Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Let's do some math, ACTION. 1985 to 2014 is 29 years. Morrissey has been utter garbage for 9 years. A lot of people like myself keep hoping that he returns to form but it is just not going to happen. It is time to abandon ship. His career is over. He is a has-been.
he could bring out vauxhall and i 2 and you would still say its a big pile of dung.
His mum won’t let him.
surprised morrissey GIF
me,their duet with motorhead is one of my favourite songs,those girls could play guitar as good as anybody,watched a few of their concerts as well.

Right on! Their early material especially rocks. The band is still together today, not the exact original lineup, but they aren't a 'tribute band' by any means.

It makes sense to me that you would be into them. Just from what I've read from you, I can tell you've got good taste in the arts. Cheers!
Right on! Their early material especially rocks. The band is still together today, not the exact original lineup, but they aren't a 'tribute band' by any means.

It makes sense to me that you would be into them. Just from what I've read from you, I can tell you've got good taste in the arts. Cheers!
juan i was on girlschool website and the old bass player is back so they must be close to the old line-up apart from the singer who im sure died of breast cancer.
Nope. He is no longer capable of that.
dog was considered by many reviewers as his best work since vauxhall and i,but we all know you will never accept that,johnnie ray,more like johnnie bag.
Who ever gave me 👎👎 2, you must be a person having done drugs or is on drugs.I lived a good live having seen the world many times over,and having had a terrific job.I had a job people l o v e to do, but only the best are imployed.
Maybe you are envious about my interesting comments about Nico and Ari Boulogne.

I see, you gave me everywhere 👎.I don‘t care.😝 🤪 😚☺️ 😊
You have not got the guts to show your name Or something similar.
Only people with no brain and being small minded behave like you.
I’m bet you were a fan of drug taking Ari and drug addicted Nico.
Get back in the hole, where you have been.
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