Morrissey Reveals 13 Favourite LP's

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Re: Morris Reveals 13 Favourite LP's

Yes, thats fine I understood, I just wanted to add that the text is there too not only the complete album covers
i got it wrong sorry dear:flowers:.
the reason i didnt see the pics that i wasnt logged in..:doh:
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Re: Morris Reveals 13 Favourite LP's

No probz, dearest:sweet:
smilie overlead haha
totally unrelated.thought about this today
since morrisseylicious (the queer moz party-berlin. 70-80% morrissey/smiths)isnt happening anymore(as the club where it was held isnt exisiting anymore) in berlin here we should install a quarry night in germany too..would love to...i miss going to them, im sure robert the mozlicious - dj and the master behind the party- would love to dj..
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Oh yes I was totzally envious when I heard from Jukebox Jury and Grim O`Grady how much fun the Star n Garter was last time ... They got a busload of people (no-mozzerians, just commuters) to sing with them on their way home. Keep me posted if you hear of sth happening. Berlin is far away but more reachable than Manchester. I think sth similiar is happening in Bielefeld of all places - People do doubt the existence of the town of Bielefeld.
Oh yes I was totzally envious when I heard from jukebox Jury and Grim O`Grady how much fun the star n garter was last time ... They got a busload of people (no-mozzerians, just commuters) to sing with them on their way home. Keep me posted if you hear sth happening. Berlin is far but more reachable than Manchester. I think sth similiar is happening in Bielefeld of all places - People do doubt the existence of the town of Bielefeld.
i make a suggest thread in events now. cause in gd it doesnt fit:)..but it will comes down to somebody organising it, and paying the dj. , doesnt need tickets a stamp on one hand is alright already i that one guy who rents a pub in the east end last year who wrote on here about it. also one good is beside berlin is NRW cause its easy to reach which all the big cites up you know if and how that would be possible? and if the money for the dj is not possible do one moz fan will manage that-reply over there.please
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This is great thanks Vaca.
Ramones at No 2 much respect.
How good are Smoking Popes? never heard em before, they're great. "Gotta know right now" could be a long lost Morrissey track that they're covering. :guitar:

The Smoking Popes are excellent. I remember when this album came out, I liked it but sorta just lumped it in with the rest of the American pop-punk at the time. But their stuff holds up really well, while most of the other bands I lumped them in with seem pretty forgettable now. They should probably go down as one of the best of '90s pop-punk bands, if not the best. I think I like their album "Destination Failure" a little more, though.

When I first looked at Morrissey's list I found it a yawn because it was so predictable. But, actually, it's an honest list. He's been going on about most of these albums for many years. He didn't feel the need to stick a token this or that in the list to prevent people from thinking his tastes were too narrow. I think these really are the 13 albums he plays the most. And you can't really attack the list because they all happen to be very good albums. Well, I haven't heard that Sparks album, but I own all the others and they're all very good, even though I'd only put a couple them on my own top list. I don't think I ever played "Grace" enough to fully appreciate it, however, and I should dig it out and dust it off and see if I agree it's as good as he thinks it is. I remember being infatuated with "Lilac Wine" for a long while back in the day, enjoying the album, but also feeling suspicious that a lot of the Buckley following was a result of the combination of him being really sexy and dying really young.

I don't know what my Top 13 would be, because my favorites change so often and I'd be too torn on who to exclude. The only thing I can say for sure is that one of the early Ramones albums would be #1. They were the best band ever. :thumb: My three other faves from his list are Nico "Chelsea Girl", The Velvet Underground & Nico, and The New York Dolls.
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No Bowie :confused:
BUT......the link on the front page doesnt go to your page(if it does, my nad). when I clicked on it(several times), it kept coming up with a white screen, and a bunch of jumbled words.....

Much thanks for posting the list.

Thank you for alerting me - its strange that this happens. It should show Linders pic with sunbathing Moz and our welcome notice. (will post text below)

Update: The forum`s new address is



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Due to external reasons the browseraddress is in textspeak which was not our favourite choice.
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- you can type everything in small caps, no fiddling with - or _ on the keyboard.

just remember to concentrate on

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Morrissey certainly has an interesting taste in music. He seemingly only likes acts that aren't anywhere near as good as he is.
Morrissey certainly has an interesting taste in music. He seemingly only likes acts that aren't anywhere near as good as he is.

David Bowie is a legend, you silly person! He actually WROTE the songs and WROTE the lyrics, Morrissey couldn't write a song for shit!
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David Bowie is a legend, you silly person! He actually WROTE the songs and WROTE the lyrics, Morrissey couldn't write a song for shit!

Bowie's not in the list, you silly person!

Actually I do quite like DB upto 1980. Only a handful of songs after that though. For the record I was being somewhat flippant. I have two of the thirteen LPs, but I do think Morrissey surpasses his influences. Obviously the VU are a great band - but I do prefer Morrissey...
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*shrugs* Bowie is good all around! If anyone offends him then you deal with Davie!
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*shrugs* Bowie is good all around! If anyone offends him then you deal with Davie!

Duly noted! It took me years to realise that the Queen Bitch riff was borrowed from Three Steps To Heaven...

Although that probably belongs in a different thread. Or site.
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