Jemma Pixie Hixon covers "Asleep"

Jemma Pixie Hixon- Asleep- The Smiths-Cover

Performed as powerful and gentle as ever. Who would have believed it. A beautiful cover all and all.

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@ Brummieboy - that quote from Morrissey, I remember when he said it (was it from Q Magazine?) but I don't remember the mention of James Dean when addressing those who had committed suicide. I haven't read that interview in a long time, though. I would like to clear up that James Dean did not take his own life. He was in a fatal car accident caused by an illegal left turn by Donald Turnupseed. The wreck wasn't even Jimmy's fault! The notion that James Dean had a death wish is false. I know this because of years and years of studying the man's life. As for Marilyn, well, that's up in the air. However, I believe without doubt that she was murdered.

Carry on. I just had to clear that one up...

@hand in glove - I've not studied James Dean in enough detail to know. Sometimes a suicidal impluse manifests by subconsciously seeking danger or not responding to threats. If James Dean's death was a tragic accident it doesn't alter the iconic status he has attained. I think Morrissey once said that JD was an icon because of his still-photo looks rather than his acting abilities. I think this is probably true. More people seem interested in his beauty than in his acting or the films he was in. Whether Morrissey's decision to weld JD and Oscar in his own persona was conscious or not: it made him an immediate icon on a par with both his heroes. regards.

Thank you for sharing more of your complex and challenging worldview. So, you watched / listened to 35 seconds of a young artists interpretation of a song and that was enough to justify abusive sexism which you now repeat and amplify. It would appear you think this language pathology is socially acceptable, but I doubt your mother or sister(s) would tolerate such language at Thanksgiving. If you're heterosexual I hope you find a therapist to help you work through your issues. If you're not, I hope you come to terms with your sexuality and stop projecting your repression and anger onto women.

I enjoyed 'American Slang' by The Gaslight Anthem, a new beat combo for me to explore. I like the testosterone and tattoos ambience. The singer is quite sexy. The lyrics reveal hidden emotinal complexity. I may listen to more of their music.

I note your ad hominems. Another damaging character flaw like gratuitous sexist insults. I hope you don't carry on like this on Facebook! Future employers will not approve. Some of your clarifications are interesting but THERE'S NO NEED TO SHOUT! Or to use curse words. Would you talk like that in Wal-Mart? Where do you work as you 'suck it up' and cope unlike wuzzes like Jemma? Do you curse your colleagues?

Kurt Cobain is relevant to the discussion. As is 'Laughing Lenny'.

'He’d spoken sensitively and movingly about suicide many times over the years, memorably after the passing of Kurt Cobain in 1994:
“I felt sad and I felt envious. I admire people who self-destruct. They’re refusing to continue with unhappiness which shows tremendous self-will. It must be very frightening to sit down and look at your watch and think, in thirty minutes I would not be here.”
“I think suicide intrigues everybody,” he’d said, “and yet it’s one of those things that nobody can ever really talk about in an interesting way. You always have the usual, ‘oh it’s so negative’, it’s so the wrong attitude…So many of the people I admire took their lives…Stevie Smith, Sylvia Plath, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Rachel Roberts…
“You could say it was negative leaving the world but if people’s lives are so enriched in the first place then ideas of suicide would never occur. Most people, as we know, lead desperate and hollow lives.”

Morrissey concerts amuse me and I enjoy the manufactured hysteria and the sweaty catharsis of repression temporarily released. However, I note that Morrissey also now plays staid, seated venues such as the Birmingham Symphony Hall. I surmise that this is his reponse to the problem of sexual assault which sadly sometimes occurs in unseated mosh-pit free for alls.

Have you been to a Leonard Cohen concert? Try it. There's an indescribable build up of tension over 3 hours. It's an incredible emotional catharsis but it does require the audience control any emotional dysregulation, which you may find challenging. Leonard's concerts are as good as tantric sex. It's not for the faint-hearted and I doubt most of Morrissey's audience could cope with such nuance and complexity, but maybe Morrissey will surprise me yet. He certainly has the songs to do a slow-burn show. I note Morrissey is extremely circumspect about Leonard, which is .... interesting. As far as i know, he's been very wary of commenting on L.C's oeuvre. I think this comes from a profound respect for him, but I may be wrong.

I'm sorry you had a troubled relationship with your father and hope you find a way to resolve this.

I'm a great admire of Ms Dickinson and it's certainly useful to speculate how she would navigate the hyper-reality of modern internet culture. I wonder how she would respond to the sexualisation of female public imagery. Dickinson. Austen. Kristeen Young. Lady Ga-Ga: this is a fascinating topic. I now understand why you linked Emily to Jemma.

Jemma didn't 'seek fame'. Some bizarre viral buzz in China delivered millions to watch her in her bedroom. You might take the time to watch the extraordinary performance that triggered this. But maybe you share Morrissey's blind-spot about lyrical rap genius like Eminem.

I've been following this site and the debate about its' future. Kristeen Young's observation of '3 mental patients' was an hilarious summary. But DavidT is right to highlight Morrissey's incorrigible and morbid obsession with Madonna. He couldn't even enjoy being honoured in Tel Aviv without stroking his pet peeve. His Art co-creates his Audience. His abusive comments about Madonna's adopted child render his protests about this site redundant. He can dish it out but he can't take it.

You've listened to 35 seconds of Jemma and dismissed her as a 'phony'. You may have some ADHD issues.

Don't box yourself in! I'm assuming you're a young man and are navigating the insecurites and complexities of relationships, seeking refuge from frail masculinity in abusive sexism, whilst covertly embracing Morrissey's ambiguous stance. But you can change. Your abusive sexism need not ruin your life. Enjoy Morrissey's shows. Don't assume that the beautiful women who ignore you are 'coozes'. Maybe one day you'll bump into Jemma, finally freed from her Emily Dickinson-esque seclusion. Maybe she'll ask you out on a date.

This site is an 'asylum' of sorts. A refuge for troubled souls like yourself who are struggling to navigate life's complexities. I hope your journey on this site brings you to healing and genuine masculine power rather than terrified sexist inadequacy. Morrissey is a therapist. Eminem is a therapist. And Jemma Pixie Hixon explores both as she observes the quagmire of human relationships from her troubled seclusion.

best wishes

It's not important. You feel the way you feel and I feel the way I do and I don't even necessarily always feel the way I say I do. I just enjoy debate.

If you like this girl and you support her, fine, OK. It doesn't matter. It's fine. I don't really want to keep discussing's so stupid; I don't even care enough about this subject to debate it.
Sorry for linking you to the True to You web sight BrummieBoy . Thought I had read some of your offerings on that sight. You offer very good ideas on this topic and more than held your own in the discussion on Pixie and her troubles.
It's not important. You feel the way you feel and I feel the way I do and I don't even necessarily always feel the way I say I do. I just enjoy debate.

If you like this girl and you support her, fine, OK. It doesn't matter. It's fine. I don't really want to keep discussing's so stupid; I don't even care enough about this subject to debate it.

I also enjoyed our debate and enjoyed finding more out about you. I wish you well.
best wishes
Sorry for linking you to the True to You web sight BrummieBoy . Thought I had read some of your offerings on that sight. You offer very good ideas on this topic and more than held your own in the discussion on Pixie and her troubles.

Thanks for that. No point coming here unless there's a spirited debate! Pixie intrigues me as she lives a couple of miles away as does Cher Lloyd. No hip or cool scenesters around here!

I did ask Moz a few questions on True to You but he never answered.

I hated that video. Really, I mean that was just awful. I know I'm a little late to the party here but I hope that she genuinely meant the words she was singing and has since ended her sparkly, ugly little existence. I know what agoraphobia is so don't tell me this has anything to do with discriminating against someone who claims to be disabled. It just.... this music wasn't written for people like this fake little c***.
Maybe that's why she doesn't leave her room...

@ !Viva Hate!

Following repeated requests, 'Brummieboy' has returned to this site to contribute to the debate about the public figure known as 'Morrissey'. Any attempts to engage with 'BrummieBoy' which do not further this purpose will be filtered and discarded. Your comment has been filtered and rejected as it does not appear to be relevant to that discussion.

There are various triggers for this filter, including responses which are deemed off-topic, contain gratuitous profanities, or are judged to be attempts to flame or troll. Due to the volume of responses received, it is not possible to administer an appeal process for this filter process. It is accepted that some responses will be filtered as a result of misinterpretation.

We hope you continue to enjoy the return of 'BrummieBoy'to '' and will not feel ostracised by having been subjected to this filtering process. Further responses you make which are deemed relevant, polite and which contribute to raising the tenor of this site will be considered by 'BrummieBoy'. Repeated infractions of this communication etiquette will result in your screen identity being permanently filtered, preventing your from any future discussion with 'BrummieBoy'

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'
I'm very sorry to hear that she has problems, I hope she gets them sorted. That said, this cover is f***ing shit.
@ !Viva Hate!

Following repeated requests, 'Brummieboy' has returned to this site to contribute to the debate about the public figure known as 'Morrissey'. Any attempts to engage with 'BrummieBoy' which do not further this purpose will be filtered and discarded. Your comment has been filtered and rejected as it does not appear to be relevant to that discussion.

There are various triggers for this filter, including responses which are deemed off-topic, contain gratuitous profanities, or are judged to be attempts to flame or troll. Due to the volume of responses received, it is not possible to administer an appeal process for this filter process. It is accepted that some responses will be filtered as a result of misinterpretation.

We hope you continue to enjoy the return of 'BrummieBoy'to '' and will not feel ostracised by having been subjected to this filtering process. Further responses you make which are deemed relevant, polite and which contribute to raising the tenor of this site will be considered by 'BrummieBoy'. Repeated infractions of this communication etiquette will result in your screen identity being permanently filtered, preventing your from any future discussion with 'BrummieBoy'

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'

BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract.
BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract.

BrummieBoy has never solicited a recording contract and has no plans to do seek a public platform for his personal artistic expressions. He regards these artistic endeavours as an entirely private, therapeutic process. He deeply wishes many more 'recording artists' would cease and desist from 'sharing' their work with him in an unsolicted manner. In particular he is very sensitive to music which he is forced to listen to in public places such as airports and retail environments.

He regards most 'popular music' as an egregious offence against taste and decency and hopes for draconian government measures to curtail this noise pollution.

He carefully chooses to listen to a select canon of Artists. Morrissey is one such Artist, hence BrummieBoy's decision to return to this site.

Thank you for expressing your interest in 'BrummieBoy'.


Sharon McCormick
Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'.
BrummieBoy has never solicited a recording contract and has no plans to do seek a public platform for his personal artistic expressions. He regards these artistic endeavours as an entirely private, therapeutic process. He deeply wishes many more 'recording artists' would cease and desist from 'sharing' their work with him in an unsolicted manner. In particular he is very sensitive to music which he is forced to listen to in public places such as airports and retail environments.

He regards most 'popular music' as an egregious offence against taste and decency and hopes for draconian government measures to curtail this noise pollution.

He carefully chooses to listen to a select canon of Artists. Morrissey is one such Artist, hence BrummieBoy's decision to return to this site.

Thank you for expressing your interest in 'BrummieBoy'.


Sharon McCormick
Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'.

BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract.
BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract.

@ mcrickson

Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'
@ mcrickson

Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'

To everyone else:

@ mcrickson

Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'

I don't understand any of this. Is there some humour I'm missing or have you, indeed, stuck mcrickson on "Ignore" for those two amusing posts of his ?

Still, I doubt he cares and I think I'll take my lead from that ...
'mcrickson' amused you with their impertinence but annonyed me. He/she/they twice attempted to gain BrummieBoy's attention without offering anything of interest. Having been placed on 'Ignore' some facile crypticism was communicated to 'everyone else': presumably co-trolls. I'm busy enough. I don't have time to deal with such eejits.

'Still, I doubt he cares and I think I'll take my lead from that ...'

You do that. I'll help you on your way. You now join 'mcrickson' in the sin-bin:

123xyz: Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll -Type B: boring.

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'
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'mcrickson' amused you with their impertinence but annonyed me. He/she/they twice attempted to gain BrummieBoy's attention without offering anything of interest. Having been placed on 'Ignore' some facile crypticism was communicated to 'everyone else': presumably co-trolls. I'm busy enough. I don't have time to deal with such eejits.

'Still, I doubt he cares and I think I'll take my lead from that ...'

You do that. I'll help you on your way. You now join 'mcrickson' in the sin-bin:

123xyz: Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll -Type B: boring.

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'

BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract.
'mcrickson' amused you with their impertinence but annonyed me. He/she/they twice attempted to gain BrummieBoy's attention without offering anything of interest. Having been placed on 'Ignore' some facile crypticism was communicated to 'everyone else': presumably co-trolls. I'm busy enough. I don't have time to deal with such eejits.

'Still, I doubt he cares and I think I'll take my lead from that ...'

You do that. I'll help you on your way. You now join 'mcrickson' in the sin-bin:

123xyz: Your comment has been filtered and rejected.Your screen name / identity is now permanently filtered, preventing you from any future communication from 'BrummieBoy'. No further comments from you will be acknowledged. Reason / Code: Troll -Type B: boring.

Sharon McCormick - Secretary to 'BrummieBoy'

Oh no ! There goes my chance at reading creepy allusions to my ISP number ( and obfuscatory jibber-jabber, for that matter ...) !
'Wow, ace cover version! I'm a huge Moz/Smiths devotee and I'm usually very critical when it comes to Moz/Smiths cover versions - but I have to admit that your version is really, really excellent. Beautiful voice, great music - thumbs up!
Also, I hope you're able to leave the house soon. I keep my fingers crossed for you. All the best!'

maynardmorrissey 5 days ago

'Thank you that really means so much to me. I grew up listening to Morrissey and The Smiths thanks to my dad, hopefully I'll cover more in the future :) Thank you again'

jemmahixon in reply to maynardmorrissey (Show the comment) 5 days ago

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