predict it'll be in march.

right around sxsw.

Sounds a bit odd, don't ya think? Why would Moz be a part of the "Houston SPA" Although a beautiful venue, I don't know if the socialites of Houston would like for him to play there. Let us not forget the drunkeness of Verizon, I would hate to see that happen at the Hall. Thanks for the heads up, Abe.

yeah, I don't doubt a Houston date, just doubt Mozz doing something jointly with HSPA?

then again, he does crazy things when he comes to Houston, like a signing at Record Rack and playing a gig at Southern Star (Astroworld (rip) for those now in the know).

or just cancel gigs last minute, heh.

who were your contacts by the way Abrahan, Chris Gray and John Nova Lomax? Bob Allen and Mattress Mac?

actually, I think I'm coming to town next weekend so any suggestion on gigs would be appreciated, and I'm not even kidding.
Hey Trey!

Mattress Mac that was funny, you forgot blah, blah, blah Hilton Furniture.

With all do respect to Abe, He works for H press, so he has his contacts, i'm still a bit iffy on Jones Hall... Now that theres a HOB here, who knows.

I don't recall Moz singing ? at Record Rack.. i was there..or did you mean signing?

oh yeah, it was a signing at Record Rack, the footage is on youtube somewhere.

I know very well where Abrahan works.

I also know that place is as credible as my Aunt Gladys when it comes down to it.

jackson, I will be in town this weekend, lets meet up somewhere, lemme know - I want to see people and I want to see....oh that line has surely been used in these parts....you get the general idea.
I was there at both of those events: the record rack signing (he signed my "Youre the One for Me, Fatty" 12 inch in crayon) and the Southern Star amphitheater show. memories...
Sounds a bit odd, don't ya think? Why would Moz be a part of the "Houston SPA" Although a beautiful venue, I don't know if the socialites of Houston would like for him to play there. Let us not forget the drunkeness of Verizon, I would hate to see that happen at the Hall. Thanks for the heads up, Abe.


tom waits played there a few months ago and alanis morrissette has played there twice.

everyone who i know that went to the tom waits show said it was the best place they had ever seen a concert at before.
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i uploaded the video featuring record rack here:

Yes, I have seen that on youtube before. At 6:51 I am at the very far right of the screen. I have a black elvis shirt on. To the left of me is Shawn Supra who has played slap bass for many rockabilly and western bands around the state.

We camped out overnight. When we got there we were about 6th in line. Something happened, and by the morning all of these people had gotten in front of us. We were about 12th at that point.

Thanks for uploading that, it brings back some great memories. And yeah, I hugged Morrissey, too. : )
dude, seriously.

what is your problem?

delusional, party of one, your table is ready.

I make a valid comment, and a joke, and you call me a 'twit'. I guess my problem is I'm not gonna sit her and let you call me names. I know you are used to people worshipping you and all but you today you presume too much.
delusional, party of one, your table is ready.

I make a valid comment, and a joke, and you call me a 'twit'. I guess my problem is I'm not gonna sit her and let you call me names. I know you are used to people worshipping you and all but you today you presume too much.

Now, Now guys, we all friends everyone take a deep breath and just be happy that the Old Man is coming back to H-Town. No fights, Por favor.

Trey, there's not much going on this wkend. AS far as i know. What's your thoughts?

Yes, I have seen that on youtube before. At 6:51 I am at the very far right of the screen. I have a black elvis shirt on. To the left of me is Shawn Supra who has played slap bass for many rockabilly and western bands around the state.

We camped out overnight. When we got there we were about 6th in line. Something happened, and by the morning all of these people had gotten in front of us. We were about 12th at that point.

Thanks for uploading that, it brings back some great memories. And yeah, I hugged Morrissey, too. : )

How about this pic? One of my faves.

pic by me btw.. no stealies.

delusional, party of one, your table is ready.

I make a valid comment, and a joke, and you call me a 'twit'. I guess my problem is I'm not gonna sit her and let you call me names. I know you are used to people worshipping you and all but you today you presume too much.

i'm not sure what your aunt gladys knows but I let john lomax and chris gray know, they didn't tell me.

as far as people worshiping me here, i am under the assumption that no one here likes me anyway... been that way since as long as i can remember. people like you prove it. do a search for my name dude. you're not the first, and i'm sure not the last, to waste their time on me. but i'm the one in need of a life right?
abe, tell Lomax to do another Blue October column, I emailed him last week about it, don't worry, I harass him far worse than I do you and he totally deserves it.

you and jackson are more than welcome to come hang with me at Fitz on Saturday, some decent bands playing - I'll even pick up the first round.
abe, tell Lomax to do another Blue October column, I emailed him last week about it, don't worry, I harass him far worse than I do you and he totally deserves it.

you and jackson are more than welcome to come hang with me at Fitz on Saturday, some decent bands playing - I'll even pick up the first round.

thnx, but i've got a holiday party on saturday.

and i'd really rather not read about BO.
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