Independent: "Has Morrissey ruined The Smiths?" by Sean Smith (May 13, 2022)

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Has Morrissey ruined The Smiths? - The Independent

The ‘Oswald Mosley’ of pop is martyring himself on a cross of his own making, but what does that mean for the legacy of the band that started Morrissey off, asks Sean Smith.

Long, critical discussion piece with usual tropes.
Gated article, but where there's a will...
Read in full:

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Maybe if Marr would stop shit talking Morrissey like the little cowardly worm he is, it wouldn't be so enticing to write these 'articles'. Marr is just as much the problem as the people writing this kind of thing. He is over, he just had a lackluster tour opening for Blondie, not even his own tour and according to all accounts, the audience went silent and still when he played his solo material. Stick a fork in him, he can't even perform Smiths songs properly we just saw Morrissey put that loser to shame. Morrissey is the Smiths, even when he is doing material from his vast and successful solo back catalog, Marr will never have that either.

Yet back in the real world, Johnny‘s single, Sprit power and soul has just spent its 16th week in the Official physical sales chart, not bad going for someone who is over according to Rejected.

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I'm sure there is an interesting, balanced and intelligent article to be written about this subject - but this ain't it. 95% of this is just regurgitating all the familiar history and controversies, with little in the way of novel analysis. Must try harder.
‘usually tropes’ indeed. What year is this, that folks have to keep regurgitating the same line of thought, clickbait?

Anyway, why is everyone so concerned with ‘the legacy’ it’s not their work.
Probably because that line of thought to a lot of people was so repulsive. Not often a musical hero endorses a far right party who endorse Holocaust deniers. Not one many people will ever forget and why should they?

As for legacy, well for a band so influential as The Smiths, legacy I would think is important and a fair discussion point for anyone within the music industry or music journalism unless you think they should be silenced?
Like several of these articles, it says that he endorsed Britain First (and not For Britain).
I've never looked them up (and I don't want to Google them) but I believe Britain First are a serious far-right party, unlike For Britain who are more like UKIP. Even if M won't retract his endorsement of For Britain, he really should clarify that he's never had anything to do with Britain First, and force the journalist into giving an apology. Shoddy writing.
For Britain are more extreme in their connections and views than Britain First. They have invites Holocaust deniers to speak at their conferences and have direct links to identity politics groups in Europe, groups that have policies that include the enforced deportation of non white Europeans. They are islamaphobic and totally anti immigration and linked to Tommy Robinson’s brand of hate. Maybe you should look them up instead of stating what you think they are and at the same time admitting you have never looked them up.
‘Independent’ of what precisely?
What lazy journalism, to think someone actually getting paid for that… And no, Morrissey has never ‘supported’ Nigel Farage or Britain First.
Any excuse to write more lies.
You may need to research some.

Morrissey specifically stated in an interview with his own nephew:

"Nigel Farage. It's obvious that he would make a good prime minister - if any of us can actually remember what a good prime minister is."

The article does though confuse Britain First with For Britain which is a repulsive Holocaust Denier endorsing party and which Morrissey has openly endorsed on his own page and through walking around wearing their badge.
Nigel Farage has nothing to do with Britain First and never has.
Obviously he is confusing For Britain with Britain First.

But re Nigel Farage Moz has supported him although he has nothing to do with For Britain.

"It's obvious that he would make a good prime minister - if any of us can actually remember what a good prime minister is."
Oh, come on - when you say things like, "I'm lucky I wasn't born in a South American backwater / Shitsville, Florida"... surely you can see how offensive that is? Perhaps you're not doing it intentionally but you very, very much project this idea that English / Irish fans know Morrissey, own Morrissey and nobody else gets it. And then, of course, there is a natural backlash. I've never met a Moz fan who wasn't an Anglophile in some sense because it's such a big part of M's identity, but this reaction of "Bugger off, he's ours", does not do Brits any favours!
Apologies for butting in and I think I understand what you're saying but I think I also understand what he is saying. It doesn't offend me as an American. I'm not sure if he thinks all of the US is similar to Shitsville, and I think we would probably all agree that however proud you may be of whatever part of England is representative of the best there are also areas that are better off not mentioned.
It's okay to be proud of where you're from and while you don't say or even imply this in any way, it doesn't feel the same as nationalism or xenophobia.
There are people, other people, who do seem to believe that to truly understand Morrissey is somewhat dependent on where you were born. Since he mentions Springsteen, using that as an example, I'd say that someone growing up where and when he did might feel some shared identity with him. But Springsteen didn't work in factories or go racing in the streets. It's mythology, like a lot of what Morrissey taps into.
We've experienced many people making claims to have special insider knowledge of Morrissey, on this site alone, and while that can be amusing or tragic, it seems to be part of the effect he has. Probably better to put it down to location than to finding secret messages hidden in the songs, photos, and so on.
While the details of what Morrissey sings about might make him seem like "one of us" to people who also are familiar with those same places and social and political circumstances, at the core that's not really what makes people all over the world feel he represents them.
It's a bonus to fans from elsewhere to find out more of the meanings of specific details in songs like Maladjusted (southwest 6?) but that's texture. That song could be set anywhere in the world, even Shitsville, Florida.
I tried to read the article but it was long and drawn out rehash. I love a good crucifixion and tried to plow through to the "good part" but life intervened. Maybe tomorrow.
ignore bb, just like skinny he’s such a stuck record, it's quite funny...but also tragic.
You are beyond desperate, a text book example of a Morrissey Fan Cult casualty. You witter on with absurd circularities attempting to imbue the clueless Steve Morrissey with some kind of mystical significance that no mere mortal can comprehend.

Like him, you are a fool and he richly deserves having been reduced to the ignominy of a scant basket case audience of borderline psychotics like you. Do one...

Maybe if Marr would stop shit talking Morrissey like the little cowardly worm he is, it wouldn't be so enticing to write these 'articles'. Marr is just as much the problem as the people writing this kind of thing. He is over, he just had a lackluster tour opening for Blondie, not even his own tour and according to all accounts, the audience went silent and still when he played his solo material. Stick a fork in him, he can't even perform Smiths songs properly we just saw Morrissey put that loser to shame. Morrissey is the Smiths, even when he is doing material from his vast and successful solo back catalog, Marr will never have that either.
Do you have any evidence to support these claims?
Do you have any evidence to support these claims?

Don’t be daft, she litters the site with nonsense about Marr all based on what she claims someone said.

Meanwhile Johnny just had his 4th top ten charting album on the trot each one charting higher than the previous one.
It is amusing to read all the diehards running to the defence but at the crux of the matter is interest to readers that mean these kind of "journalistic" articles continue to be written.

If the editors of newspapers see that there is a public interest in such discussion and see the pages and pages of posts on pages like this one in response to their article then they will see that as a success and continue to publish similar things.

The very people who seem to condemn such journalism are the very people fuelling the creation of such journalism.

Just ignore it all and when it no longer brings on responses or discussions editors will just decide against publishing it.

I have no issue with free opinions in the media and if they want to publish it so be it. There is very little in most newspapers I wholly agree with but I would not like to see that freedom to express opinion be attacked.

If you don't like it just ignore it. Be outraged and write pages of commentary about it and expect to see more of it. Stories and articles only reach print if editors think it will generate responses otherwise it's a waste of print space.
If Marr hadn’t called that day, there’s a possibility that Morrissey would still be living there in the semi-detached council house he shared with his mother.
So his mother would have survived here illness then?
So his mother would have survived here illness then?
The post didn't imply that he'd still be living with Mum - just that he could well have stayed in the old Stretford house if it weren't for fame. (It wasn't a council house).
As for legacy, well for a band so influential as The Smiths, legacy I would think is important and a fair discussion point for anyone within the music industry or music journalism unless you think they should be silenced?

And are you trying to silence our opinions here ?
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