Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Went to both wakes today. Physically and emotionally, I'm shot.
That actually sounds really nice. I got a xmas card for the first time from the last person left in my grandma's generation of the family. Her daughter died last year, so I guess she thought she'd start reaching out to her surviving relatives. That was my grandma who died when I was 19 - we were super-close. The other died in 2004, outliving all my other grandparents by 17 years.

I feel you. It just really scares me...Gram was always there. Always so strong. My Pap died in 1999 (Gram's husband) and Grandpa Stone passed in 2000. I always had my Gram and my Grandma...always. And now Gram is gone. And Grandma Stone is going to be 76 at the end of the month. Its just so hard. I can't stop crying.

RIP Gram <3
I feel you. It just really scares me...Gram was always there. Always so strong. My Pap died in 1999 (Gram's husband) and Grandpa Stone passed in 2000. I always had my Gram and my Grandma...always. And now Gram is gone. And Grandma Stone is going to be 76 at the end of the month. Its just so hard. I can't stop crying.

*hugs tight*
She was a really pretty lady, MR.

It must have meant so much to her to have a granddaughter like you who loved her and looked up to her as much as you did.

Thank you so much. I just keep telling myself she's with Pap, she isn't struggling anymore, she's happier and is looking down on us. It helps.

We decided as a family to quit smoking. We know we couldn't handle going through what she did.

*hugs tight*

Thank you :)
Thank you so much. I just keep telling myself she's with Pap, she isn't struggling anymore, she's happier and is looking down on us. It helps.

This. And you don't have to tell yourself that because it's happening, except she isn't looking down, it's more like she's looking out over a horizon and seeing you. She's like a tree across the park and she sees you living and loves it, but loves it where she is a little bit more because she isn't alone.

:o I read this somewhere.
Hey Mindless, look what my mom just brought home for me! :p I give her haircuts and she pays me in sale items from CVS. Best two dollars spent ever.

today was a good day despite wanting to smack my Drama teacher upside his head.
honestly, that man is not teacher material and I'm begining to dislike him immensely.
hahahahaha. Does that show the torch changing colors?

Yeah, I haven't opened the box yet to see if it requires batteries. It's sitting right here. Also available according to the back was Abe Lincoln Chia, George Washington Chia and Obama Chia, though according to my mom who heard this on the radio, the guy had to pull the Obama Chia off the market because people were offended about growing him a sprout afro. :p I doubt Obama would care. The Chia guy said he has thousands of Obama Chia's stacked in his garage. :D
Yeah, I haven't opened the box yet to see if it requires batteries. It's sitting right here. Also available according to the back was Abe Lincoln Chia, George Washington Chia and Obama Chia, though according to my mom who heard this on the radio, the guy had to pull the Obama Chia off the market because people were offended about growing him a sprout afro. :p I doubt Obama would care. The Chia guy said he has thousands of Obama Chia's stacked in his garage. :D

:lbf: I'd want the Abe one. But only if I could grow his hair under his hat and a beard as well.
:lbf: I'd want the Abe one. But only if I could grow his hair under his hat and a beard as well.

No hat or beard. But I learned my chia comes with two AAA batteries to light her torch. :p

My favourite newspaper headline of the day, courtesy of the Daily Mail: "The Avatar effect: Movie-goers feel depressed and even suicidal at not being able to visit utopian alien planet." :rolleyes:
Whoa, me too! :squiffy:

But considering I'm quitting smoking and I hardly have an appetite these days...I should find myself with a bit more cash. Because I can pinpoint everything I spend money on:

-guinea pig food
-food for myself
-arnold palmer
-coke (as in 'coca cola')
-My phone bill

without half of that I can get the tattoo and maybe get some schoolin'.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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