Kimmel setlist, of sorts

I was there, and anyone that says they went and it was not good, are either out of their minds, or are lying and were not there at all. Haven't watched the show yet, so can't say how the tv broadcast looked, but the gig itself was superb. Only 6 songs but sounded great and he was definitely on. Everyone looked extremely happy afterward, so people that said it was crap are talking out their ass.

complete set list?
So c'mon people, there's big news here!


Once again, it makes it's debut in America.
They'll feature the full show on the website, so there'll be bootlegs up soon enough.
Thanks for the setlist :D Im so excited about this new song, I have to hear it :D
I really am at a loss. Don't really et the negativity towards the performance. I thought they were especially "driven" (for lack of a better word). Ganglord really had some punch to it and thought it may have been the best that I've seen them do it yet. The new song was really great, too. It was a really good show for what it was. Different perspectives I guess. :confused:
did anyone else find it ironic how jimmy kimmel was talking with that one guy about italy? i think he even said something like "was morrissey there?"

Yeah, he (Chiklis) was talking about when he visited Italy this year, about the crowd at the Vatican and how it would take five hours to get from the end of the line to the foyer of the church. Kimmel asked, "Was Morrissey there?"
I doubt Kimmel knew how close to the truth he was. He was probably making more of a reference to all the people waiting outside to get in to see Morrissey and Chiklis's story made that spring to mind. He probably knows dick about Morrissey. All those "It's an honor" and "Legendary man" comments are teleprompted, generic garbage. He would have said that if Crispy Ambulance were on the show. The mix was bad, but Morrissey was probably more "on" than it sounded through our televisions. It was outside and surely the monitor and FOH guys aren't farmiliar with him or his band. We don't know where the mix was even coming from. He'll bring his own crew on the actual tour, so our live experiences will be ten times better than that garbage. I taped the whole episode.
I liked it a lot. The moment was unexpected, seriously, I was practically jumping when FOTGTD started, but no, they had to cut it off.:( Jimmy of course made some cracks about Moz fans, praying to the sun, happiest moment of Moz fan's life, but whatever, Moz looked illuminated and sang great as always:D :D I did notice though the crowd was kind of weak, but they were probably tired. New song, can't wait to hear it.:cool: I loved it, just to see him on tv.
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Mel Torment posted on the mainboard some of the lyrics of All You Need Is Me:

You don't like me, but you love me
Either way, you're wrong

There's a naked man laughing at you in your dreams
And you're scared because you know what it means

Ooooh, I can't wait listening the song!!!!!!
Ugh so I have to wait through a whole hour of JK for 1 song? (It's just started where I live). I'd go to bed but I'll just lay there and kind of wish I were awake watching anyway so I might as well stay up I guess.

Jesus, haven't you people heard of TIVO yet?

DVR included with Satellite is very affordable, what I pay a month for that with HBO included is LESS than cable. Also, somebody better had recorded this in HD or else.
Wow, great news. One of thses news you're happy to see in the morning.
First time since "Street Life" (except that's a cover) now, isn't it? Hopefully this will be a nice bootleg.
Anyway,quite little info here. Nothing more?
Did Kimmel say anything at all about the tour? If he did I missed it and if he didn't I can't believe he didn't even mention in passing the fact that Morrissey is starting a 46 date tour of the US starting next week. That seems lazy and sort of rude. (Like the fact that he called Ringleader "new" when it's been out for a year).

PLEASE let that new song be posted on the Kimmel website! I'm so excited there's a new song!!!! I hope he keeps doing it the whole tour so I can hear it in person!
I KNOW!!!! I just watched that WHOLE stupid show with that almost naked girl and the bald guy...just to see Morrissey....and they do that!?!?!? Uuuuuuuuuggggghh!!! No!!!!!!

I know! I stay up all freakin night, watched the bald dude make an ass of himself and the naked chick flash everyone just to see Morrissey and they cut him off in the middle of his second song! AHHHH!
Here are some so-so pics I took with my cell (I was up front in the middle; 2nd row behind the rail)....I also took all sorts of video but not worth posting...




I know! I stay up all freakin night, watched the bald dude make an ass of himself and the naked chick flash everyone just to see Morrissey and they cut him off in the middle of his second song! AHHHH!

i honestly didn't notice any naked girls. you guys need to get laid
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