Morrissey in Poland (July 2011)

What time?For me queueing is the most important!I have to be in the 1rst row!!!!!!!!

Exactly. I'll be leaving Warsaw at noon, hopefully arrive in Krakow at 4.30 and I personally intend to start queueing immediately. Pre-drinks, however... tempting... But what about my 1st row attitude?
Exactly. I'll be leaving Warsaw at noon, hopefully arrive in Krakow at 4.30 and I personally intend to start queueing immediately.
Dopiero?Ja juz bede w czwartek!!!Musze byc w tym pierwszym rzedzie albo sie zabije!!!!haha!
Exactly. I'll be leaving Warsaw at noon, hopefully arrive in Krakow at 4.30 and I personally intend to start queueing immediately. Pre-drinks, however... tempting... But what about my 1st row attitude?

Dopiero?Ja juz bede w czwartek!!!Musze byc w tym pierwszym rzedzie albo sie zabije!!!!haha!

Good luck guys! :thumb: Hope you get a handshake. :sweet:

I'm flying into Warsaw from London on Friday morning and then need to get a train to Krakow. Can you Polish fans please tell me if this is a simple process. I've heard it's about a 3 hour ride, so should get into town in plenty of time, even if I get a train at about 2pm, right?

I'm flying into Warsaw from London on Friday morning and then need to get a train to Krakow. Can you Polish fans please tell me if this is a simple process. I've heard it's about a 3 hour ride, so should get into town in plenty of time, even if I get a train at about 2pm, right?

hi, 3 hours should be enough
My final hours before I board the train from Budapest to Krakow. Has anyone ever taken this train before? I did a lot of eurorailing when I was a kid but things have changed quite a bit since then, right?
Depends when you were a kid!

Trains in this part of the world (I'm in Budapest atm too) aren't exactly Germany standards but are pretty decent and comfortable all things considered. Never done that particular journey mind.
Depends when you were a kid!

Trains in this part of the world (I'm in Budapest atm too) aren't exactly Germany standards but are pretty decent and comfortable all things considered. Never done that particular journey mind.

Well it was an OK ride in the end, I shared my couchette with a white dude with dreadlocks (understand how offensive this can be to Rastafarians) but he was coolish and i endeavoured to indoctrinate him into Smithdom; he might try and scalp a ticket tonight.

I was a kid in 2000, in my head anyways. Canny beat the German trains mind.
@JoanOfArc: jeżeli byłaś na koncercie w wawie i to twoje zdjęcie w avatarze to chyba się widzieliśmy w stodole ;s
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