Morrissey included in list of "anti-vaxxers" in today's LA Times Article (update: now removed)

Morrissey is included in a list of "anti-vaxxers" in today's LA Times Article about a different singer than I've never heard of.

Has Morrissey said anything specifically about vaccines?
or here:

The article reads, "By going public with his anti-vaccination position, Arthur has aligned himself with a small group of like-minded musicians, including Eric Clapton, Morrissey, M.I.A. and Van Morrison."

Where are Morrissey's comments about the vaccine?

The article has subsequently been edited to read:

" For the record:

3:46 p.m. Aug. 11, 2021
An earlier version of this article included Morrissey in a list of musicians who have gone public on anti-vaccination views. Although Morrissey has made negative statements about the pandemic, he hasn’t actually come out against the vaccine."
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Kids. They grew up without polio, tetanus, rubella, Hepatitis A&B, measles, mumps, chicken-pox, etc. …and they’re all over the internet with meme-fed bullshit about vaccines being a way for Bill Gates to microchip them.

You’ve ALL had them ALL and you’re living today because of them. You know what’s wrong with vaccines? They keep absolute fu$&ing idiots alive.
And none of those vaccines you mentioned were rushed through a time frame of less than twelve months avoiding all the usual hurdles a cocktail of drugs like this normally has to go over to be approved. These vaccines aren't even approved yet by the FDA and their ilk in other countries which is why they haven't been mandated yet. They are experimental vaccines and no one has the foggiest idea of what any long term effects will be. You can actually be pro vaccine and skeptical at the same time. You may be the f***ing idiot.
Strange place to get one’s jabs.

Morrissey, always one step ahead !



That was just the first jab.
Ya have to nip it in the bud.

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He didn't say it was a hoax. He didn't say Covid wasn't real. The 'con' he referred to was the way in which lockdown has not effected the wealthy and has been disproportionately forced upon poorer people, driving them further into poverty. He then likened poverty to slavery (not Covid or lockdown), and he's not wrong.
No one stopped the world for starving people, and hunger kills more people than covid despite it's simpler to avoid.
Hear , hear.

I agree. This is yet another classic example of Sam killing his uncle, with his dumb ass website.

I would say also, LA, which likes to think it's a trendy wendy , likes to follow the UK and M, isn't as popular as he once was there.

Lots of people who "like," him say they would bever want to meet him and only like him as a pop star- which is a big switch from what it used to be like,

Even the "die hard" Morrissey Nite people ( I put it in quote marks, as most of these people dont actually like M or know anything about him, they just use him to be popular ) , have stopped doing M nites (because people stopped going) , they now do Smiths nites instead.

I mention this as in the press and public's mind M is seen as a pop star Trump . So, anything that is seen as anti-science and ultra-right they subscribe to him

He only has himself to blame on this one, his choice of party support. His use of the words like "kung Flu" and "Plandemic" and liking of fringe Youtube stars and his nephews rampage on M Central was always gonna project him this way.

Myself, personally. I do not think he is anti-vaccine as such and expect he has had the jab, I just think, like a lot of us, he just thinks this has all be blown up out of proportion and can see freedoms being taken away .
That my guess.
“LA likes to follow the UK” - lols
How very 🇬🇧uppity of you..
No one stopped the world for starving people, and hunger kills more people than covid despite it's simpler to avoid.
Covid is the annoying celebrity of diseases. It gets all the attention and hysteria but pales in comparison to the effects of every other death rate.
i am sure that Morrissey's mother vaccinated M with all available vaccines in her childhood. M is right about some things about covid 19, but vaccination is the only thing there is to prevent infection or reduce mortality from this virus, If his position is anti-vaccines he is very wrong, he is not ignorant, only the ignorant can be against vaccines, medical evidence indicates the efficacy of vaccination to prevent or lessen diseases. I would feel very sad if I listened to Moz declare itself anti-vaccines ... it is true that the interests of the laboratories take advantage of all this, but the disease exists and the millions of deaths are real. Moz did not openly declare himself anti-vaccines, but there were several publications in Central that sowed doubts, and those things in Central hurt his career.

:sudor frío::sudor frío::sudor frío::(:inseguro::inseguro::inseguro::(:(:Rodar los ojos::Rodar los ojos:
they have been trying to get a vaccine for over 30 years for malaria,still nothing.
they have been trying for over a hundred years for a cure for the common cold,still nothing.
they have been trying for over 40 years for a cure for hiv/aids,still nothing.
people will be like pin cushions by the time this over.
i will wait till the vaccine comes in a suppository form so i can stick it up my arse.
Seems a bit unfair to call him an "anti-vaxxer" based on what he's said about COVID. You can be opposed to or skeptical of the way the media and government have responded to COVID (lockdowns, vaccine passports, inflating death figures to include people who died "with" the virus, etc.) without being against the vaccine itself. By their logic, I'd also be an "anti-vaxxer"... even though I'm vaccinated.
Morrissey is included in a list of "anti-vaxxers" in today's LA Times Article about a different singer than I've never heard of.

Has Morrissey said anything specifically about vaccines?
or here:

The article reads, "By going public with his anti-vaccination position, Arthur has aligned himself with a small group of like-minded musicians, including Eric Clapton, Morrissey, M.I.A. and Van Morrison."

Where are Morrissey's comments about the vaccine?
Loathe as I am to give Morrissey's abhorrent personal views any credence, he's said things about the last eighteen months I vehemently disagree with, but I have not read him come out against any vaccine. Or The Vaccines. Both would anger me.
they have been trying to get a vaccine for over 30 years for malaria,still nothing.
they have been trying for over a hundred years for a cure for the common cold,still nothing.
they have been trying for over 40 years for a cure for hiv/aids,still nothing.
people will be like pin cushions by the time this over.
i will wait till the vaccine comes in a suppository form so i can stick it up my arse.
COVID-19 is not like any of the above, and is closer to the SARS and flu viruses, for which we are able to combat.

Also, medication exists to allow HIV sufferers to live with their condition, and improvements and strides are being made constantly.

Your common cold line is thick beyond belief.

Get vaccinated.
If we Europeans want to experience indoor concerts in the dark and cold months that even come close to the old capacities, we should get vaccinated. It's getting to the point, where non-vaccinated people can't go to concerts and that tests (as an alternativ) have to be paid for. I would find it paradoxical if the artists were not vaccinated or were against vaccination.
Seems a bit unfair to call him an "anti-vaxxer" based on what he's said about COVID. You can be opposed to or skeptical of the way the media and government have responded to COVID (lockdowns, vaccine passports, inflating death figures to include people who died "with" the virus, etc.) without being against the vaccine itself. By their logic, I'd also be an "anti-vaxxer"... even though I'm vaccinated.

yeah there’s no nuance but i don’t think these people want truth. they’re just attacking people and fighting a public narrative
As it doesn’t appear to be clear, I can categorically tell people that if they want a vaccination they can simply go and get one.

Other than that, the business of other people should remain just that. It’s when this simple, ethical, durable rule of thumb is corroded that Covid mutates into the potentially deadly, and always disabling, Con-vid. Left-leaning mandarins seem particularly susceptible to the illusory feeling of power, which sustains the latter disease.
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Free speech
I don't know how it is in the other EU countries, but in Germany there are currently a large number of vaccine refusers, which means that herd immunity cannot be achieved. Nevertheless, these people would like to have all basic rights and refer to the constitution. They can currently achieve the same rights if they get tested "free of charge" on a daily basis. As of 11 October, these tests are no longer free and cost real money. This is the consequence of such people refusing the vaccination offer and thus burdening the solidarity contribution.
I have no sympathy for artists like Van Morrisson who speak of a dictatorship and paternalism by the government and see themselves (take Clapton f.e.) as "rebels". What the hell! All that came from Morrissey in this regard was latent dissatisfaction with the measures and the circumstances. Correct me if I'm remembering wrongly, that he was symbolically snorting into his audience in Leeds or London 2020. Also the Vegas announcement, spoke proudly of no hygienic precautions needing to be taken. To me, it speaks of a mature artist when he says "people go vaccinate" on stage.
I don't know how it is in the other EU countries, but in Germany there are currently a large number of vaccine refusers, which means that herd immunity cannot be achieved. Nevertheless, these people would like to have all basic rights and refer to the constitution. They can currently achieve the same rights if they get tested "free of charge" on a daily basis. As of 11 October, these tests are no longer free and cost real money. This is the consequence of such people refusing the vaccination offer and thus burdening the solidarity contribution.
I have no sympathy for artists like Van Morrisson who speak of a dictatorship and paternalism by the government and see themselves (take Clapton f.e.) as "rebels". What the hell! All that came from Morrissey in this regard was latent dissatisfaction with the measures and the circumstances. Correct me if I'm remembering wrongly, that he was symbolically snorting into his audience in Leeds or London 2020. Also the Vegas announcement, spoke proudly of no hygienic precautions needing to be taken. To me, it speaks of a mature artist when he says "people go vaccinate" on stage.
He unleashed a small sneeze at the start of the London concert.

‘Herd immunity’ is a myth, but an efficacious one driving the next wave of oppressive intrusions.
How do you feel about:
"There are no anti-social distancing or facial concealment rules in place."
Just defiant or more?
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Funny indeed given that the issue of health was the crux of his post, but you cant resist the opportunity to bore us with the kind of “wisdom” that I haven’t heard since I was in a freshman dormitory.

buying weed cigarettes?:hammer:
Loathe as I am to give Morrissey's abhorrent personal views any credence, he's said things about the last eighteen months I vehemently disagree with, but I have not read him come out against any vaccine. Or The Vaccines. Both would anger me.
we wouldn't want to anger you would we? God save us.

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