in sickness and in health shall morrissey's record contract bleed us fans



if you don't know, i've been taking a legal issues in music class (yes, kiss my feet) and they were discussing the concept of who pays for the music videos...and i began to wonder exactly what morrissey's contract reads in regards to this.

y'see, most record contracts require the artist and label to split the costs of making a video up until a certain price and then usually, the artist has to pay for the rest of it....and the artist pays for this out of their royalties.

the thing is, it makes me think of the cancellation of the Inland date because they were supposed to film a video at about that time. maybe his contract requires him to make a video for every single they release, and maybe morrissey didn't want to be stuck with the bill for this dinky video.

i mean, think about it: it gets aired a handful of times in the UK, it gets stuck on the single itself to supposedly entice people to buy the thing....there is a larger chance that this thing eats his royalties rather than add anything to the sale of albums....and maybe morrissey himself isn't too happy with these people at his label taking his CDs and releasing them in 40 different formats. yeah, maybe it sounded like a cool idea for the first single to herald the coming of morrissey after so long, but i seriously think that the moment has passed for them to be doing this crap. i like getting b-sides as much as anybody else, but i think that they really need to cut down on this extraneous junk of releasing 2 singles in this manner.
I just can't see Morrissey signing a contract, which entails expenses on his part. He's not the usual artist.

Besides, all the preparations were made for the video shoot, only for Morrissey to pull out at the last minute, so I'm sure hefty expenses were incurred.
Making up for the Inland thing probably entailed more expenditure - booking the venue for a second time, etc.

It's true that he didn't cancel the IBEH video, though he looked quite ill on it.

I dunno, it could be that Morrissey's body reacts violently to any contractual obligation. The bigger the commitment the fiercer the affliction.
He couldn't cancel the shoot due to strained vocal cords that's for sure.

Does anyone know if he made it to the "Jesus" shoot, a couple of days ago?

As for the contract, splitting the costs of the video up to a certain point, certainly would explain many, if not all, of Morrissey's videos (not going the extra mile).

> if you don't know, i've been taking a legal issues in music class (yes,
> kiss my feet) and they were discussing the concept of who pays for the
> music videos...and i began to wonder exactly what morrissey's contract
> reads in regards to this.

> y'see, most record contracts require the artist and label to split the
> costs of making a video up until a certain price and then usually, the
> artist has to pay for the rest of it....and the artist pays for this out
> of their royalties.

> the thing is, it makes me think of the cancellation of the Inland date
> because they were supposed to film a video at about that time. maybe his
> contract requires him to make a video for every single they release, and
> maybe morrissey didn't want to be stuck with the bill for this dinky
> video.

> i mean, think about it: it gets aired a handful of times in the UK, it
> gets stuck on the single itself to supposedly entice people to buy the
> thing....there is a larger chance that this thing eats his royalties
> rather than add anything to the sale of albums....and maybe morrissey
> himself isn't too happy with these people at his label taking his CDs and
> releasing them in 40 different formats. yeah, maybe it sounded like a cool
> idea for the first single to herald the coming of morrissey after so long,
> but i seriously think that the moment has passed for them to be doing this
> crap. i like getting b-sides as much as anybody else, but i think that
> they really need to cut down on this extraneous junk of releasing 2
> singles in this manner.
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