Morrissey on Minogue

That's exactly why he (and so many others) can't stand her. She is comletely inane and represents everything that's wrong with people in the public eye today.

I must say I think it's amazing that Morrissey fans should be standing up for someone so bland and mediocre.

:clap: Bravo. Couldn't have put it better myself. Yeah she may be performing "bubblegum pop for kids" but she MARKETS herself (and her body) at older men. It's disgusting. I know she's not the only one that does it but it shouldn't exclude her from criticism.
People like her - so what? Who are people to go around saying someone is wrong for liking a particular artist. People get pleasure from her music, get off a high horse. If everybody liked Morrissey what a boring place it would be. Some people need to get over themselves.
Listen, the thing is and I am Australian and besides the point doesn't matter where Kylie Minogue comes from the sort of crap that she plays and
expects people to consider as being real music, and all her pretentious
ways is the absolute antithesis of what a real artist should be, as far
as I am concerned. And I don't believe she deserves anything more than a dressing down for her trampy little presentations. Oh, boo hoo, I am so sorry. Just because she had cancer. Well, pardon me. If a totally boring megastar has cancer doesn't mean we should all jump up and give her a red carpet and lick her!?!?
Sorry, but yet another totally mindless Australian icon for me to be embarassed about.......
Her cancer has scant little to do with me liking her. Her 'trampyness' is something that I both find cute, and something I see through. Many people use a woman's 'trampyness' to cut her down. Your type remind me of those men who get erections under their clothes when a bunch of you swarm a woman in the Middle East for not wearing her burka in public, stoning her to death, self righteously. It's different in scale but the same in essence.
What is extremely questionnable, is that Kylie Minogue has been made "Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres !!!" :eek: in France on the 5th of may. That is utterly ridiculous, as she did nothing for French culture, except singing a stupid song whose title was french: "Je ne sais pas pourquoi".
The speech by "La ministre de la Culture" was laughable and made a lot of people chuckle:
"Princesse de la pop, reine incontestée des pistes de danse, vous êtes une sorte de Midas de la scène musicale internationale, qui transforme tout ce qu'elle touche en or, des disques jusqu'aux micro-shorts":sick:, en quelque sorte, une alchimiste de la musique", a déclaré la ministre à Kylie Minogue, Christine Albanel. Christine Albanel salue le courage dont elle a fait preuve «en révélant publiquement que vous étiez atteinte d’un cancer du sein».
"Princess of pop music, undisputed queen of the dance-floors, you are a kind of Midas of the international musical scene, who transforms everything she touches into gold, from records to mini-shorts, in some way, an alchemist of music, the Minister of Culture said.:clap:
Christine Albanel honours the courage she has shown "by revealing publicly that you were suffering from breast cancer.":clap::clap::clap:

I am now trying to imagine what she could say about Morrissey::D
"Prince of rock music, undisputed king of the biggest concert halls, you are a kind of universal genius, who champions English culture, from Doc Martens to Oscar Wilde, and French culture too, from Sacha Distel to Claude Brasseur. I honour the courage you have shown "by revealing publicly that you were suffering from depression".:cool:

Please tell me you're kidding about this. This is a joke, right?
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Jane The Ripper Where Are You I'd read it every day,
If there were a daily newspaper,
All about, Jane The Ripper.
Every day there would be fresh would-be-rapists/killers,
Raped/killed, by Jane,
Jane, a woman in the image of the honest lover or whore,
Jane, who is seen as a delicious little criminal deserving of punishment.
Jane, who is seen as a disposable tramp.
Jane, who pointy handed and sexed people want to kill,
Stalking her,
In her mini-skirt and full lips,
Luring her, into a place where she could be,
Shut up, good and proper, forever,
Or at least for a two minute wonder.
Jane The Ripper Where Are You I'd read it every day,
If there were a daily newspaper,
All about, Jane The Ripper.
Every day there would be fresh would-be-rapists/killers,
Raped/killed, by Jane,
Jane, a woman in the image of the honest lover or whore,
Jane, who is seen as a delicious little criminal deserving of punishment.
Jane, who is seen as a disposable tramp.
Jane, who pointy handed and sexed people want to kill,
Stalking her,
In her mini-skirt and full lips,
Luring her, into a place where she could be,
Shut up, good and proper, forever,
Or at least for a two minute wonder.

Did you just write that?

So you're in the camp that believes in sexual freedom and expression as an assertion of women's rights? Do you also like Madonna then?

Aren't there any female artists who back up the message of sexual liberation with interesting lyrics or a compelling voice? Why are these female performers only highly successful when they are actually vapid beneath the surface statement?
Aren't there any female artists who back up the message of sexual liberation with interesting lyrics or a compelling voice? Why are these female performers only highly successful when they are actually vapid beneath the surface statement?

For more information on this and other fine questions, see Chaucer's Canterbury's Tales.
Of all those, I believe only Joni Mitchell is possibly eligible for an OBE, since she's Canadian.

So where's hers? Does the Queen really just like "Locomotion," or what?
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Did you just write that?

So you're in the camp that believes in sexual freedom and expression as an assertion of women's rights? Do you also like Madonna then?

Aren't there any female artists who back up the message of sexual liberation with interesting lyrics or a compelling voice? Why are these female performers only highly successful when they are actually vapid beneath the surface statement?
Yes I wrote it, yes I believe in freedom of expression. I don't find Kylie vapid. her appearance is very cliche, but all appearances are, even Jesus has a cliche appearance, only no one is encouraged to consider him to be a tramp, because he doesn't arch his back and wiggle his bum in hot pants and sing " Lalala, lalalalala, lalala, lalalalala, I just can't get you out of my head, boy your lovin' is all I think about. ", but he may as well have, for all the good it did to wear those drab ponchos citing the ten commandments.

I think the core of what's wrong with the human race in general is that it keeps it's expressiveness de-contaminated of female libido or uses expression of it as an excuse to be abusive. As long as we continue to see women who express their sexual exuberance as being 'empty', we will continue to kill ourselves when our lives have not even begun.
Yes I wrote it, yes I believe in freedom of expression. I don't find Kylie vapid. her appearance is very cliche, but all appearances are, even Jesus has a cliche appearance, only no one is encouraged to consider him to be a tramp, because he doesn't arch his back and wiggle his bum in hot pants and sing " Lalala, lalalalala, lalala, lalalalala, I just can't get you out of my head, boy your lovin' is all I think about. ", but he may as well have, for all the good it did to wear those drab ponchos citing the ten commandments.

I think the core of what's wrong with the human race in general is that it keeps it's expressiveness de-contaminated of female libido or uses expression of it as an excuse to be abusive. As long as we continue to see women who express their sexual exuberance as being 'empty', we will continue to kill ourselves when our lives have not even begun.

I'm not saying women shouldn't be sexually expressive, as long as they are also saying something that isn't merely provocative, but is also true, interesting, or thought-provoking. Believe me, as a woman, I don't love having women being famous for shakin' it and not much else. That really doesn't help women step out of the Madonna/Whore framework. Quite the contrary.
Aren't there any female artists who back up the message of sexual liberation with interesting lyrics or a compelling voice? Why are these female performers only highly successful when they are actually vapid beneath the surface statement?

I'm quoting myself... to answer my own question.

They're paid in attention and fame because they are not saying anything interesting, and therefore they're not challenging anything. They are a slightly cleaner version of pornography, and that's all they are.
I'm not saying women shouldn't be sexually expressive, as long as they are also saying something that isn't merely provocative, but is also true, interesting, or thought-provoking. Believe me, as a woman, I don't love having women being famous for shakin' it and not much else. That really doesn't help women step out of the Madonna/Whore framework. Quite the contrary.
I do find her to be " true, interesting, or though-provoking ". To me she doesn't just 'shake it'.
Breathe, or, Confide In Me, Finer Feelings, I Believe In You, You Did It Again, Put Yourself In My Place, Fragile, or Your Disco Needs You, stand out to me as healing, challenging, soulful, and very interesting.
I do find her to be " true, interesting, or though-provoking ". To me she doesn't just 'shake it'.
Breathe, or, Confide In Me, Finer Feelings, I Believe In You, You Did It Again, Put Yourself In My Place, Fragile, or Your Disco Needs You, stand out to me as healing, challenging, soulful, and very interesting.

Did she write those words, though? Or just memorize them? That makes a difference to me.
Did she write those words, though? Or just memorize them? That makes a difference to me.
I was just watching a documentary and I remember her saying that she wrote Breathe's lyrics in a hotel room in Tokyo after writing music with two people she are some clips from it. The first one has in it what I just spoke of, the second clip shows why she wrote You Did It Again, and the third clip doesn't specify if she wrote or not but I don't see someone who just shakes it like a silly hooker in it. No sillier than Morrissey anyway.
I was just watching a documentary and I remember her saying that she wrote Breathe's lyrics in a hotel room in Tokyo after writing music with two people she are some clips from it. The first one has in it what I just spoke of, the second clip shows why she wrote You Did It Again, and the third clip doesn't specify if she wrote or not but I don't see someone who just shakes it like a silly hooker in it. No sillier than Morrissey anyway.

Maybe so. Maybe she does write them. I don't know.
Morrissey always mocks pop stars! It's one of the reasons I absolutely love him! :D
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