Morrissey on "Conan" (Nov. 29, 2011) - reminder / reports

"People Are The Same Everywhere".

That's why they should remain where they are, and not immigrate.

Foul pollution.

Then please take your own advice and stay right where you are, you f***ing moron!
The keyboards sound atrocious! Just some out of tune warbled noise.
Thanks for the video - for a crazy minute I thought they were wearing Bieber t-shirts

Morrissey doesn't have a record deal because his records don't sell because he doesn't get airplay. His fans buy them but that's really it. Add in that Morrissey wants to release records the way it was done in the past when digital music sales didn't exist and it's very hard for him to find a suitable deal. Record companies don't see Morrissey as a money generator so the interest in minimal.
Everything was good about this, apart from the most important part - the song. Turn the guitars down, stop shouting and throw those f***ing keyboards out. Not surprised Boz looked bored out of his mind. He wrote some of Morrissey's best songs and now he's reduced to being a sidekick to Tobias, playing this God-awful pish.
site admin...perhaps the reason you are getting kicked out of Morrissey concerts is because you allow the barbarous anonymous users to post such incomprehensible babble. i'm sure if you close the gates this website would be respectable - please consider it because it is tiring to read this nonsense....limit their free speech remember america is not the world....

Good point. Same argument made by this site admin (free speech / anti-censorship) is currently being employed in the UK by the scumbag tabloid hacks trying to protect themselves from moral outrage & criminal prosecution. It's totally unconvincing when responsibility is written out of the equation. Tseng got everything he deserved and still he persists. Tragic.
Morrissey's Horoscopes for Wednesday, November 30th:

If your life changes on a personal level, don’t worry too much. Once the dust settles, it will all work out for the best. People and situations change, so it’s important to go with the flow. When one thing goes, it opens the door for greater things to enter.

If you don't want to get in the bad books of people you live and work with then don't try to second guess them. If there is something you need to know, just ask. You're supposed to be good with words.
f*** me, an incredible performance. Why can't Morrissey put that much into his live show? I'm sure it's much easier and critical to put all your energy into 3:30 minutes on national TV as opposed to a full hour into a forgotten gig in the southwest, but this performance reminded me of the Oye Estaban tour... was it over 10 years ago already? And for once Jesse's sloppy over-processed distortion didn't sound out of place--it actually suited the tune. I still think he's an inferior player, but I didn't want to punch him in the throat this time. As for Boz, Luke Action McClure summed it up above nicely--he just seemed bored up there. Eh, it's not the Boz show--as long as he's there anchoring the melody, that's fine enough. Glad to see a trim Morrissey back with a great voice and a bit of a bounce in his step again. I'd love to see that kind of energy in a full concert. I know we all get older and slower, but he proved with this Conan spot that he's still up to the task.
Everything was good about this, apart from the most important part - the song. Turn the guitars down, stop shouting and throw those f***ing keyboards out. Not surprised Boz looked bored out of his mind. He wrote some of Morrissey's best songs and now he's reduced to being a sidekick to Tobias, playing this God-awful pish.

You don't like him but you love him either way you're wrong.
You're gonna miss him when he's gone.
You're gonna miss him when he's gone.
site admin...perhaps the reason you are getting kicked out of Morrissey concerts is because you allow the barbarous anonymous users to post such incomprehensible babble. i'm sure if you close the gates this website would be respectable - please consider it because it is tiring to read this nonsense....limit their free speech remember america is not the world....
It's sad that the site Admin missed what has been a huge week for Morrissey fans in LA. Even the lead singer of the only Morrissey tribute band flew in from Manchester to perform.
You people are all vile, ignorant c***s. You clearly have little time on your tubby hands. Last time I look at this page. c***s.
I agree. Morrissey was exceptionally exceptional. Excellent performance. Morrissey looked gorgeous, attractive and handsome. Actually he looked better than he ever has. Voice is extraordinary. I thought it was a mesmerizer. The t.v. shoe was the best I've ever seen. I want to go and see him in concert. He is my ultimate number One singer-songwriter. He's precious.

I couldn't agree with you more, every single word you said was spot on.
You people are all vile, ignorant c***s. You clearly have little time on your tubby hands. Last time I look at this page. c***s.

You'll be back. We'll be waiting for you to post some further filth.
Yes he still does look gorgeous, but I just don't like his new music. I just don't. And God knows, I've tried. No clever lyrics, awful sound. I want to cry.
After watching Conan and reviewing the latest setlists I am glad I did not attend any of the shows. The setlist will need to be very pumped up for me to attend and it just doesn't look like Morrissey wants to go that rout anymore.
You ROll your eyes up to the SkiEs
Mock horRifiED
But you're still here.
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