Morrissey Central "LIFE IS NOW … IF YOU WANT IT" (August 9, 2023)











Uncredited mock-up records & 1st montage - Ironbridge.
Uncredited 2nd montage and WMTWD center sticker - Victor Esparza.
Or go for classic imagery like he used to with The Smiths. Just two from Night Of The Hunter.


Yes. I loved the sleeve and design and everything for the "Wedding Bell Blues" – a real return to form in terms of artwork. Even the "All the Young People Must Fall in Love" single image was reasonably well chosen. I suspect licensing, fees and increasingly Byzantine corporate ownership might make using classic film stills or something similar more difficult now than it was in the 80s, but I really do think Moz has a great sense of album design if (like with so many other things) make sure that the clearances approved before he teases some really good looking art etc. as the other problem with these mockups – the really good ones can sometimes end up making the official versions look much poorer in comparison even if the reasons that those unofficial ones were never any could never be approved is because of rights
Knowing now how so many aging celebrities are eventually discredited, your assumption doesn't seem entirely implausible. "Sam" seems hellbent on humiliating oddball Uncle Steven, and Uncle Steven seems powerless to stop it.
I know you already know this, but i’m going to say it out loud anyway, for everyone at the back.
You are a revolting and extremely odious specimen. Of what, nobody knows. But also nobody cares
Ha, ha more embarrassing crap from the Moz/SER house of ideas. Look how they've repeatedly tried to raise Moz to the level of Elvis, John Lennon, or whoever, with their phony photoshop garbage.

Some sycophant along the way must have compared Moz to Elvis and Lennon and it totally went to his narcissistic head. I hate the preachy guru Moz. The lyrics to Without music... and Notre Dame are so farking infantile and stupid. How can you not be embarrassed to say you like this preachy non-poetry? I'd rather he write songs about skinhead discos, prize fighters, or lazy sunbathers. He's lost himself.
Well, given the fact our dear Sir Steven and his no-name-no-brain-nephew keep calling this site here "so low", I guess it's only fair to retaliate by honouring their weird site with an apt name. ;-)
Mockerycentral Love it. Brilliant name for what that site really is
Can someone please explain what has happened to Moz.

Everything used to be so..... just so.

I can only assume Sam is blackmailing him.

Everything since YoR has gone to shit, sure there's been some good songs, decent gigs, but it's as if Moz died in about 2010 and they replaced him with Paul McCartney.
Yeah, seems getting worse with this band. At least the keyboards left, which contributed to the M decadence since WPINOYB, but the current band needs to be replaced, specially the male guitar.
Ha, ha more embarrassing crap from the Moz/SER house of ideas. Look how they've repeatedly tried to raise Moz to the level of Elvis, John Lennon, or whoever, with their phony photoshop garbage.

Some sycophant along the way must have compared Moz to Elvis and Lennon and it totally went to his narcissistic head. I hate the preachy guru Moz. The lyrics to Without music... and Notre Dame are so farking infantile and stupid. How can you not be embarrassed to say you like this preachy non-poetry? I'd rather he write songs about skinhead discos, prize fighters, or lazy sunbathers. He's lost himself.
Like I've said before is that many of us, fans or ex-fans could have easily written Notre Dame and that is problematic. One reason why I've never appreciated or respected rap music is because in my mind, there is no separation in talent between the audience and the guy on the stage just rhyming and not singing any type of melody. Morrissey used to be a lyrical genius and he seems to have been in a writing decline for several years now. Maybe artists are only capable of so many great songs. He had an amazing run. I would say from 1984 to 1994, he could do no wrong. His career was perfect. He was still good after that but those 10 years were untouchable.
Can someone please explain what has happened to Moz.

Everything used to be so..... just so.

I can only assume Sam is blackmailing him.

Everything since YoR has gone to shit, sure there's been some good songs, decent gigs, but it's as if Moz died in about 2010 and they replaced him with Paul McCartney.
You say that as if it's a bad thing :)
Yeah, seems getting worse with this band. At least the keyboards left, which contributed to the M decadence since WPINOYB, but the current band needs to be replaced, specially the male guitar.
Look, you CANNOT have 2 women in the band and expect to have the same ethos and image that Morrissey has crafted and cultivated for 40 years. If the Rolling Stones suddenly replaced Keith Richards and Chuck Leavell--their keyboardist with women, It wouldn't work. Can you imagine The Clash with Joe Strummer, Paul Simonon, Lita Ford, and Sheila E? Come the f*** on, this should be obvious to real Morrissey fans.
Look, you CANNOT have 2 women in the band and expect to have the same ethos and image that Morrissey has crafted and cultivated for 40 years. If the Rolling Stones suddenly replaced Keith Richards and Chuck Leavell--their keyboardist with women, It wouldn't work. Can you imagine The Clash with Joe Strummer, Paul Simonon, Lita Ford, and Sheila E? Come the f*** on, this should be obvious to real Morrissey fans.
I’m eager to hear what the Carmen and Camilla come up with, in terms of songwriting for Morrissey.
Why would one expect that? And maybe that was the point, to change the ‘image’. Though, I don’t know what you mean by ‘ethos’?

Lol. That’s quite a stretch! I don’t think what the two new band members in Morrissey’s band, the style they play in, is that far off from what one would expect with ‘Morrissey songs’.
Ethos refers to the character, credibility, and moral values a group or individual possesses. It is a Greek word that refers to the character of a person or group.
Why would one expect that? And maybe that was the point, to change the ‘image’. Though, I don’t know what you mean by ‘ethos’?

Lol. That’s quite a stretch! I don’t think what the two new band members in Morrissey’s band, the style they play in, is that far off from what one would expect with ‘Morrissey songs’.
You seem to be a new fan who probably never experienced Morrissey in 1986 with The Smiths or when he emerged on stage with Alain, Boz, Gary, and Spencer in 1991. If you had, you would probably like me, find the current set up...unacceptable and it has been heading this way since Jesse replaced Alain the first time.
These mock up designs for the single are great but they're extremely annoying coming to us via central. The only thing holding him back from releasing two buried records is himself. Put your nephew to work uncle Moz and let's get a kickstarter campaign going!
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