Morrissey on Guardian

Morrissey is not a "lock jaw pop star thicker than pig shit, nothing to convey, so scared to how intelligence it might smear there lovely career"

And thank god for that.

If you find moz's comments offensive, then that is your own right, but for every one person that finds it offensive, there will be one person who doesn't

Morrissey has always, and will continue to stir things up and that's what make him so interesting in a quite frankly dull musical landscape at the current time
Various Twitter-ings

Stephen Fry - "Armitage and Mozzer - marvellous."

Mark Thomas - "Funny how you never see Morrisey and Alf Garnet in the same room"

David Quantick - "The problem with Morrissey is that ten minutes after you've heard one of his records, you never want to hear one again."

Dorian Lynskey - "Morrissey-racism-row-mas comes around so quickly. I forgot to send out cards featuring the traditional Madstock tableau." and "I was planning a Bengali in Platforms/Asian Rut medley. Dress truculent!"
Morrissey is not a "lock jaw pop star thicker than pig shit, nothing to convey, so scared to how intelligence it might smear there lovely career"

How is generalising that over a billion people are a sub-species in any way or form intelligent? Do all Chinese people mistreat animals?
I loved this bit from Armitage:

"Then he [Morrissey] gives a little bow, a modified version of the one I've seen him give about a thousand times on stage, one foot forward and the other behind, head low, eyes to the floor. It's a bit like being greeted by a matador: the gesture of respect is genuine, but we all know what happens to the bull."

I think that sums up Morrissey very well: we've all entered the ring with him at one time or another, and few of us have come out unscathed.

As for the condemnation of China, my mind goes back to that leaked memo from years ago - I still think it was the most damaging thing I've ever read about Morrissey, and Morrissey wrote it himself. :rolleyes: He knows that his animal rights statements whip the press into a frenzy, and he lobs those bombs whenever he needs the attention. I also happen to think that Morrissey is completely sincere in his expression of outrage, which makes the whole thing a bit baffling.

I can't understand why Armitage would refer to Morrissey's comments about his fans without printing what he actually said. Why give us the vinegar and withhold the honey?

Actually, the thing I found most offensive was Morrissey's "Two r's and two s's" comment at the end. A bit boorish, in a Bette Davis kind of a way.
How is generalising that over a billion people are a sub-species in any way or form intelligent? Do all Chinese people mistreat animals?

Are you suggesting that he should have started naming names?

I don't think that The Guardians hospitality account would stretch to that much Fanta? :)
Oh come on lighten up he wanted to seqeway into discussing cars as old gents like to do... it was unsuccessful but a humorous exchange none the less, otherwise he would have left it out of the finished article. The present was funny as was the fact that Morrissey replaced him with a cat. There are always some fans that seethe with jealousy after an interview and pick apart every word, flaw. It was entirely humorous. Of course Morrissey knew who Simon was he doesn't agree to being interviewed by any joe smoe after the N.M.E. debacle.
I dont find it humorous at all,70% of this interview is the "poet's"monologue about himself+like 5questions for Morrissey.After 30 years of being a fan here are the questions our"poet"prepared:"Do you own a valid driving licence ?"blah blah blah..This guy is a joke.
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The very fact that Morrissey says he 'can't help but feel' clearly indicates that he knows he is being reactionary. A purely reactionary response is almost always unreasonable, unfair and vicious.

I don't think Morrissey for a moment thinks that using the words 'Chinese' and 'subspecies' in the same statement is particularly wise. But when you witness something as heartbreaking (not to mention vomit-inducing) as footage of animals being skinned alive you 'can't help' but lash out in response. Anybody who can be calm, measured and reasonable in response to this horrendous footage must be sociopathically detached.

I think Morrissey's statement is unreasonable and unfair. I also think it is perfectly understandable that he made it. He has nothing to apologise for.
Simon Armitage is a lovely guy, I was lucky to see him at BBC Radio Theatre for Radio 3 The Verb was on air in May this year.

I posted Dave2006's thread earlier, Simon wants Morrissey to be his presenter, but possibly it may not happen.
How is generalising that over a billion people are a sub-species in any way or form intelligent? Do all Chinese people mistreat animals?

isnt generalising groups of people what is usually done?

All Northerners live in 2 up 2 down houses and wear flat caps?

All smiths/moz fans are depresive?

All Millwall FC fans are football hooligans?

All welsh people shag sheep?

Everyone from Liverpool are thieves?

None of these true but just generalisations, as somebody has said, you cant name every chinese person who doesnt treat animals horrifically in the paper
Various Twitter-ings

Stephen Fry - "Armitage and Mozzer - marvellous."

Mark Thomas - "Funny how you never see Morrisey and Alf Garnet in the same room"

David Quantick - "The problem with Morrissey is that ten minutes after you've heard one of his records, you never want to hear one again."

Dorian Lynskey - "Morrissey-racism-row-mas comes around so quickly. I forgot to send out cards featuring the traditional Madstock tableau." and "I was planning a Bengali in Platforms/Asian Rut medley. Dress truculent!"

You could add the hilarious Chinese Morrissey related puns
Everyday is Like Dim Sumday
Sheila Take a Dao
and if a wonton duck kills the both of us
The Mao You Ignore Me....
Used To Be A Sweet And Sour Boy

and my personal favourite Big Mao strikes again

EDIT: ^^ HAHAHAHA!! :lbf:

Sorry to interrupt this awesome slapfight, but...

Morrissey is a much nicer person than I am if he actually thinks you're supposed to have contact with the relatives you don't like let alone buy them presents. The key to happiness is finding someone who hates the majority of their relatives as much as you do and having an unlisted phone number.

The very fact that Morrissey says he 'can't help but feel' clearly indicates that he knows he is being reactionary. A purely reactionary response is almost always unreasonable, unfair and vicious.

I don't think Morrissey for a moment thinks that using the words 'Chinese' and 'subspecies' in the same statement is particularly wise. But when you witness something as heartbreaking (not to mention vomit-inducing) as footage of animals being skinned alive you 'can't help' but lash out in response. Anybody who can be calm, measured and reasonable in response to this horrendous footage must be sociopathically detached.

I think Morrissey's statement is unreasonable and unfair. I also think it is perfectly understandable that he made it. He has nothing to apologise for.

He also drops a hint that he is prepared for the backlash. The repeated comments about having foresight were not introduced into the interview by mistake.

There is a lot of mileage in the theory that you should never meet your hero. I would extend that to say that you should NEVER interview your hero, especially when he is Morrissey.
You could add the hilarious Chinese Morrissey related puns
Everyday is Like Dim Sumday
Sheila Take a Dao
and if a wonton duck kills the both of us
The Mao You Ignore Me....
Used To Be A Sweet And Sour Boy

and my personal favourite Big Mao strikes again


There's a rich untapped vein here. A natural partner to the oft posted (by me) Smiths/Moz curry top 10. I'll get me thinking cap on.


You know, that image takes on a whole new meaning after reading the interview. I think Morrissey was right to demand a re-shoot.

People are getting all worked up to condemn the man for being an arrogant, racist, mean-spirited boor, but he's got a cat on his head, for goodness sake - that does tend to undercut the seriousness of the situation.
re reading the interview i think the biggest news from the article is that morrissey drinks FANTA ORANGE....WHICH ISN'T VEGETARIAN!!!!!
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