Site moderation feedback

Ah, right.
Well, that is unfortunate, but an aspect of having posts to approve that meets real world time factors. I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about that as anons would argue the inverse.
There is no surefire way to have 'live' comments by anons, so time constraints will always be a factor - as too: how the post approval system works.
If an anon wants that ability then registering is the way round that.
David may have some technical information to share, but I'm guessing this is just one of those things that will have to be tolerated for the greater good.

Yes, that’s what I thought. But I think if the anon can’t bother becoming an anonymous member, than they’re the ones that should have to accept and deal with their post being out of order.
Just while we're on the subject, what advantage(s) to the forum is there in allowing anonymous posters in the first place?

I replied to Klaus (not quoting him) then when I checked back, anon ‘jet’s post popped up between them.
I see that their post was approved within 3 minutes of it being submitted and your post was ~60 seconds thereafter.
That's pretty close 😅
I would endeavor to work quicker, but digging the tunnel out of DT's basement is taking all of my focus currently.
Just while we're on the subject, what advantage(s) to the forum is there in allowing anonymous posters in the first place?

I think David said something along the lines that someone might want to share something important but remain anonymous without the hassle of becoming a member(?)

Still doesn’t make sense to me.
I see that their post was approved within 3 minutes of it being submitted and your post was ~60 seconds thereafter.
That's pretty close 😅
I would endeavor to work quicker, but digging the tunnel out of DT's basement is taking all of my focus currently.

Again, I don’t blame you at all. I of course don’t care how long it takes for anonymous posts to be screened. I just think they should pop up after they’ve just been approved.

Edit: ok. So it happened quickly. But I didn’t see it on my end until I came back later.
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That image is way too large, it is 7085x4864 pixels and 5.3 MB. Also attachments in the signature are not supported, so you'll need to upload the image somewhere.
That image is way too large, it is 7085x4864 pixels and 5.3 MB. Also attachments in the signature are not supported, so you'll need to upload the image somewhere.

Edit: I have hosted on another site. Madness. But it’s all fixed now, my signature is top-notch.
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bump @davidt

If you want to post a response to something specific in a thread it's best to use the quote functionality. In a busy thread there could always be multiple posts around the same time.
image (1).png

All I did was report three separate anon posts as insults with no substance, and I'm "spamming the report button?"
Is there an option for disabling emoji codes when making a post? When a user types a left parentheses followed by a colon in a post, it defaults to a smiley face.
👆"Jennifer Robinson" shared the image with a 20k Morrissey Facebook group - they don't need any privacy protecting.
Some groups do not allow the posts to be posted outside the group because of privacy issues. It's from a private group. I try to respect those rules. I will take it down and not post or edit anymore.
Also, some people who post in private groups don't want their posts shared outside of the groups.
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Some groups do not allow the posts to be posted outside the group because of privacy issues. It's from a private group. I try to respect those rules. I will take it down and not post or edit anymore.
Also, some people who post in private groups don't want their posts shared outside of the groups.
The advent of 'privating' even large FB groups was mainly due to FB changing group settings so anyone could join automatically - which was/is a spammer's paradise. Almost all large Morrissey groups are 'private' now and a large percentage of people here frequent them.
There are huge swathes of information posts here that wouldn't exist if a poster's undisclosed feelings about something was attempted to be guessed at by people wanting to share. Sharing such things is never going to stop any time soon (much like the last 23+ years).
I would take any legitimate argument about privacy (when communicated by an OP) slightly more seriously, but ultimately: it's on the Internet. Don't post it if you don't want people seeing it or think there's 'issues' to be had by doing so. Which wasn't the case here - you were doing it for them. Members here don't need digging at nor does the OP need to be 'protected' from people here - if anyone causes the person "grief" about Flintstones art, I'm sure they can figure out a way to cope.
The advent of 'privating' even large FB groups was mainly due to FB changing group settings so anyone could join automatically - which was/is a spammer's paradise. Almost all large Morrissey groups are 'private' now and a large percentage of people here frequent them.
There are huge swathes of information posts here that wouldn't exist if a poster's undisclosed feelings about something was attempted to be guessed at by people wanting to share. Sharing such things is never going to stop any time soon (much like the last 23+ years).
I would take any legitimate argument about privacy (when communicated by an OP) slightly more seriously, but ultimately: it's on the Internet. Don't post it if you don't want people seeing it or think there's 'issues' to be had by doing so. Which wasn't the case here - you were doing it for them. Members here don't need digging at nor does the OP need to be 'protected' from people here - if anyone causes the person "grief" about Flintstones art, I'm sure they can figure out a way to cope.
I already said I wouldn't do it again so I am not sure why this is being continued. I disagree with what you are saying and I am sure you also have privacy rules here which you would like people to respect. We have people who dox here. I don't know if what I am posting was posted by a member here, so I took a little extra privacv step, and yes I have seen people posting about being upset about things being taken from a place they thought was private and posted publicly, including here.
The group rules for FB groups have been around for a long time, it doesn't matter if you take them seriously or not and if you think members here don't dig, you would be mistaken.
I think this really went further than it needed to since I said I would stop doing it, there's not much else I can do.
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